#include "trule.h" #include <sstream> #include "stringlib.h" #include "tdict.h" #include "rule_lexer.h" using namespace std; ostream &operator<<(ostream &o,TRule const& r) { return o<<r.AsString(true); } bool TRule::IsGoal() const { static const int kGOAL(TD::Convert("Goal") * -1); // this will happen once, and after static init of trule.cc static dict. return GetLHS() == kGOAL; } static WordID ConvertTrgString(const string& w) { const unsigned len = w.size(); WordID id = 0; // [X,0] or [0] // for target rules, we ignore the category, just keep the index if (len > 2 && w[0]=='[' && w[len-1]==']' && w[len-2] > '0' && w[len-2] <= '9' && (len == 3 || (len > 4 && w[len-3] == ','))) { id = w[len-2] - '0'; id = 1 - id; } else { id = TD::Convert(w); } return id; } static WordID ConvertSrcString(const string& w, bool mono = false) { const unsigned len = w.size(); // [X,0] // for source rules, we keep the category and ignore the index (source rules are // always numbered 1, 2, 3... if (mono) { if (len > 2 && w[0]=='[' && w[len-1]==']') { if (len > 4 && w[len-3] == ',') { cerr << "[ERROR] Monolingual rules mut not have non-terminal indices:\n " << w << endl; exit(1); } // TODO check that source indices go 1,2,3,etc. return TD::Convert(w.substr(1, len-2)) * -1; } else { return TD::Convert(w); } } else { if (len > 4 && w[0]=='[' && w[len-1]==']' && w[len-3] == ',' && w[len-2] > '0' && w[len-2] <= '9') { return TD::Convert(w.substr(1, len-4)) * -1; } else { return TD::Convert(w); } } } static WordID ConvertLHS(const string& w) { if (w[0] == '[') { const unsigned len = w.size(); if (len < 3) { cerr << "Format error: " << w << endl; exit(1); } return TD::Convert(w.substr(1, len-2)) * -1; } else { return TD::Convert(w) * -1; } } TRule* TRule::CreateRuleSynchronous(const string& rule) { TRule* res = new TRule; if (res->ReadFromString(rule, true, false)) return res; cerr << "[ERROR] Failed to creating rule from: " << rule << endl; delete res; return NULL; } TRule* TRule::CreateRulePhrasetable(const string& rule) { // TODO make this faster // TODO add configuration for default NT type if (rule[0] == '[') { cerr << "Phrasetable rules shouldn't have a LHS / non-terminals:\n " << rule << endl; return NULL; } TRule* res = new TRule("[X] ||| " + rule, true, false); if (res->Arity() != 0) { cerr << "Phrasetable rules should have arity 0:\n " << rule << endl; delete res; return NULL; } return res; } TRule* TRule::CreateRuleMonolingual(const string& rule) { return new TRule(rule, false, true); } namespace { // callback for lexer int n_assigned=0; void assign_trule(const TRulePtr& new_rule, const unsigned int ctf_level, const TRulePtr& coarse_rule, void* extra) { (void) ctf_level; (void) coarse_rule; TRule *assignto=(TRule *)extra; *assignto=*new_rule; ++n_assigned; } } bool TRule::ReadFromString(const string& line, bool strict, bool mono) { if (!is_single_line_stripped(line)) cerr<<"\nWARNING: building rule from multi-line string "<<line<<".\n"; // backed off of this: it's failing to parse TRulePtr glue(new TRule("[" + goal_nt + "] ||| [" + goal_nt + ",1] ["+ default_nt + ",2] ||| [1] [2] ||| Glue=1")); thinks [1] is the features! if (false && !(mono||strict)) { // use lexer istringstream il(line); n_assigned=0; RuleLexer::ReadRules(&il,assign_trule,this); if (n_assigned>1) cerr<<"\nWARNING: more than one rule parsed from multi-line string; kept last: "<<line<<".\n"; return n_assigned; } e_.clear(); f_.clear(); scores_.clear(); string w; istringstream is(line); int format = CountSubstrings(line, "|||"); if (strict && format < 2) { cerr << "Bad rule format in strict mode:\n" << line << endl; return false; } if (format >= 2 || (mono && format == 1)) { while(is>>w && w!="|||") { lhs_ = ConvertLHS(w); } while(is>>w && w!="|||") { f_.push_back(ConvertSrcString(w, mono)); } if (!mono) { while(is>>w && w!="|||") { e_.push_back(ConvertTrgString(w)); } } int fv = 0; if (is) { string ss; getline(is, ss); //cerr << "L: " << ss << endl; unsigned start = 0; unsigned len = ss.size(); const size_t ppos = ss.find(" |||"); if (ppos != string::npos) { len = ppos; } while (start < len) { while(start < len && (ss[start] == ' ' || ss[start] == ';')) ++start; if (start == len) break; unsigned end = start + 1; while(end < len && (ss[end] != '=' && ss[end] != ' ' && ss[end] != ';')) ++end; if (end == len || ss[end] == ' ' || ss[end] == ';') { //cerr << "PROC: '" << ss.substr(start, end - start) << "'\n"; // non-named features if (end != len) { ss[end] = 0; } string fname = "PhraseModel_X"; if (fv > 9) { cerr << "Too many phrasetable scores - used named format\n"; abort(); } fname[12]='0' + fv; ++fv; // if the feature set is frozen, this may return zero, indicating an // undefined feature const int fid = FD::Convert(fname); if (fid) scores_.set_value(fid, atof(&ss[start])); //cerr << "F: " << fname << " VAL=" << scores_.value(FD::Convert(fname)) << endl; } else { const int fid = FD::Convert(ss.substr(start, end - start)); start = end + 1; end = start + 1; while(end < len && (ss[end] != ' ' && ss[end] != ';')) ++end; if (end < len) { ss[end] = 0; } assert(start < len); if (fid) scores_.set_value(fid, atof(&ss[start])); //cerr << "F: " << FD::Convert(fid) << " VAL=" << scores_.value(fid) << endl; } start = end + 1; } } } else if (format == 1) { while(is>>w && w!="|||") { lhs_ = ConvertLHS(w); } while(is>>w && w!="|||") { e_.push_back(ConvertTrgString(w)); } f_ = e_; int x = ConvertLHS("[X]"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < f_.size(); ++i) if (f_[i] <= 0) { f_[i] = x; } } else { cerr << "F: " << format << endl; cerr << "[ERROR] Don't know how to read:\n" << line << endl; } if (mono) { e_ = f_; int ci = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < e_.size(); ++i) if (e_[i] < 0) e_[i] = ci--; } ComputeArity(); return SanityCheck(); } bool TRule::SanityCheck() const { vector<int> used(f_.size(), 0); int ac = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < e_.size(); ++i) { int ind = e_[i]; if (ind > 0) continue; ind = -ind; if ((++used[ind]) != 1) { cerr << "[ERROR] e-side variable index " << (ind+1) << " used more than once!\n"; return false; } ac++; } if (ac != Arity()) { cerr << "[ERROR] e-side arity mismatches f-side\n"; return false; } return true; } void TRule::ComputeArity() { int min = 1; for (vector<WordID>::const_iterator i = e_.begin(); i != e_.end(); ++i) if (*i < min) min = *i; arity_ = 1 - min; } string TRule::AsString(bool verbose) const { ostringstream os; int idx = 0; if (lhs_) { os << '[' << TD::Convert(lhs_ * -1) << "] |||"; } else { os << "NOLHS |||"; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < f_.size(); ++i) { const WordID& w = f_[i]; if (w < 0) { int wi = w * -1; ++idx; os << " [" << TD::Convert(wi) << ',' << idx << ']'; } else { os << ' ' << TD::Convert(w); } } os << " ||| "; for (unsigned i =0; i<e_.size(); ++i) { if (i) os << ' '; const WordID& w = e_[i]; if (w < 1) os << '[' << (1-w) << ']'; else os << TD::Convert(w); } if (!scores_.empty() && verbose) { os << " ||| " << scores_; if (!a_.empty()) { os << " |||"; for (unsigned i = 0; i < a_.size(); ++i) os << ' ' << a_[i]; } } return os.str(); }