#include "phrasebased_translator.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CXX11 # include # include #else # include # include namespace std { using std::tr1::unordered_map; using std::tr1::unordered_set; } #endif #include #include #include "sentence_metadata.h" #include "tdict.h" #include "hg.h" #include "filelib.h" #include "lattice.h" #include "phrasetable_fst.h" #include "array2d.h" using namespace std; using namespace boost::tuples; struct Coverage : public vector { explicit Coverage(int n, bool v = false) : vector(n, v), first_gap() {} void Cover(int i, int j) { vector::iterator it = this->begin() + i; vector::iterator end = this->begin() + j; while (it != end) *it++ = true; if (first_gap == i) { first_gap = j; it = end; while (*it && it != this->end()) { ++it; ++first_gap; } } } bool Collides(int i, int j) const { vector::const_iterator it = this->begin() + i; vector::const_iterator end = this->begin() + j; while (it != end) if (*it++) return true; return false; } int GetFirstGap() const { return first_gap; } private: int first_gap; }; struct CoverageHash { size_t operator()(const Coverage& cov) const { return hasher_(static_cast&>(cov)); } private: boost::hash > hasher_; }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Coverage& cov) { os << '['; for (int i = 0; i < cov.size(); ++i) os << (cov[i] ? '*' : '.'); return os << " gap=" << cov.GetFirstGap() << ']'; } typedef unordered_map CoverageNodeMap; typedef unordered_set UniqueCoverageSet; struct PhraseBasedTranslatorImpl { PhraseBasedTranslatorImpl(const boost::program_options::variables_map& conf) : add_pass_through_rules(conf.count("add_pass_through_rules")), max_distortion(conf["pb_max_distortion"].as()), kCONCAT_RULE(new TRule("[X] ||| [X,1] [X,2] ||| [X,1] [X,2]", true)), kNT_TYPE(TD::Convert("X") * -1) { assert(max_distortion >= 0); vector gfiles = conf["grammar"].as >(); assert(gfiles.size() == 1); cerr << "Reading phrasetable from " << gfiles.front() << endl; ReadFile in(gfiles.front()); fst.reset(LoadTextPhrasetable(in.stream())); } struct State { State(const Coverage& c, int _i, int _j, const FSTNode* q) : coverage(c), i(_i), j(_j), fst(q) {} Coverage coverage; int i; int j; const FSTNode* fst; }; // we keep track of unique coverages that have been extended since it's // possible to "extend" the same coverage twice, e.g. translate "a b c" // with phrases "a" "b" "a b" and "c". There are two ways to cover "a b" void EnqueuePossibleContinuations(const Coverage& coverage, queue* q, UniqueCoverageSet* ucs) { if (ucs->insert(coverage).second) { const int gap = coverage.GetFirstGap(); const int end = min(static_cast(coverage.size()), gap + max_distortion + 1); for (int i = gap; i < end; ++i) if (!coverage[i]) q->push(State(coverage, i, i, fst.get())); } } bool Translate(const std::string& input, SentenceMetadata* smeta, const std::vector& weights, Hypergraph* minus_lm_forest) { Lattice lattice; LatticeTools::ConvertTextOrPLF(input, &lattice); smeta->SetSourceLength(lattice.size()); size_t est_nodes = lattice.size() * lattice.size() * (1 << max_distortion); minus_lm_forest->ReserveNodes(est_nodes, est_nodes * 100); if (add_pass_through_rules) { SparseVector feats; feats.set_value(FD::Convert("PassThrough"), 1); for (int i = 0; i < lattice.size(); ++i) { const vector& arcs = lattice[i]; for (int j = 0; j < arcs.size(); ++j) { fst->AddPassThroughTranslation(arcs[j].label, feats); // TODO handle lattice edge features } } } CoverageNodeMap c; queue q; UniqueCoverageSet ucs; const Coverage empty_cov(lattice.size(), false); const Coverage goal_cov(lattice.size(), true); EnqueuePossibleContinuations(empty_cov, &q, &ucs); c[empty_cov] = 0; // have to handle the left edge specially while(!q.empty()) { const State s = q.front(); q.pop(); // cerr << "(" << s.i << "," << s.j << " ptr=" << s.fst << ") cov=" << s.coverage << endl; const vector& arcs = lattice[s.j]; if (s.fst->HasData()) { Coverage new_cov = s.coverage; new_cov.Cover(s.i, s.j); EnqueuePossibleContinuations(new_cov, &q, &ucs); const vector& phrases = s.fst->GetTranslations()->GetRules(); const int phrase_head_index = minus_lm_forest->AddNode(kNT_TYPE)->id_; for (int i = 0; i < phrases.size(); ++i) { Hypergraph::Edge* edge = minus_lm_forest->AddEdge(phrases[i], Hypergraph::TailNodeVector()); edge->feature_values_ = edge->rule_->scores_; edge->i_ = s.i; edge->j_ = s.j; minus_lm_forest->ConnectEdgeToHeadNode(edge->id_, phrase_head_index); } CoverageNodeMap::iterator cit = c.find(s.coverage); assert(cit != c.end()); const int tail_node_plus1 = cit->second; if (tail_node_plus1 == 0) { // left edge c[new_cov] = phrase_head_index + 1; } else { // not left edge int& head_node_plus1 = c[new_cov]; if (!head_node_plus1) head_node_plus1 = minus_lm_forest->AddNode(kNT_TYPE)->id_ + 1; Hypergraph::TailNodeVector tail(2, tail_node_plus1 - 1); tail[1] = phrase_head_index; const int concat_edge = minus_lm_forest->AddEdge(kCONCAT_RULE, tail)->id_; minus_lm_forest->ConnectEdgeToHeadNode(concat_edge, head_node_plus1 - 1); } } if (s.j == lattice.size()) continue; for (int l = 0; l < arcs.size(); ++l) { const LatticeArc& arc = arcs[l]; const FSTNode* next_fst_state = s.fst->Extend(arc.label); const int next_j = s.j + arc.dist2next; if (next_fst_state && !s.coverage.Collides(s.i, next_j)) { q.push(State(s.coverage, s.i, next_j, next_fst_state)); } } } if (add_pass_through_rules) fst->ClearPassThroughTranslations(); int pregoal_plus1 = c[goal_cov]; if (pregoal_plus1 > 0) { TRulePtr kGOAL_RULE(new TRule("[Goal] ||| [X,1] ||| [X,1]")); int goal = minus_lm_forest->AddNode(TD::Convert("Goal") * -1)->id_; int gedge = minus_lm_forest->AddEdge(kGOAL_RULE, Hypergraph::TailNodeVector(1, pregoal_plus1 - 1))->id_; minus_lm_forest->ConnectEdgeToHeadNode(gedge, goal); // they are almost topo, but not quite always minus_lm_forest->TopologicallySortNodesAndEdges(goal); minus_lm_forest->Reweight(weights); return true; } else { return false; // composition failed } } const bool add_pass_through_rules; const int max_distortion; const TRulePtr kCONCAT_RULE; const WordID kNT_TYPE; boost::shared_ptr fst; }; PhraseBasedTranslator::PhraseBasedTranslator(const boost::program_options::variables_map& conf) : pimpl_(new PhraseBasedTranslatorImpl(conf)) {} bool PhraseBasedTranslator::TranslateImpl(const std::string& input, SentenceMetadata* smeta, const std::vector& weights, Hypergraph* minus_lm_forest) { return pimpl_->Translate(input, smeta, weights, minus_lm_forest); }