#  Copyright Noel Belcourt 2007.
#  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

import property ;
import generators ;
import os ;
import toolset : flags ;
import feature ;
import fortran ;
import type ;
import common ;

feature.extend toolset : mipspro ;
toolset.inherit mipspro : unix ;
generators.override mipspro.prebuilt : builtin.lib-generator ;
generators.override mipspro.searched-lib-generator : searched-lib-generator ;

#  Documentation and toolchain description located
#  http://www.sgi.com/products/software/irix/tools/

rule init ( version ? : command * : options * ) 
  local condition = [ 
    common.check-init-parameters mipspro : version $(version) ] ;

  command = [ common.get-invocation-command mipspro : CC : $(command) ] ;

  common.handle-options mipspro : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ;
  command_c = $(command_c[1--2]) $(command[-1]:B=cc) ;

  toolset.flags mipspro CONFIG_C_COMMAND $(condition) : $(command_c) ;

  # fortran support
  local command = [ 
    common.get-invocation-command mipspro : f77 : $(command) : $(install_dir) ] ;

  command_f = $(command_f[1--2]) $(command[-1]:B=f77) ;
  toolset.flags mipspro CONFIG_F_COMMAND $(condition) : $(command_f) ;

  # set link flags
  flags mipspro.link FINDLIBS-ST : [ 
    feature.get-values <find-static-library> : $(options) ] : unchecked ;

  flags mipspro.link FINDLIBS-SA : [ 
    feature.get-values <find-shared-library> : $(options) ] : unchecked ;

# Declare generators
generators.register-c-compiler mipspro.compile.c : C : OBJ : <toolset>mipspro ;
generators.register-c-compiler mipspro.compile.c++ : CPP : OBJ : <toolset>mipspro ;
generators.register-fortran-compiler mipspro.compile.fortran : FORTRAN : OBJ : <toolset>mipspro ;

cpu-arch-32 =
  <architecture>/<address-model>32 ;

cpu-arch-64 =
  <architecture>/<address-model>64 ;

flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS $(cpu-arch-32) : -n32 ;
flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS $(cpu-arch-64) : -64 ;

# Declare flags and actions for compilation
flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS <debug-symbols>on : -g ; 
# flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS <profiling>on : -xprofile=tcov ;
flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS <warnings>off : -w ;
flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS <warnings>on : -ansiW -diag_suppress 1429 ; # suppress long long is nonstandard warning
flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS <warnings>all : -fullwarn ;
flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS <optimization>speed : -Ofast ;
flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS <optimization>space : -O2 ;
flags mipspro.compile OPTIONS <cflags> : -LANG:std ;
flags mipspro.compile.c++ OPTIONS <inlining>off : -INLINE:none ;
flags mipspro.compile.c++ OPTIONS <cxxflags> ;
flags mipspro.compile DEFINES <define> ;
flags mipspro.compile INCLUDES <include> ;

flags mipspro.compile.fortran OPTIONS <fflags> ;

actions compile.c
    "$(CONFIG_C_COMMAND)" $(OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES) -I"$(INCLUDES)" -c -o "$(<)" "$(>)"

actions compile.c++
    "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" -FE:template_in_elf_section -ptused $(OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES) -I"$(INCLUDES)" -c -o "$(<)" "$(>)"

actions compile.fortran
    "$(CONFIG_F_COMMAND)" $(OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES) -I"$(INCLUDES)" -c -o "$(<)" "$(>)"

# Declare flags and actions for linking
flags mipspro.link OPTIONS <debug-symbols>on : -g ;
# Strip the binary when no debugging is needed
# flags mipspro.link OPTIONS <debug-symbols>off : -s ;
# flags mipspro.link OPTIONS <profiling>on : -xprofile=tcov ;
# flags mipspro.link OPTIONS <threading>multi : -mt ;

flags mipspro.link OPTIONS $(cpu-arch-32) : -n32 ;
flags mipspro.link OPTIONS $(cpu-arch-64) : -64 ;

flags mipspro.link OPTIONS <optimization>speed : -Ofast ;
flags mipspro.link OPTIONS <optimization>space : -O2 ;
flags mipspro.link OPTIONS <linkflags> ;
flags mipspro.link LINKPATH <library-path> ;
flags mipspro.link FINDLIBS-ST <find-static-library> ;
flags mipspro.link FINDLIBS-SA <find-shared-library> ;
flags mipspro.link FINDLIBS-SA <threading>multi : pthread ;
flags mipspro.link LIBRARIES <library-file> ;
flags mipspro.link LINK-RUNTIME <runtime-link>static : static ;
flags mipspro.link LINK-RUNTIME <runtime-link>shared : dynamic ;
flags mipspro.link RPATH <dll-path> ;

rule link ( targets * : sources * : properties * )
    SPACE on $(targets) = " " ;

actions link bind LIBRARIES
    "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" -FE:template_in_elf_section -ptused $(OPTIONS) -L"$(LINKPATH)" -R"$(RPATH)" -o "$(<)" "$(>)" "$(LIBRARIES)" -Bdynamic -l$(FINDLIBS-SA) -Bstatic -l$(FINDLIBS-ST) -B$(LINK-RUNTIME) -lm

# Slight mods for dlls
rule link.dll ( targets * : sources * : properties * )
    SPACE on $(targets) = " " ;

actions link.dll bind LIBRARIES
    "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" $(OPTIONS) -L"$(LINKPATH)" -R"$(RPATH)" -o "$(<)" "$(>)" "$(LIBRARIES)" -Bdynamic -l$(FINDLIBS-SA) -Bstatic -l$(FINDLIBS-ST) -B$(LINK-RUNTIME)

# Declare action for creating static libraries
actions piecemeal archive
    ar -cr "$(<)" "$(>)"