#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path cwd /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR; } my $GZIP = 'gzip'; my $ZCAT = 'gunzip -c'; my $EXTOOLS = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../../extools"; die "Can't find extools: $EXTOOLS" unless -e $EXTOOLS && -d $EXTOOLS; my $FILTER = "$EXTOOLS/filter_grammar"; my $SCORE = "$EXTOOLS/score_grammar"; assert_exec($FILTER, $SCORE); usage() unless scalar @ARGV == 3; my $corpus = $ARGV[0]; my $grammar = $ARGV[1]; my $testset = $ARGV[2]; die "Can't find corpus: $corpus" unless -f $corpus; die "Can't find corpus: $grammar" unless -f $grammar; die "Can't find corpus: $testset" unless -f $testset; print STDERR " CORPUS: $corpus\n"; print STDERR " GRAMMAR: $corpus\n"; print STDERR "TEST SET: $corpus\n"; print STDERR "Extracting...\n"; safesystem("$ZCAT $grammar | $FILTER $testset | $SCORE -c $corpus") or die "Failed"; sub usage { print < filtered-grammar.scfg.txt Filter and score a grammar for a test set. EOT exit 1; }; sub assert_exec { my @files = @_; for my $file (@files) { die "Can't find $file - did you run make?\n" unless -e $file; die "Can't execute $file" unless -e $file; } }; sub safesystem { print STDERR "Executing: @_\n"; system(@_); if ($? == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n"; exit(1); } elsif ($? & 127) { printf STDERR "ERROR: Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'; exit(1); } else { my $exitcode = $? >> 8; print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode; return ! $exitcode; } }