package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;


import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.stats.OptimizerStats;
import optimization.linesearch.DifferentiableLineSearchObjective;
import optimization.linesearch.LineSearchMethod;
import optimization.linesearch.ProjectedDifferentiableLineSearchObjective;
import optimization.stopCriteria.StopingCriteria;
import optimization.util.MathUtils;

 * This class implements the projected gradiend
 * as described in Bertsekas "Non Linear Programming"
 * section 2.3.
 * The update is given by:
 * x_k+1 = x_k + alpha^k(xbar_k-x_k)
 * Where xbar is:
 * xbar = [x_k -s_k grad(f(x_k))]+
 * where []+ is the projection into the feasibility set
 * alpha is the step size 
 * s_k - is a positive scalar which can be view as a step size as well, by 
 * setting alpha to 1, then x_k+1 = [x_k -s_k grad(f(x_k))]+
 * This is called taking a step size along the projection arc (Bertsekas) which
 * we will use by default.
 * Note that the only place where we actually take a step size is on pick a step size
 * so this is going to be just like a normal gradient descent but use a different 
 * armijo line search where we project after taking a step.
 * @author javg
public class ProjectedGradientDescent extends ProjectedAbstractGradientBaseMethod{

	public ProjectedGradientDescent(LineSearchMethod lineSearch) {
		this.lineSearch = lineSearch;
	//Use projected differential objective instead
	public void initializeStructures(Objective o, OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop) {
		lso = new ProjectedDifferentiableLineSearchObjective(o);
	ProjectedObjective obj;
	public boolean optimize(ProjectedObjective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
		obj = o;
		return super.optimize(o, stats, stop);
	public double[] getDirection(){
		for(int i = 0; i< gradient.length; i++){
			direction[i] = -gradient[i];
		return direction;



//Use projected gradient norm
//public boolean stopCriteria(double[] gradient){
//	if(originalDirenctionL2Norm == 0){
//		System.out.println("Leaving original direction norm is zero");
//		return true;	
//	}
//	if(MathUtils.L2Norm(direction)/originalDirenctionL2Norm < gradientConvergenceValue){
//		System.out.println("Leaving projected gradient Norm smaller than epsilon");
//		return true;	
//	}
//	if((previousValue - currValue)/Math.abs(previousValue) < valueConvergenceValue) {
//		System.out.println("Leaving value change below treshold " + previousValue + " - " + currValue);
//		System.out.println(previousValue/currValue + " - " + currValue/currValue 
//				+ " = " + (previousValue - currValue)/Math.abs(previousValue));
//		return true;
//	}
//	return false;

//public boolean optimize(ProjectedObjective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
//		stats.collectInitStats(this, o);
//		obj = o;
//		step = 0;
//		currValue = o.getValue();
//		previousValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;
//		gradient = o.getGradient();
//		originalGradientL2Norm = MathUtils.L2Norm(gradient);
//		parameterChange = new double[gradient.length];
//		getDirection();
//		ProjectedDifferentiableLineSearchObjective lso = new ProjectedDifferentiableLineSearchObjective(o,direction);
//		originalDirenctionL2Norm = MathUtils.L2Norm(direction);
//		//MatrixOutput.printDoubleArray(currParameters, "parameters");
//		for (currentProjectionIteration = 0; currentProjectionIteration < maxNumberOfIterations; currentProjectionIteration++){		
//		//	System.out.println("Iter " + currentProjectionIteration);
//			//o.printParameters();
//			if(stop.stopOptimization(gradient)){
//				stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
//				lastStepUsed = step;
//				return true;
//			}			
//			lso.reset(direction);
//			step = lineSearch.getStepSize(lso);
//			if(step==-1){
//				System.out.println("Failed to find step");
//				stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
//				return false;	
//			}
//			//Update the direction for stopping criteria
//			previousValue = currValue;
//			currValue = o.getValue();
//			gradient = o.getGradient();
//			direction = getDirection();		
//			if(MathUtils.dotProduct(gradient, direction) > 0){
//				System.out.println("Not a descent direction");
//				System.out.println(" current stats " + stats.prettyPrint(1));
//				System.exit(-1);
//			}
//			stats.collectIterationStats(this, o);
//		}
//		lastStepUsed = step;
//		stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
//		return false;
//	}

//public boolean optimize(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
//	System.out.println("Objective is not a projected objective");
//	throw new RuntimeException();