# Copyright 2005 Dave Abrahams # Copyright 2003 Rene Rivera # Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Vladimir Prus # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # Support for the Borland's command line compiler import property ; import generators ; import os ; import toolset : flags ; import feature : get-values ; import type ; import common ; feature.extend toolset : borland ; rule init ( version ? : command * : options * ) { local condition = [ common.check-init-parameters borland : version $(version) ] ; local command = [ common.get-invocation-command borland : bcc32.exe : $(command) ] ; common.handle-options borland : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ; if $(command) { command = [ common.get-absolute-tool-path $(command[-1]) ] ; } root = $(command:D) ; flags borland.compile STDHDRS $(condition) : $(root)/include/ ; flags borland.link STDLIBPATH $(condition) : $(root)/lib ; flags borland.link RUN_PATH $(condition) : $(root)/bin ; flags borland .root $(condition) : $(root)/bin/ ; } # A borland-specific target type type.register BORLAND.TDS : tds ; # Declare generators generators.register-linker borland.link : OBJ SEARCHED_LIB STATIC_LIB IMPORT_LIB : EXE : <toolset>borland ; generators.register-linker borland.link.dll : OBJ SEARCHED_LIB STATIC_LIB IMPORT_LIB : SHARED_LIB IMPORT_LIB : <toolset>borland ; generators.register-archiver borland.archive : OBJ : STATIC_LIB : <toolset>borland ; generators.register-c-compiler borland.compile.c++ : CPP : OBJ : <toolset>borland ; generators.register-c-compiler borland.compile.c : C : OBJ : <toolset>borland ; generators.register-standard borland.asm : ASM : OBJ : <toolset>borland ; # Declare flags flags borland.compile OPTIONS <debug-symbols>on : -v ; flags borland.link OPTIONS <debug-symbols>on : -v ; flags borland.compile OPTIONS <optimization>off : -Od ; flags borland.compile OPTIONS <optimization>speed : -O2 ; flags borland.compile OPTIONS <optimization>space : -O1 ; if $(.BORLAND_HAS_FIXED_INLINING_BUGS) { flags borland CFLAGS <inlining>off : -vi- ; flags borland CFLAGS <inlining>on : -vi -w-inl ; flags borland CFLAGS <inlining>full : -vi -w-inl ; } else { flags borland CFLAGS : -vi- ; } flags borland.compile OPTIONS <warnings>off : -w- ; flags borland.compile OPTIONS <warnings>all : -w ; flags borland.compile OPTIONS <warnings-as-errors>on : -w! ; # Deal with various runtime configs... # This should be not for DLL flags borland OPTIONS <user-interface>console : -tWC ; # -tWR sets -tW as well, so we turn it off here and then turn it # on again later if we need it: flags borland OPTIONS <runtime-link>shared : -tWR -tWC ; flags borland OPTIONS <user-interface>gui : -tW ; flags borland OPTIONS <main-target-type>LIB/<link>shared : -tWD ; # Hmm.. not sure what's going on here. flags borland OPTIONS : -WM- ; flags borland OPTIONS <threading>multi : -tWM ; flags borland.compile OPTIONS <cxxflags> ; flags borland.compile DEFINES <define> ; flags borland.compile INCLUDES <include> ; flags borland NEED_IMPLIB <main-target-type>LIB/<link>shared : "" ; # # for C++ compiles the following options are turned on by default: # # -j5 stops after 5 errors # -g255 allow an unlimited number of warnings # -q no banner # -c compile to object # -P C++ code regardless of file extention # -a8 8 byte alignment, this option is on in the IDE by default # and effects binary compatibility. # # -U$(UNDEFS) -D$(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) $(C++FLAGS) -I"$(HDRS)" -I"$(STDHDRS)" -o"$(<)" "$(>)" actions compile.c++ { "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" -j5 -g255 -q -c -P -a8 -Vx- -Ve- -b- $(OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES) -I"$(INCLUDES)" -I"$(STDHDRS)" -o"$(<)" "$(>)" } # For C, we don't pass -P flag actions compile.c { "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" -j5 -g255 -q -c -a8 -Vx- -Ve- -b- $(OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES) -I"$(INCLUDES)" -I"$(STDHDRS)" -o"$(<)" "$(>)" } # Declare flags and action for linking toolset.flags borland.link OPTIONS <debug-symbols>on : -v ; toolset.flags borland.link LIBRARY_PATH <library-path> ; toolset.flags borland.link FINDLIBS_ST <find-static-library> ; toolset.flags borland.link FINDLIBS_SA <find-shared-library> ; toolset.flags borland.link LIBRARIES <library-file> ; flags borland.link OPTIONS <linkflags> ; flags borland.link OPTIONS <link>shared : -tWD ; flags borland.link LIBRARY_PATH_OPTION <toolset>borland : -L : unchecked ; flags borland.link LIBRARY_OPTION <toolset>borland : "" : unchecked ; # bcc32 needs to have ilink32 in the path in order to invoke it, so explicitly # specifying $(BCC_TOOL_PATH)bcc32 doesn't help. You need to add # $(BCC_TOOL_PATH) to the path # The NEED_IMPLIB variable controls whether we need to invoke implib. flags borland.archive AROPTIONS <archiveflags> ; # Declare action for archives. We don't use response file # since it's hard to get "+-" there. # The /P256 increases 'page' size -- with too low # values tlib fails when building large applications. # CONSIDER: don't know what 'together' is for... actions updated together piecemeal archive { $(.set-path)$(.root:W)$(.old-path) tlib $(AROPTIONS) /P256 /u /a /C "$(<:W)" +-"$(>:W)" } if [ os.name ] = CYGWIN { .set-path = "cmd /S /C set \"PATH=" ; .old-path = ";%PATH%\" \"&&\"" ; # Couldn't get TLIB to stop being confused about pathnames # containing dashes (it seemed to treat them as option separators # when passed through from bash), so we explicitly write the # command into a .bat file and execute that. TLIB is also finicky # about pathname style! Forward slashes, too, are treated as # options. actions updated together piecemeal archive { chdir $(<:D) echo +-$(>:BS) > $(<:BS).rsp $(.set-path)$(.root)$(.old-path) "tlib.exe" $(AROPTIONS) /P256 /C $(<:BS) @$(<:BS).rsp && $(RM) $(<:BS).rsp } } else if [ os.name ] = NT { .set-path = "set \"PATH=" ; .old-path = ";%PATH%\" " ; } else { .set-path = "PATH=\"" ; .old-path = "\":$PATH export PATH " ; } RM = [ common.rm-command ] ; nl = " " ; actions link { $(.set-path)$(.root:W)$(.old-path) "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" -v -q $(OPTIONS) -L"$(LIBRARY_PATH:W)" -L"$(STDLIBPATH:W)" -e"$(<[1]:W)" @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)" $(nl)$(LIBRARIES) $(nl)"$(LIBRARY_OPTION)$(FINDLIBS_ST:S=.lib)" $(nl)"$(LIBRARY_OPTION)$(FINDLIBS_SA:S=.lib)")" } actions link.dll bind LIBRARIES RSP { $(.set-path)$(.root:W)$(.old-path) "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" -v -q $(OPTIONS) -L"$(LIBRARY_PATH:W)" -L"$(STDLIBPATH:W)" -e"$(<[1]:W)" @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)" $(nl)$(LIBRARIES) $(nl)"$(LIBRARY_OPTION)$(FINDLIBS_ST:S=.lib)" $(nl)"$(LIBRARY_OPTION)$(FINDLIBS_SA:S=.lib)")" && "$(.root)implib" "$(<[2]:W)" "$(<[1]:W)" } # It seems impossible to specify output file with directory when compiling # asm files using bcc32, so use tasm32 directly. # /ml makes all symbol names case-sensitive actions asm { $(.set-path)$(.root:W)$(.old-path) tasm32.exe /ml "$(>)" "$(<)" }