#ifndef _LM_FF_H_ #define _LM_FF_H_ #include <vector> #include <string> #include "hg.h" #include "ff.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif // everything in this file is deprecated and may be broken. // Chris Dyer, Mar 2011 class LanguageModelInterface { public: double floor_; LanguageModelInterface() : floor_(-100) { } virtual ~LanguageModelInterface() { } // not clamped to floor. log10prob virtual double WordProb(WordID word, WordID const* context) = 0; inline double WordProbFloored(WordID word, WordID const* context) { return clamp(WordProb(word,context)); } // may be shorter than actual null-terminated length. context must be null terminated. len is just to save effort for subclasses that don't support contextID virtual int ContextSize(WordID const* context,int len) = 0; // use this as additional logprob when shortening the context as above virtual double ContextBOW(WordID const* context,int shortened_len) = 0; // unlikely that you'll ever need to floor a backoff cost. i'd say impossible. inline double ShortenContext(WordID * context,int len) { int slen=ContextSize(context,len); double p=ContextBOW(context,slen); while (len>slen) { --len; context[len]=0; } return p; } /// should be worse prob = more negative. that's what SRI wordProb returns: log10(prob) inline double clamp(double logp) const { return logp < floor_ ? floor_ : logp; } }; struct LanguageModelImpl; class LanguageModel : public FeatureFunction { public: // param = "filename.lm [-o n]" LanguageModel(const std::string& param); ~LanguageModel(); virtual void FinalTraversalFeatures(const void* context, SparseVector<double>* features) const; std::string DebugStateToString(const void* state) const; static std::string usage(bool param,bool verbose); protected: virtual void TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& smeta, const HG::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const void*>& ant_contexts, SparseVector<double>* features, SparseVector<double>* estimated_features, void* out_context) const; private: int fid_; // conceptually const; mutable only to simplify constructor //LanguageModelImpl &imp() { return *(LanguageModelImpl*)pimpl_; } LanguageModelImpl & imp() const { return *(LanguageModelImpl*)pimpl_; } /* mutable */ LanguageModelInterface* pimpl_; }; #endif