# Copyright (c) 2005 Alexey Pakhunov.
# Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
# License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

# Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) related routines

import common ;
import generators ;
import feature : feature get-values ;
import os ;
import scanner ;
import toolset : flags ;
import type ;

rule init ( )

type.register IDL : idl ;

# A type library (.tlb) is generated by MIDL compiler and can be included
# to resources of an application (.rc). In order to be found by a resource 
# compiler its target type should be derived from 'H' - otherwise
# the property '<implicit-dependency>' will be ignored.
type.register MSTYPELIB : tlb : H ;

# Register scanner for MIDL files
class midl-scanner : scanner 
    import path property-set regex scanner type virtual-target ;
    rule __init__ ( includes * )
        scanner.__init__ ;
        self.includes = $(includes) ;

        # List of quoted strings 
        self.re-strings = "[ \t]*\"([^\"]*)\"([ \t]*,[ \t]*\"([^\"]*)\")*[ \t]*" ;

        # 'import' and 'importlib' directives 
        self.re-import    = "import"$(self.re-strings)"[ \t]*;" ;
        self.re-importlib = "importlib[ \t]*[(]"$(self.re-strings)"[)][ \t]*;" ;

        # C preprocessor 'include' directive
        self.re-include-angle  = "#[ \t]*include[ \t]*<(.*)>" ;
        self.re-include-quoted = "#[ \t]*include[ \t]*\"(.*)\"" ;

    rule pattern ( )
        # Match '#include', 'import' and 'importlib' directives
        return "((#[ \t]*include|import(lib)?).+(<(.*)>|\"(.*)\").+)" ;

    rule process ( target : matches * : binding )
        local included-angle  = [ regex.transform $(matches) : $(self.re-include-angle)  : 1 ] ;
        local included-quoted = [ regex.transform $(matches) : $(self.re-include-quoted) : 1 ] ;
        local imported        = [ regex.transform $(matches) : $(self.re-import)         : 1 3 ] ;
        local imported_tlbs   = [ regex.transform $(matches) : $(self.re-importlib)      : 1 3 ] ;

        # CONSIDER: the new scoping rule seem to defeat "on target" variables.
        local g = [ on $(target) return $(HDRGRIST) ] ;  
        local b = [ NORMALIZE_PATH $(binding:D) ] ;

        # Attach binding of including file to included targets.
        # When target is directly created from virtual target
        # this extra information is unnecessary. But in other
        # cases, it allows to distinguish between two headers of the 
        # same name included from different places.      
        local g2 = $(g)"#"$(b) ;

        included-angle = $(included-angle:G=$(g)) ;
        included-quoted = $(included-quoted:G=$(g2)) ;
        imported = $(imported:G=$(g2)) ;
        imported_tlbs = $(imported_tlbs:G=$(g2)) ;

        local all = $(included-angle) $(included-quoted) $(imported) ;

        INCLUDES $(target) : $(all) ;
        DEPENDS $(target) : $(imported_tlbs) ;
        NOCARE $(all) $(imported_tlbs) ;
        SEARCH on $(included-angle)  = $(self.includes:G=) ;
        SEARCH on $(included-quoted) = $(b) $(self.includes:G=) ;
        SEARCH on $(imported)        = $(b) $(self.includes:G=) ;
        SEARCH on $(imported_tlbs)   = $(b) $(self.includes:G=) ;
            [ type.get-scanner CPP : [ property-set.create $(self.includes) ] ] : 
            $(included-angle) $(included-quoted) : $(target) ;

        scanner.propagate $(__name__) : $(imported) : $(target) ;

scanner.register midl-scanner : include ;
type.set-scanner IDL : midl-scanner ;

# Command line options
feature midl-stubless-proxy : yes no : propagated ;
feature midl-robust : yes no : propagated ;

flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-stubless-proxy>yes : /Oicf ;
flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-stubless-proxy>no : /Oic ;
flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-robust>yes : /robust ;
flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-robust>no : /no_robust ;

# Architecture-specific options
architecture-x86 = <architecture> <architecture>x86 ;
address-model-32 = <address-model> <address-model>32 ;
address-model-64 = <address-model> <address-model>64 ;

flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS $(architecture-x86)/$(address-model-32) : /win32 ;
flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS $(architecture-x86)/<address-model>64 : /x64 ;
flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <architecture>ia64/$(address-model-64) : /ia64 ;

flags midl.compile.idl DEFINES <define> ;
flags midl.compile.idl UNDEFS <undef> ;
flags midl.compile.idl INCLUDES <include> ;

generators.register-c-compiler midl.compile.idl : IDL : MSTYPELIB H C(%_i) C(%_proxy) C(%_dlldata) ;

# MIDL does not always generate '%_proxy.c' and '%_dlldata.c'. This behavior 
# depends on contents of the source IDL file. Calling TOUCH_FILE below ensures
# that both files will be created so bjam will not try to recreate them 
# constantly.
TOUCH_FILE = [ common.file-touch-command ] ;

actions compile.idl
    midl /nologo @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>:W)" $(nl)-D$(DEFINES) $(nl)"-I$(INCLUDES)" $(nl)-U$(UNDEFS) $(nl)$(MIDLFLAGS) $(nl)/tlb "$(<[1]:W)" $(nl)/h "$(<[2]:W)" $(nl)/iid "$(<[3]:W)" $(nl)/proxy "$(<[4]:W)" $(nl)/dlldata "$(<[5]:W)")"
    $(TOUCH_FILE) "$(<[4]:W)"  
    $(TOUCH_FILE) "$(<[5]:W)"  