#  Copyright (c) 2001 David Abrahams.
#  Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Rene Rivera.
#  Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Vladimir Prus.
#  Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
#  License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
#  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

import "class" : new ;
import common ;
import errors ;
import feature ;
import generators ;
import os ;
import property ;
import set ;
import toolset ;
import type ;
import unix ;

feature.extend toolset : qcc ;

toolset.inherit-generators qcc : unix : unix.link unix.link.dll ;
generators.override builtin.lib-generator : qcc.prebuilt ;
toolset.inherit-flags qcc : unix ;
toolset.inherit-rules qcc : unix ;

# Initializes the qcc toolset for the given version. If necessary, command may
# be used to specify where the compiler is located. The parameter 'options' is a
# space-delimited list of options, each one being specified as
# <option-name>option-value. Valid option names are: cxxflags, linkflags and
# linker-type. Accepted values for linker-type are gnu and sun, gnu being the
# default.
# Example:
#   using qcc : 3.4 : : <cxxflags>foo <linkflags>bar <linker-type>sun ;
rule init ( version ? : command * : options * )
    local condition = [ common.check-init-parameters qcc : version $(version) ] ;
    local command = [ common.get-invocation-command qcc : QCC : $(command) ] ;
    common.handle-options qcc : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ;

generators.register-c-compiler qcc.compile.c++ : CPP : OBJ : <toolset>qcc ;
generators.register-c-compiler qcc.compile.c   : C   : OBJ : <toolset>qcc ;
generators.register-c-compiler qcc.compile.asm : ASM : OBJ : <toolset>qcc ;

# Declare flags for compilation.
toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <debug-symbols>on : -gstabs+ ;

# Declare flags and action for compilation.
toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <optimization>off : -O0 ;
toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <optimization>speed : -O3 ;
toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <optimization>space : -Os ;

toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <inlining>off : -Wc,-fno-inline ;
toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <inlining>on : -Wc,-Wno-inline ;
toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <inlining>full : -Wc,-finline-functions -Wc,-Wno-inline ;

toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <warnings>off : -w ;
toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <warnings>all : -Wc,-Wall ;
toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <warnings-as-errors>on : -Wc,-Werror ;

toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <profiling>on : -p ;

toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <cflags> ;
toolset.flags qcc.compile.c++ OPTIONS <cxxflags> ;
toolset.flags qcc.compile DEFINES <define> ;
toolset.flags qcc.compile INCLUDES <include> ;

toolset.flags qcc.compile OPTIONS <link>shared : -shared ;

toolset.flags qcc.compile.c++ TEMPLATE_DEPTH <c++-template-depth> ;

rule compile.c++
    # Here we want to raise the template-depth parameter value to something
    # higher than the default value of 17. Note that we could do this using the
    # feature.set-default rule but we do not want to set the default value for
    # all toolsets as well.
    # TODO: This 'modified default' has been inherited from some 'older Boost
    # Build implementation' and has most likely been added to make some Boost
    # library parts compile correctly. We should see what exactly prompted this
    # and whether we can get around the problem more locally.
    local template-depth = [ on $(1) return $(TEMPLATE_DEPTH) ] ;
    if ! $(template-depth)
        TEMPLATE_DEPTH on $(1) = 128 ;

actions compile.c++
    "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" -Wc,-ftemplate-depth-$(TEMPLATE_DEPTH) $(OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES) -I"$(INCLUDES)" -c -o "$(<)" "$(>)"

actions compile.c
    "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" $(OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES) -I"$(INCLUDES)" -c -o "$(<)" "$(>)"

actions compile.asm
    "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" $(OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES) -I"$(INCLUDES)" -c -o "$(<)" "$(>)"

# The class checking that we do not try to use the <runtime-link>static property
# while creating or using a shared library, since it is not supported by qcc/
# /libc.
class qcc-linking-generator : unix-linking-generator
    rule generated-targets ( sources + : property-set : project name ? )
        if <runtime-link>static in [ $(property-set).raw ]
            local m ;
            if [ id ] = "qcc.link.dll"
                m = "on qcc, DLL can't be build with <runtime-link>static" ;
            if ! $(m)
                for local s in $(sources)
                    local type = [ $(s).type ] ;
                    if $(type) && [ type.is-derived $(type) SHARED_LIB ]
                        m = "on qcc, using DLLS together with the <runtime-link>static options is not possible " ;
            if $(m)
                errors.user-error $(m) : "It is suggested to use"
                    "<runtime-link>static together with <link>static." ;

        return [ unix-linking-generator.generated-targets
            $(sources) : $(property-set) : $(project) $(name) ] ;

generators.register [ new qcc-linking-generator qcc.link : LIB OBJ : EXE
    : <toolset>qcc ] ;

generators.register [ new qcc-linking-generator qcc.link.dll : LIB OBJ
    : SHARED_LIB : <toolset>qcc ] ;

generators.override qcc.prebuilt : builtin.prebuilt ;
generators.override qcc.searched-lib-generator : searched-lib-generator ;

# Declare flags for linking.
# First, the common flags.
toolset.flags qcc.link OPTIONS <debug-symbols>on : -gstabs+ ;
toolset.flags qcc.link OPTIONS <profiling>on : -p ;
toolset.flags qcc.link OPTIONS <linkflags> ;
toolset.flags qcc.link LINKPATH <library-path> ;
toolset.flags qcc.link FINDLIBS-ST <find-static-library> ;
toolset.flags qcc.link FINDLIBS-SA <find-shared-library> ;
toolset.flags qcc.link LIBRARIES <library-file> ;

toolset.flags qcc.link FINDLIBS-SA : m ;

# For <runtime-link>static we made sure there are no dynamic libraries in the
# link.
toolset.flags qcc.link OPTIONS <runtime-link>static : -static ;

# Assuming this is just like with gcc.
toolset.flags qcc.link RPATH : <dll-path> : unchecked ;
toolset.flags qcc.link RPATH_LINK : <xdll-path> : unchecked ;

# Declare actions for linking.
rule link ( targets * : sources * : properties * )
    SPACE on $(targets) = " " ;
    # Serialize execution of the 'link' action, since running N links in
    # parallel is just slower. For now, serialize only qcc links while it might
    # be a good idea to serialize all links.
    JAM_SEMAPHORE on $(targets) = <s>qcc-link-semaphore ;

actions link bind LIBRARIES
    "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" -L"$(LINKPATH)" -Wl,-R$(SPACE)-Wl,"$(RPATH)" -Wl,-rpath-link$(SPACE)-Wl,"$(RPATH_LINK)" -o "$(<)" "$(>)" "$(LIBRARIES)" -l$(FINDLIBS-ST) -l$(FINDLIBS-SA) $(OPTIONS)

# Always remove archive and start again. Here is the rationale from Andre Hentz:
# I had a file, say a1.c, that was included into liba.a. I moved a1.c to a2.c,
# updated my Jamfiles and rebuilt. My program was crashing with absurd errors.
# After some debugging I traced it back to the fact that a1.o was *still* in
# liba.a
RM = [ common.rm-command ] ;
if [ os.name ] = NT
    RM = "if exist \"$(<[1])\" DEL \"$(<[1])\""  ;

# Declare action for creating static libraries. The 'r' letter means to add
# files to the archive with replacement. Since we remove the archive, we do not
# care about replacement, but there is no option to "add without replacement".
# The 'c' letter suppresses warnings in case the archive does not exists yet.
# That warning is produced only on some platforms, for whatever reasons.
actions piecemeal archive
    $(RM) "$(<)"
    ar rc "$(<)" "$(>)"

rule link.dll ( targets * : sources * : properties * )
    SPACE on $(targets) = " " ;
    JAM_SEMAPHORE on $(targets) = <s>qcc-link-semaphore ;

# Differ from 'link' above only by -shared.
actions link.dll bind LIBRARIES
    "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" -L"$(LINKPATH)" -Wl,-R$(SPACE)-Wl,"$(RPATH)" -o "$(<)" $(HAVE_SONAME)-Wl,-h$(SPACE)-Wl,$(<[1]:D=) -shared "$(>)"  "$(LIBRARIES)" -l$(FINDLIBS-ST) -l$(FINDLIBS-SA) $(OPTIONS)