//! slice-sampler.h is an MCMC slice sampler
//! Mark Johnson, 1st August 2008


#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>

//! slice_sampler_rfc_type{} returns the value of a user-specified
//! function if the argument is within range, or - infinity otherwise
template <typename F, typename Fn, typename U>
struct slice_sampler_rfc_type {
  F min_x, max_x;
  const Fn& f;
  U max_nfeval, nfeval;
  slice_sampler_rfc_type(F min_x, F max_x, const Fn& f, U max_nfeval) 
    : min_x(min_x), max_x(max_x), f(f), max_nfeval(max_nfeval), nfeval(0) { }
  F operator() (F x) {
    if (min_x < x && x < max_x) {
      assert(++nfeval <= max_nfeval);
      F fx = f(x);
      return fx;
      return -std::numeric_limits<F>::infinity();
};  // slice_sampler_rfc_type{}

//! slice_sampler1d() implements the univariate "range doubling" slice sampler
//! described in Neal (2003) "Slice Sampling", The Annals of Statistics 31(3), 705-767.
template <typename F, typename LogF, typename Uniform01>
F slice_sampler1d(const LogF& logF0,               //!< log of function to sample
		  F x,                             //!< starting point
		  Uniform01& u01,                  //!< uniform [0,1) random number generator
		  F min_x = -std::numeric_limits<F>::infinity(),  //!< minimum value of support
		  F max_x = std::numeric_limits<F>::infinity(),   //!< maximum value of support
		  F w = 0.0,                       //!< guess at initial width
		  unsigned nsamples=1,             //!< number of samples to draw
		  unsigned max_nfeval=200)         //!< max number of function evaluations
  typedef unsigned U;
  slice_sampler_rfc_type<F,LogF,U> logF(min_x, max_x, logF0, max_nfeval);


  if (w <= 0.0) {                           // set w to a default width 
    if (min_x > -std::numeric_limits<F>::infinity() && max_x < std::numeric_limits<F>::infinity())
      w = (max_x - min_x)/4;
      w = std::max(((x < 0.0) ? -x : x)/4, (F) 0.1);

  F logFx = logF(x);
  for (U sample = 0; sample < nsamples; ++sample) {
    F logY = logFx + log(u01()+1e-100);     //! slice logFx at this value

    F xl = x - w*u01();                     //! lower bound on slice interval
    F logFxl = logF(xl);
    F xr = xl + w;                          //! upper bound on slice interval
    F logFxr = logF(xr);

    while (logY < logFxl || logY < logFxr)  // doubling procedure
      if (u01() < 0.5) 
	logFxl = logF(xl -= xr - xl);
	logFxr = logF(xr += xr - xl);
    F xl1 = xl;
    F xr1 = xr;
    while (true) {                          // shrinking procedure
      F x1 = xl1 + u01()*(xr1 - xl1);
      if (logY < logF(x1)) {
	F xl2 = xl;                         // acceptance procedure
	F xr2 = xr; 
	bool d = false;
	while (xr2 - xl2 > 1.1*w) {
	  F xm = (xl2 + xr2)/2;
	  if ((x < xm && x1 >= xm) || (x >= xm && x1 < xm))
	    d = true;
	  if (x1 < xm)
	    xr2 = xm;
	    xl2 = xm;
	  if (d && logY >= logF(xl2) && logY >= logF(xr2))
	    goto unacceptable;
	x = x1;
	goto acceptable;
      goto acceptable;
      if (x1 < x)                           // rest of shrinking procedure
	xl1 = x1;
	xr1 = x1;
    w = (4*w + (xr1 - xl1))/5;              // update width estimate
  return x;

//! slice_sampler1d() implements a 1-d MCMC slice sampler.
//! It should be correct for unimodal distributions, but
//! not for multimodal ones.
template <typename F, typename LogP, typename Uniform01>
F slice_sampler1d(const LogP& logP,     //!< log of distribution to sample
		  F x,                  //!< initial sample
		  Uniform01& u01,       //!< uniform random number generator
		  F min_x = -std::numeric_limits<F>::infinity(),  //!< minimum value of support
		  F max_x = std::numeric_limits<F>::infinity(),   //!< maximum value of support
		  F w = 0.0,            //!< guess at initial width
		  unsigned nsamples=1,  //!< number of samples to draw
		  unsigned max_nfeval=200)  //!< max number of function evaluations
  typedef unsigned U;
  if (w <= 0.0) {
    if (min_x > -std::numeric_limits<F>::infinity() && max_x < std::numeric_limits<F>::infinity())
      w = (max_x - min_x)/4;
      w = std::max(((x < 0.0) ? -x : x)/4, 0.1);
  // TRACE4(x, min_x, max_x, w);
  F logPx = logP(x);
  U nfeval = 1;
  for (U sample = 0; sample < nsamples; ++sample) {
    F x0 = x;
    F logU = logPx + log(u01()+1e-100);
    F r = u01();
    F xl = std::max(min_x, x - r*w);
    F xr = std::min(max_x, x + (1-r)*w);
    // TRACE3(x, logPx, logU);
    while (xl > min_x && logP(xl) > logU) {
      xl -= w;
      w *= 2;
      if (nfeval >= max_nfeval)
	std::cerr << "## Error: nfeval = " << nfeval << ", max_nfeval = " << max_nfeval << ", sample = " << sample << ", nsamples = " << nsamples << ", r = " << r << ", w = " << w << ", xl = " << xl << std::endl;
      assert(nfeval < max_nfeval);
    xl = std::max(xl, min_x);
    while (xr < max_x && logP(xr) > logU) {
      xr += w;
      w *= 2;
      if (nfeval >= max_nfeval)
	std::cerr << "## Error: nfeval = " << nfeval << ", max_nfeval = " << max_nfeval << ", sample = " << sample << ", nsamples = " << nsamples << ", r = " << r << ", w = " << w << ", xr = " << xr << std::endl;
      assert(nfeval < max_nfeval);
    xr = std::min(xr, max_x);
    while (true) {
      r = u01();
      x = r*xl + (1-r)*xr;
      logPx = logP(x);
      // TRACE4(logPx, x, xl, xr);
      if (nfeval >= max_nfeval)
	std::cerr << "## Error: nfeval = " << nfeval << ", max_nfeval = " << max_nfeval << ", sample = " << sample << ", nsamples = " << nsamples << ", r = " << r << ", w = " << w << ", xl = " << xl << ", xr = " << xr << ", x = " << x << std::endl;
      assert(nfeval < max_nfeval);
      if (logPx > logU)
      else if (x > x0)
          xr = x;
          xl = x;
    // w = (4*w + (xr-xl))/5;   // gradually adjust w
  // TRACE2(logPx, x);
  return x;
}  // slice_sampler1d()

#endif  // SLICE_SAMPLER_H