#include "precomputation.h" #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include "data_array.h" #include "suffix_array.h" #include "time_util.h" #include "vocabulary.h" using namespace std; namespace extractor { Precomputation::Precomputation( shared_ptr<Vocabulary> vocabulary, shared_ptr<SuffixArray> suffix_array, int num_frequent_patterns, int num_super_frequent_patterns, int max_rule_span, int max_rule_symbols, int min_gap_size, int max_frequent_phrase_len, int min_frequency) { Clock::time_point start_time = Clock::now(); shared_ptr<DataArray> data_array = suffix_array->GetData(); vector<int> data = data_array->GetData(); vector<vector<int>> frequent_patterns = FindMostFrequentPatterns( suffix_array, data, num_frequent_patterns, max_frequent_phrase_len, min_frequency); Clock::time_point end_time = Clock::now(); cerr << "Finding most frequent patterns took " << GetDuration(start_time, end_time) << " seconds..." << endl; vector<vector<int>> pattern_annotations(frequent_patterns.size()); unordered_map<vector<int>, int, VectorHash> frequent_patterns_index; for (size_t i = 0; i < frequent_patterns.size(); ++i) { frequent_patterns_index[frequent_patterns[i]] = i; pattern_annotations[i] = AnnotatePattern(vocabulary, data_array, frequent_patterns[i]); } start_time = Clock::now(); vector<tuple<int, int, int>> matchings; vector<vector<int>> annotations; for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { // If the sentence is over, add all the discontiguous frequent patterns to // the index. if (data[i] == DataArray::END_OF_LINE) { UpdateIndex(matchings, annotations, max_rule_span, min_gap_size, max_rule_symbols); matchings.clear(); annotations.clear(); continue; } // Find all the contiguous frequent patterns starting at position i. vector<int> pattern; for (int j = 1; j <= max_frequent_phrase_len && i + j <= data.size(); ++j) { pattern.push_back(data[i + j - 1]); auto it = frequent_patterns_index.find(pattern); if (it == frequent_patterns_index.end()) { // If the current pattern is not frequent, any longer pattern having the // current pattern as prefix will not be frequent. break; } int is_super_frequent = it->second < num_super_frequent_patterns; matchings.push_back(make_tuple(i, j, is_super_frequent)); annotations.push_back(pattern_annotations[it->second]); } } end_time = Clock::now(); cerr << "Constructing collocations index took " << GetDuration(start_time, end_time) << " seconds..." << endl; } Precomputation::Precomputation() {} Precomputation::~Precomputation() {} vector<vector<int>> Precomputation::FindMostFrequentPatterns( shared_ptr<SuffixArray> suffix_array, const vector<int>& data, int num_frequent_patterns, int max_frequent_phrase_len, int min_frequency) { vector<int> lcp = suffix_array->BuildLCPArray(); vector<int> run_start(max_frequent_phrase_len); // Find all the patterns occurring at least min_frequency times. priority_queue<pair<int, pair<int, int>>> heap; for (size_t i = 1; i < lcp.size(); ++i) { for (int len = lcp[i]; len < max_frequent_phrase_len; ++len) { int frequency = i - run_start[len]; int start = suffix_array->GetSuffix(run_start[len]); if (frequency >= min_frequency && start + len <= data.size()) { heap.push(make_pair(frequency, make_pair(start, len + 1))); } run_start[len] = i; } } // Extract the most frequent patterns. vector<vector<int>> frequent_patterns; while (frequent_patterns.size() < num_frequent_patterns && !heap.empty()) { int start = heap.top().second.first; int len = heap.top().second.second; heap.pop(); vector<int> pattern(data.begin() + start, data.begin() + start + len); if (find(pattern.begin(), pattern.end(), DataArray::END_OF_LINE) == pattern.end()) { frequent_patterns.push_back(pattern); } } return frequent_patterns; } vector<int> Precomputation::AnnotatePattern( shared_ptr<Vocabulary> vocabulary, shared_ptr<DataArray> data_array, const vector<int>& pattern) const { vector<int> annotation; for (int word_id: pattern) { annotation.push_back(vocabulary->GetTerminalIndex( data_array->GetWord(word_id))); } return annotation; } void Precomputation::UpdateIndex( const vector<tuple<int, int, int>>& matchings, const vector<vector<int>>& annotations, int max_rule_span, int min_gap_size, int max_rule_symbols) { // Select the leftmost subpattern. for (size_t i = 0; i < matchings.size(); ++i) { int start1, size1, is_super1; tie(start1, size1, is_super1) = matchings[i]; // Select the second (middle) subpattern for (size_t j = i + 1; j < matchings.size(); ++j) { int start2, size2, is_super2; tie(start2, size2, is_super2) = matchings[j]; if (start2 - start1 >= max_rule_span) { break; } if (start2 - start1 - size1 >= min_gap_size && start2 + size2 - start1 <= max_rule_span && size1 + size2 + 1 <= max_rule_symbols) { vector<int> pattern = annotations[i]; pattern.push_back(-1); AppendSubpattern(pattern, annotations[j]); AppendCollocation(index[pattern], start1, start2); // Try extending the binary collocation to a ternary collocation. if (is_super2) { pattern.push_back(-2); // Select the rightmost subpattern. for (size_t k = j + 1; k < matchings.size(); ++k) { int start3, size3, is_super3; tie(start3, size3, is_super3) = matchings[k]; if (start3 - start1 >= max_rule_span) { break; } if (start3 - start2 - size2 >= min_gap_size && start3 + size3 - start1 <= max_rule_span && size1 + size2 + size3 + 2 <= max_rule_symbols && (is_super1 || is_super3)) { AppendSubpattern(pattern, annotations[k]); AppendCollocation(index[pattern], start1, start2, start3); pattern.erase(pattern.end() - size3); } } } } } } } void Precomputation::AppendSubpattern( vector<int>& pattern, const vector<int>& subpattern) { copy(subpattern.begin(), subpattern.end(), back_inserter(pattern)); } void Precomputation::AppendCollocation( vector<int>& collocations, int pos1, int pos2) { collocations.push_back(pos1); collocations.push_back(pos2); } void Precomputation::AppendCollocation( vector<int>& collocations, int pos1, int pos2, int pos3) { collocations.push_back(pos1); collocations.push_back(pos2); collocations.push_back(pos3); } bool Precomputation::Contains(const vector<int>& pattern) const { return index.count(pattern); } vector<int> Precomputation::GetCollocations(const vector<int>& pattern) const { return index.at(pattern); } bool Precomputation::operator==(const Precomputation& other) const { return index == other.index; } } // namespace extractor