#ifndef _VITERBI_H_ #define _VITERBI_H_ #include <vector> #include "prob.h" #include "hg.h" #include "tdict.h" std::string viterbi_stats(Hypergraph const& hg, std::string const& name="forest", bool estring=true, bool etree=false); /// computes for each hg node the best (according to WeightType/WeightFunction) derivation, and some homomorphism (bottom up expression tree applied through Traversal) of it. T is the "return type" of Traversal, which is called only once for the best edge for a node's result (i.e. result will start default constructed) //TODO: make T a typename inside Traversal and WeightType a typename inside WeightFunction? // Traversal must implement: // typedef T Result; // void operator()(Hypergraph::Edge const& e,const vector<const Result*>& ants, Result* result) const; // WeightFunction must implement: // typedef prob_t Weight; // Weight operator()(Hypergraph::Edge const& e) const; template<typename Traversal,typename WeightFunction> typename WeightFunction::Weight Viterbi(const Hypergraph& hg, typename Traversal::Result* result, const Traversal& traverse, const WeightFunction& weight) { typedef typename Traversal::Result T; typedef typename WeightFunction::Weight WeightType; const int num_nodes = hg.nodes_.size(); std::vector<T> vit_result(num_nodes); std::vector<WeightType> vit_weight(num_nodes, WeightType::Zero()); for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i) { const Hypergraph::Node& cur_node = hg.nodes_[i]; WeightType* const cur_node_best_weight = &vit_weight[i]; T* const cur_node_best_result = &vit_result[i]; const int num_in_edges = cur_node.in_edges_.size(); if (num_in_edges == 0) { *cur_node_best_weight = WeightType(1); continue; } Hypergraph::Edge const* edge_best=0; for (int j = 0; j < num_in_edges; ++j) { const Hypergraph::Edge& edge = hg.edges_[cur_node.in_edges_[j]]; WeightType score = weight(edge); for (int k = 0; k < edge.tail_nodes_.size(); ++k) score *= vit_weight[edge.tail_nodes_[k]]; if (!edge_best || *cur_node_best_weight < score) { *cur_node_best_weight = score; edge_best=&edge; } } assert(edge_best); Hypergraph::Edge const& edgeb=*edge_best; std::vector<const T*> antsb(edgeb.tail_nodes_.size()); for (int k = 0; k < edgeb.tail_nodes_.size(); ++k) antsb[k] = &vit_result[edgeb.tail_nodes_[k]]; traverse(edgeb, antsb, cur_node_best_result); } std::swap(*result, vit_result.back()); return vit_weight.back(); } /* template<typename Traversal,typename WeightFunction> typename WeightFunction::Weight Viterbi(const Hypergraph& hg, typename Traversal::Result* result) { Traversal traverse; WeightFunction weight; return Viterbi(hg,result,traverse,weight); } template<class Traversal,class WeightFunction=EdgeProb> typename WeightFunction::Weight Viterbi(const Hypergraph& hg, typename Traversal::Result* result, Traversal const& traverse=Traversal() ) { WeightFunction weight; return Viterbi(hg,result,traverse,weight); } */ //spec for EdgeProb template<class Traversal> prob_t Viterbi(const Hypergraph& hg, typename Traversal::Result* result, Traversal const& traverse=Traversal() ) { EdgeProb weight; return Viterbi(hg,result,traverse,weight); } struct PathLengthTraversal { typedef int Result; void operator()(const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const int*>& ants, int* result) const { (void) edge; *result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < ants.size(); ++i) *result += *ants[i]; } }; struct ESentenceTraversal { typedef std::vector<WordID> Result; void operator()(const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const Result*>& ants, Result* result) const { edge.rule_->ESubstitute(ants, result); } }; struct ELengthTraversal { typedef int Result; void operator()(const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const int*>& ants, int* result) const { *result = edge.rule_->ELength() - edge.rule_->Arity(); for (int i = 0; i < ants.size(); ++i) *result += *ants[i]; } }; struct FSentenceTraversal { typedef std::vector<WordID> Result; void operator()(const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const Result*>& ants, Result* result) const { edge.rule_->FSubstitute(ants, result); } }; // create a strings of the form (S (X the man) (X said (X he (X would (X go))))) struct ETreeTraversal { ETreeTraversal() : left("("), space(" "), right(")") {} const std::string left; const std::string space; const std::string right; typedef std::vector<WordID> Result; void operator()(const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const Result*>& ants, Result* result) const { Result tmp; edge.rule_->ESubstitute(ants, &tmp); const std::string cat = TD::Convert(edge.rule_->GetLHS() * -1); if (cat == "Goal") result->swap(tmp); else TD::ConvertSentence(left + cat + space + TD::GetString(tmp) + right, result); } }; struct FTreeTraversal { FTreeTraversal() : left("("), space(" "), right(")") {} const std::string left; const std::string space; const std::string right; typedef std::vector<WordID> Result; void operator()(const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const Result*>& ants, Result* result) const { Result tmp; edge.rule_->FSubstitute(ants, &tmp); const std::string cat = TD::Convert(edge.rule_->GetLHS() * -1); if (cat == "Goal") result->swap(tmp); else TD::ConvertSentence(left + cat + space + TD::GetString(tmp) + right, result); } }; struct ViterbiPathTraversal { typedef std::vector<Hypergraph::Edge const*> Result; void operator()(const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, std::vector<Result const*> const& ants, Result* result) const { for (int i = 0; i < ants.size(); ++i) for (int j = 0; j < ants[i]->size(); ++j) result->push_back((*ants[i])[j]); result->push_back(&edge); } }; struct FeatureVectorTraversal { typedef FeatureVector Result; void operator()(Hypergraph::Edge const& edge, std::vector<Result const*> const& ants, Result* result) const { for (int i = 0; i < ants.size(); ++i) *result+=*ants[i]; *result+=edge.feature_values_; } }; std::string JoshuaVisualizationString(const Hypergraph& hg); prob_t ViterbiESentence(const Hypergraph& hg, std::vector<WordID>* result); std::string ViterbiETree(const Hypergraph& hg); prob_t ViterbiFSentence(const Hypergraph& hg, std::vector<WordID>* result); std::string ViterbiFTree(const Hypergraph& hg); int ViterbiELength(const Hypergraph& hg); int ViterbiPathLength(const Hypergraph& hg); /// if weights supplied, assert viterbi prob = features.dot(*weights) (exception if fatal, cerr warn if not). return features (sum over all edges in viterbi derivation) FeatureVector ViterbiFeatures(Hypergraph const& hg,WeightVector const* weights=0,bool fatal_dotprod_disagreement=false); #endif