#include "fast_intersector.h" #include <cassert> #include "data_array.h" #include "phrase.h" #include "phrase_location.h" #include "precomputation.h" #include "suffix_array.h" #include "vocabulary.h" namespace extractor { FastIntersector::FastIntersector(shared_ptr<SuffixArray> suffix_array, shared_ptr<Precomputation> precomputation, shared_ptr<Vocabulary> vocabulary, int max_rule_span, int min_gap_size) : suffix_array(suffix_array), vocabulary(vocabulary), max_rule_span(max_rule_span), min_gap_size(min_gap_size) { Index precomputed_collocations = precomputation->GetCollocations(); for (pair<vector<int>, vector<int>> entry: precomputed_collocations) { vector<int> phrase = ConvertPhrase(entry.first); collocations[phrase] = entry.second; } } FastIntersector::FastIntersector() {} FastIntersector::~FastIntersector() {} vector<int> FastIntersector::ConvertPhrase(const vector<int>& old_phrase) { vector<int> new_phrase; new_phrase.reserve(old_phrase.size()); shared_ptr<DataArray> data_array = suffix_array->GetData(); for (int word_id: old_phrase) { if (word_id < 0) { new_phrase.push_back(word_id); } else { new_phrase.push_back( vocabulary->GetTerminalIndex(data_array->GetWord(word_id))); } } return new_phrase; } PhraseLocation FastIntersector::Intersect( PhraseLocation& prefix_location, PhraseLocation& suffix_location, const Phrase& phrase) { vector<int> symbols = phrase.Get(); // We should never attempt to do an intersect query for a pattern starting or // ending with a non terminal. The RuleFactory should handle these cases, // initializing the matchings list with the one for the pattern without the // starting or ending terminal. assert(vocabulary->IsTerminal(symbols.front()) && vocabulary->IsTerminal(symbols.back())); if (collocations.count(symbols)) { return PhraseLocation(collocations[symbols], phrase.Arity() + 1); } bool prefix_ends_with_x = !vocabulary->IsTerminal(symbols[symbols.size() - 2]); bool suffix_starts_with_x = !vocabulary->IsTerminal(symbols[1]); if (EstimateNumOperations(prefix_location, prefix_ends_with_x) <= EstimateNumOperations(suffix_location, suffix_starts_with_x)) { return ExtendPrefixPhraseLocation(prefix_location, phrase, prefix_ends_with_x, symbols.back()); } else { return ExtendSuffixPhraseLocation(suffix_location, phrase, suffix_starts_with_x, symbols.front()); } } int FastIntersector::EstimateNumOperations( const PhraseLocation& phrase_location, bool has_margin_x) const { int num_locations = phrase_location.GetSize(); return has_margin_x ? num_locations * max_rule_span : num_locations; } PhraseLocation FastIntersector::ExtendPrefixPhraseLocation( PhraseLocation& prefix_location, const Phrase& phrase, bool prefix_ends_with_x, int next_symbol) const { ExtendPhraseLocation(prefix_location); vector<int> positions = *prefix_location.matchings; int num_subpatterns = prefix_location.num_subpatterns; vector<int> new_positions; shared_ptr<DataArray> data_array = suffix_array->GetData(); int data_array_symbol = data_array->GetWordId( vocabulary->GetTerminalValue(next_symbol)); if (data_array_symbol == -1) { return PhraseLocation(new_positions, num_subpatterns); } pair<int, int> range = GetSearchRange(prefix_ends_with_x); for (size_t i = 0; i < positions.size(); i += num_subpatterns) { int sent_id = data_array->GetSentenceId(positions[i]); int sent_end = data_array->GetSentenceStart(sent_id + 1) - 1; int pattern_end = positions[i + num_subpatterns - 1] + range.first; if (prefix_ends_with_x) { pattern_end += phrase.GetChunkLen(phrase.Arity() - 1) - 1; } else { pattern_end += phrase.GetChunkLen(phrase.Arity()) - 2; } // Searches for the last symbol in the phrase after each prefix occurrence. for (int j = range.first; j < range.second; ++j) { if (pattern_end >= sent_end || pattern_end - positions[i] >= max_rule_span) { break; } if (data_array->AtIndex(pattern_end) == data_array_symbol) { new_positions.insert(new_positions.end(), positions.begin() + i, positions.begin() + i + num_subpatterns); if (prefix_ends_with_x) { new_positions.push_back(pattern_end); } } ++pattern_end; } } return PhraseLocation(new_positions, phrase.Arity() + 1); } PhraseLocation FastIntersector::ExtendSuffixPhraseLocation( PhraseLocation& suffix_location, const Phrase& phrase, bool suffix_starts_with_x, int prev_symbol) const { ExtendPhraseLocation(suffix_location); vector<int> positions = *suffix_location.matchings; int num_subpatterns = suffix_location.num_subpatterns; vector<int> new_positions; shared_ptr<DataArray> data_array = suffix_array->GetData(); int data_array_symbol = data_array->GetWordId( vocabulary->GetTerminalValue(prev_symbol)); if (data_array_symbol == -1) { return PhraseLocation(new_positions, num_subpatterns); } pair<int, int> range = GetSearchRange(suffix_starts_with_x); for (size_t i = 0; i < positions.size(); i += num_subpatterns) { int sent_id = data_array->GetSentenceId(positions[i]); int sent_start = data_array->GetSentenceStart(sent_id); int pattern_start = positions[i] - range.first; int pattern_end = positions[i + num_subpatterns - 1] + phrase.GetChunkLen(phrase.Arity()) - 1; // Searches for the first symbol in the phrase before each suffix // occurrence. for (int j = range.first; j < range.second; ++j) { if (pattern_start < sent_start || pattern_end - pattern_start >= max_rule_span) { break; } if (data_array->AtIndex(pattern_start) == data_array_symbol) { new_positions.push_back(pattern_start); new_positions.insert(new_positions.end(), positions.begin() + i + !suffix_starts_with_x, positions.begin() + i + num_subpatterns); } --pattern_start; } } return PhraseLocation(new_positions, phrase.Arity() + 1); } void FastIntersector::ExtendPhraseLocation(PhraseLocation& location) const { if (location.matchings != NULL) { return; } location.num_subpatterns = 1; location.matchings = make_shared<vector<int>>(); for (int i = location.sa_low; i < location.sa_high; ++i) { location.matchings->push_back(suffix_array->GetSuffix(i)); } location.sa_low = location.sa_high = 0; } pair<int, int> FastIntersector::GetSearchRange(bool has_marginal_x) const { if (has_marginal_x) { return make_pair(min_gap_size + 1, max_rule_span); } else { return make_pair(1, 2); } } } // namespace extractor