#ifndef _HG_IO_H_ #define _HG_IO_H_ #include <iostream> #include "lattice.h" class Hypergraph; struct HypergraphIO { // the format is basically a list of nodes and edges in topological order // any edge you read, you must have already read its tail nodes // any node you read, you must have already read its incoming edges // this may make writing a bit more challenging if your forest is not // topologically sorted (but that probably doesn't happen very often), // but it makes reading much more memory efficient. // see test_data/small.json.gz for an email encoding static bool ReadFromJSON(std::istream* in, Hypergraph* out); // if remove_rules is used, the hypergraph is serialized without rule information // (so it only contains structure and feature information) static bool WriteToJSON(const Hypergraph& hg, bool remove_rules, std::ostream* out); static void WriteAsCFG(const Hypergraph& hg); // serialization utils static void ReadFromPLF(const std::string& in, Hypergraph* out, int line = 0); // return PLF string representation (undefined behavior on non-lattices) static std::string AsPLF(const Hypergraph& hg, bool include_global_parentheses = true); static void PLFtoLattice(const std::string& plf, Lattice* pl); static std::string Escape(const std::string& s); // PLF helper }; #endif