#include "ces.h" #include <vector> #include <sstream> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> // TODO, if AER is to be optimized again, we will need this // #include "aligner.h" #include "lattice.h" #include "mert_geometry.h" #include "error_surface.h" #include "ns.h" using boost::shared_ptr; using namespace std; const bool minimize_segments = true; // if adjacent segments have equal scores, merge them void ComputeErrorSurface(const SegmentEvaluator& ss, const ConvexHull& ve, ErrorSurface* env, const EvaluationMetric* metric, const Hypergraph& hg) { vector<WordID> prev_trans; const vector<shared_ptr<MERTPoint> >& ienv = ve.GetSortedSegs(); env->resize(ienv.size()); SufficientStats prev_score; // defaults to 0 int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ienv.size(); ++i) { const MERTPoint& seg = *ienv[i]; vector<WordID> trans; #if 0 if (type == AER) { vector<bool> edges(hg.edges_.size(), false); seg.CollectEdgesUsed(&edges); // get the set of edges in the viterbi // alignment ostringstream os; const string* psrc = ss.GetSource(); if (psrc == NULL) { cerr << "AER scoring in VEST requires source, but it is missing!\n"; abort(); } size_t pos = psrc->rfind(" ||| "); if (pos == string::npos) { cerr << "Malformed source for AER: expected |||\nINPUT: " << *psrc << endl; abort(); } Lattice src; Lattice ref; LatticeTools::ConvertTextOrPLF(psrc->substr(0, pos), &src); LatticeTools::ConvertTextOrPLF(psrc->substr(pos + 5), &ref); AlignerTools::WriteAlignment(src, ref, hg, &os, true, 0, &edges); string tstr = os.str(); TD::ConvertSentence(tstr.substr(tstr.rfind(" ||| ") + 5), &trans); } else { #endif seg.ConstructTranslation(&trans); //} //cerr << "Scoring: " << TD::GetString(trans) << endl; if (trans == prev_trans) { if (!minimize_segments) { ErrorSegment& out = (*env)[j]; out.delta.fields.clear(); out.x = seg.x; ++j; } //cerr << "Identical translation, skipping scoring\n"; } else { SufficientStats score; ss.Evaluate(trans, &score); // cerr << "score= " << score->ComputeScore() << "\n"; //string x1; score.Encode(&x1); cerr << "STATS: " << x1 << endl; const SufficientStats delta = score - prev_score; //string x2; delta.Encode(&x2); cerr << "DELTA: " << x2 << endl; //string xx; delta.Encode(&xx); cerr << xx << endl; prev_trans.swap(trans); prev_score = score; if ((!minimize_segments) || (!delta.IsAdditiveIdentity())) { ErrorSegment& out = (*env)[j]; out.delta = delta; out.x = seg.x; ++j; } } } // cerr << " In segments: " << ienv.size() << endl; // cerr << "Out segments: " << j << endl; assert(j > 0); env->resize(j); }