#ifndef FF_SAMPLE_FSA_H #define FF_SAMPLE_FSA_H #include "ff_from_fsa.h" // example: feature val = -1 * # of target words struct WordPenaltyFsa : public FsaFeatureFunctionBase { static std::string usage(bool param,bool verbose) { return FeatureFunction::usage_helper( "WordPenaltyFsa","","-1 per target word" ,param,verbose); } WordPenaltyFsa(std::string const& param) { Init(); return; //below are all defaults: set_state_bytes(0); start.clear(); h_start.clear(); } static const float val_per_target_word=-1; // move from state to next_state after seeing word x, while emitting features->add_value(fid,val) possibly with duplicates. state and next_state may be same memory. void Scan(SentenceMetadata const& smeta,WordID w,void const* state,void *next_state,FeatureVector *features) const { features->add_value(fid_,val_per_target_word); } }; typedef FeatureFunctionFromFsa WordPenaltyFromFsa; // appears to be buggy right now: give it a bonus weight (-) and it overstates how many struct LongerThanPrev : public FsaFeatureFunctionBase { typedef FsaFeatureFunctionBase Base; static std::string usage(bool param,bool verbose) { return FeatureFunction::usage_helper( "LongerThanPrev", "", "stupid example stateful (bigram) feature: -1 per target word that's longer than the previous word ( sentence begin considered 3 chars long, is sentence end.)", param,verbose); } static inline int &state(void *st) { return *(int*)st; } static inline int state(void const* st) { return *(int const*)st; } static inline int wordlen(WordID w) { return std::strlen(TD::Convert(w)); } int markov_order() const { return 1; } LongerThanPrev(std::string const& param) : Base(sizeof(int),singleton_sentence(TD::se)) { Init(); if (0) { // all this is done in constructor already set_state_bytes(sizeof(int)); start.resize(state_bytes()); // this is done by set_state_bytes already. h_start.resize(state_bytes()); int ss=3; to_state(start.begin(),&ss,1); ss=4; to_state(h_start.begin(),&ss,1); } state(start.begin())=3; state(h_start.begin())=4; // estimate: anything >4 chars is usually longer than previous } static const float val_per_target_word=-1; void Scan(SentenceMetadata const& smeta,WordID w,void const* from,void *next_state,FeatureVector *features) const { int prevlen=state(from); int len=wordlen(w); if (len>prevlen) features->add_value(fid_,val_per_target_word); state(next_state)=len; } }; // similar example feature; base type exposes stateful type, defines markov_order 1, state size = sizeof(State) // also buggy right now: give it a bonus weight (-) and it overstates how many struct ShorterThanPrev : FsaTypedBase { typedef FsaTypedBase Base; static std::string usage(bool param,bool verbose) { return FeatureFunction::usage_helper( "ShorterThanPrev", "", "stupid example stateful (bigram) feature: -1 per target word that's shorter than the previous word (end of sentence considered '')", param,verbose); } static inline int wordlen(WordID w) { return std::strlen(TD::Convert(w)); } ShorterThanPrev(std::string const& param) : Base(3,4,singleton_sentence(TD::se)) // start, h_start, end_phrase // estimate: anything <4 chars is usually shorter than previous { Init(); } static const float val_per_target_word=-1; // evil anti-google int & len out-param: void ScanTyped(SentenceMetadata const& smeta,WordID w,int prevlen,int &len,FeatureVector *features) const { len=wordlen(w); if (lenadd_value(fid_,val_per_target_word); } // already provided by FsaTypedScan /* void Scan(SentenceMetadata const& smeta,WordID w,void const* st,void *next_state,FeatureVector *features) const { ScanTyped(smeta,w,state(st),state(next_state),features); } */ }; #endif