#include "ff_klm.h" #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> #include "filelib.h" #include "stringlib.h" #include "hg.h" #include "tdict.h" #include "lm/model.hh" #include "lm/enumerate_vocab.hh" #include "utils/verbose.h" #include "lm/left.hh" using namespace std; // -x : rules include <s> and </s> // -n NAME : feature id is NAME bool ParseLMArgs(string const& in, string* filename, string* mapfile, bool* explicit_markers, string* featname) { vector<string> const& argv=SplitOnWhitespace(in); *explicit_markers = false; *featname="LanguageModel"; *mapfile = ""; #define LMSPEC_NEXTARG if (i==argv.end()) { \ cerr << "Missing argument for "<<*last<<". "; goto usage; \ } else { ++i; } for (vector<string>::const_iterator last,i=argv.begin(),e=argv.end();i!=e;++i) { string const& s=*i; if (s[0]=='-') { if (s.size()>2) goto fail; switch (s[1]) { case 'x': *explicit_markers = true; break; case 'm': LMSPEC_NEXTARG; *mapfile=*i; break; case 'n': LMSPEC_NEXTARG; *featname=*i; break; #undef LMSPEC_NEXTARG default: fail: cerr<<"Unknown KLanguageModel option "<<s<<" ; "; goto usage; } } else { if (filename->empty()) *filename=s; else { cerr<<"More than one filename provided. "; goto usage; } } } if (!filename->empty()) return true; usage: cerr << "KLanguageModel is incorrect!\n"; return false; } template <class Model> string KLanguageModel<Model>::usage(bool /*param*/,bool /*verbose*/) { return "KLanguageModel"; } namespace { struct VMapper : public lm::EnumerateVocab { VMapper(vector<lm::WordIndex>* out) : out_(out), kLM_UNKNOWN_TOKEN(0) { out_->clear(); } void Add(lm::WordIndex index, const StringPiece &str) { const WordID cdec_id = TD::Convert(str.as_string()); if (cdec_id >= out_->size()) out_->resize(cdec_id + 1, kLM_UNKNOWN_TOKEN); (*out_)[cdec_id] = index; } vector<lm::WordIndex>* out_; const lm::WordIndex kLM_UNKNOWN_TOKEN; }; #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) struct BoundaryAnnotatedState { lm::ngram::ChartState state; bool seen_bos, seen_eos; }; #pragma pack(pop) template <class Model> class BoundaryRuleScore { public: BoundaryRuleScore(const Model &m, BoundaryAnnotatedState &state) : back_(m, state.state), bos_(state.seen_bos), eos_(state.seen_eos), penalty_(0.0), end_sentence_(m.GetVocabulary().EndSentence()) { bos_ = false; eos_ = false; } void BeginSentence() { back_.BeginSentence(); bos_ = true; } void BeginNonTerminal(const BoundaryAnnotatedState &sub) { back_.BeginNonTerminal(sub.state, 0.0f); bos_ = sub.seen_bos; eos_ = sub.seen_eos; } void NonTerminal(const BoundaryAnnotatedState &sub) { back_.NonTerminal(sub.state, 0.0f); // cdec only calls this if there's content. if (sub.seen_bos) { bos_ = true; penalty_ -= 100.0f; } if (eos_) penalty_ -= 100.0f; eos_ |= sub.seen_eos; } void Terminal(lm::WordIndex word) { back_.Terminal(word); if (eos_) penalty_ -= 100.0f; if (word == end_sentence_) eos_ = true; } float Finish() { return penalty_ + back_.Finish(); } private: lm::ngram::RuleScore<Model> back_; bool &bos_, &eos_; float penalty_; lm::WordIndex end_sentence_; }; } // namespace template <class Model> class KLanguageModelImpl { public: double LookupWords(const TRule& rule, const vector<const void*>& ant_states, double* oovs, double* emit, void* remnant) { *oovs = 0; *emit = 0; const vector<WordID>& e = rule.e(); BoundaryRuleScore<Model> ruleScore(*ngram_, *static_cast<BoundaryAnnotatedState*>(remnant)); unsigned i = 0; if (e.size()) { if (e[i] == kCDEC_SOS) { ++i; ruleScore.BeginSentence(); } else if (e[i] <= 0) { // special case for left-edge NT ruleScore.BeginNonTerminal(*static_cast<const BoundaryAnnotatedState*>(ant_states[-e[0]])); ++i; } } for (; i < e.size(); ++i) { if (e[i] <= 0) { ruleScore.NonTerminal(*static_cast<const BoundaryAnnotatedState*>(ant_states[-e[i]])); } else { float ep = 0.f; const WordID cdec_word_or_class = ClassifyWordIfNecessary(e[i], &ep); if (ep) { *emit += ep; } const lm::WordIndex cur_word = MapWord(cdec_word_or_class); // map to LM's id if (cur_word == 0) (*oovs) += 1.0; ruleScore.Terminal(cur_word); } } double ret = ruleScore.Finish(); static_cast<BoundaryAnnotatedState*>(remnant)->state.ZeroRemaining(); return ret; } // this assumes no target words on final unary -> goal rule. is that ok? // for <s> (n-1 left words) and (n-1 right words) </s> double FinalTraversalCost(const void* state_void, double* oovs) { *oovs = 0; const BoundaryAnnotatedState &annotated = *static_cast<const BoundaryAnnotatedState*>(state_void); if (add_sos_eos_) { // rules do not produce <s> </s>, so do it here assert(!annotated.seen_bos); assert(!annotated.seen_eos); lm::ngram::ChartState cstate; lm::ngram::RuleScore<Model> ruleScore(*ngram_, cstate); ruleScore.BeginSentence(); ruleScore.NonTerminal(annotated.state, 0.0f); ruleScore.Terminal(kEOS_); return ruleScore.Finish(); } else { // rules DO produce <s> ... </s> double ret = 0.0; if (!annotated.seen_bos) ret -= 100.0; if (!annotated.seen_eos) ret -= 100.0; return ret; } } // if this is not a class-based LM, returns w untransformed, // otherwise returns a word class mapping of w, // returns TD::Convert("<unk>") if there is no mapping for w WordID ClassifyWordIfNecessary(WordID w, float* emitp) const { if (word2class_map_.empty()) return w; if (w >= word2class_map_.size()) return kCDEC_UNK; else { *emitp = word2class_map_[w].second; return word2class_map_[w].first; } } // converts to cdec word id's to KenLM's id space, OOVs and <unk> end up at 0 lm::WordIndex MapWord(WordID w) const { if (w >= cdec2klm_map_.size()) return 0; else return cdec2klm_map_[w]; } public: KLanguageModelImpl(const string& filename, const string& mapfile, bool explicit_markers) : kCDEC_UNK(TD::Convert("<unk>")) , kCDEC_SOS(TD::Convert("<s>")) , add_sos_eos_(!explicit_markers) { { VMapper vm(&cdec2klm_map_); lm::ngram::Config conf; conf.enumerate_vocab = &vm; ngram_ = new Model(filename.c_str(), conf); } order_ = ngram_->Order(); if (!SILENT) cerr << "Loaded " << order_ << "-gram KLM from " << filename << " (MapSize=" << cdec2klm_map_.size() << ")\n"; // special handling of beginning / ending sentence markers kSOS_ = MapWord(kCDEC_SOS); assert(kSOS_ > 0); kEOS_ = MapWord(TD::Convert("</s>")); assert(kEOS_ > 0); assert(MapWord(kCDEC_UNK) == 0); // KenLM invariant // handle class-based LMs (unambiguous word->class mapping reqd.) if (mapfile.size()) LoadWordClasses(mapfile); } void LoadWordClasses(const string& file) { ReadFile rf(file); istream& in = *rf.stream(); string line; vector<WordID> dummy; int lc = 0; if (!SILENT) cerr << " Loading word classes from " << file << " ...\n"; AddWordToClassMapping_(TD::Convert("<s>"), TD::Convert("<s>"), 0.0); AddWordToClassMapping_(TD::Convert("</s>"), TD::Convert("</s>"), 0.0); while(getline(in, line)) { dummy.clear(); TD::ConvertSentence(line, &dummy); ++lc; if (dummy.size() != 3) { cerr << " Class map file expects: CLASS WORD logp(WORD|CLASS)\n"; cerr << " Format error in " << file << ", line " << lc << ": " << line << endl; abort(); } AddWordToClassMapping_(dummy[1], dummy[0], strtof(TD::Convert(dummy[2]).c_str(), NULL)); } } void AddWordToClassMapping_(WordID word, WordID cls, float emit) { if (word2class_map_.size() <= word) { word2class_map_.resize((word + 10) * 1.1, pair<WordID,float>(kCDEC_UNK,0.f)); assert(word2class_map_.size() > word); } if(word2class_map_[word].first != kCDEC_UNK) { cerr << "Multiple classes for symbol " << TD::Convert(word) << endl; abort(); } word2class_map_[word].first = cls; word2class_map_[word].second = emit; } ~KLanguageModelImpl() { delete ngram_; } int ReserveStateSize() const { return sizeof(BoundaryAnnotatedState); } private: const WordID kCDEC_UNK; const WordID kCDEC_SOS; lm::WordIndex kSOS_; // <s> - requires special handling. lm::WordIndex kEOS_; // </s> Model* ngram_; const bool add_sos_eos_; // flag indicating whether the hypergraph produces <s> and </s> // if this is true, FinalTransitionFeatures will "add" <s> and </s> // if false, FinalTransitionFeatures will score anything with the // markers in the right place (i.e., the beginning and end of // the sentence) with 0, and anything else with -100 int order_; vector<lm::WordIndex> cdec2klm_map_; vector<pair<WordID,float> > word2class_map_; // if this is a class-based LM, // .first is the word->class mapping // .second is the emission log probability }; template <class Model> KLanguageModel<Model>::KLanguageModel(const string& param) { string filename, mapfile, featname; bool explicit_markers; if (!ParseLMArgs(param, &filename, &mapfile, &explicit_markers, &featname)) { abort(); } try { pimpl_ = new KLanguageModelImpl<Model>(filename, mapfile, explicit_markers); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; abort(); } fid_ = FD::Convert(featname); oov_fid_ = FD::Convert(featname+"_OOV"); emit_fid_ = FD::Convert(featname+"_Emit"); // cerr << "FID: " << oov_fid_ << endl; SetStateSize(pimpl_->ReserveStateSize()); } template <class Model> KLanguageModel<Model>::~KLanguageModel() { delete pimpl_; } template <class Model> void KLanguageModel<Model>::TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& /* smeta */, const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const vector<const void*>& ant_states, SparseVector<double>* features, SparseVector<double>* /*estimated_features*/, void* state) const { double est = 0; double oovs = 0; double emit = 0; features->set_value(fid_, pimpl_->LookupWords(*edge.rule_, ant_states, &oovs, &emit, state)); if (oovs && oov_fid_) features->set_value(oov_fid_, oovs); if (emit && emit_fid_) features->set_value(emit_fid_, emit); } template <class Model> void KLanguageModel<Model>::FinalTraversalFeatures(const void* ant_state, SparseVector<double>* features) const { double oovs = 0; double lm = pimpl_->FinalTraversalCost(ant_state, &oovs); features->set_value(fid_, lm); if (oov_fid_ && oovs) features->set_value(oov_fid_, oovs); } template <class Model> boost::shared_ptr<FeatureFunction> CreateModel(const std::string ¶m) { KLanguageModel<Model> *ret = new KLanguageModel<Model>(param); return boost::shared_ptr<FeatureFunction>(ret); } boost::shared_ptr<FeatureFunction> KLanguageModelFactory::Create(std::string param) const { using namespace lm::ngram; std::string filename, ignored_map; bool ignored_markers; std::string ignored_featname; ParseLMArgs(param, &filename, &ignored_map, &ignored_markers, &ignored_featname); ModelType m; if (!RecognizeBinary(filename.c_str(), m)) m = HASH_PROBING; switch (m) { case PROBING: return CreateModel<ProbingModel>(param); case REST_PROBING: return CreateModel<RestProbingModel>(param); case TRIE: return CreateModel<TrieModel>(param); case ARRAY_TRIE: return CreateModel<ArrayTrieModel>(param); case QUANT_TRIE: return CreateModel<QuantTrieModel>(param); case QUANT_ARRAY_TRIE: return CreateModel<QuantArrayTrieModel>(param); default: UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "Unrecognized kenlm binary file type " << (unsigned)m); } } std::string KLanguageModelFactory::usage(bool params,bool verbose) const { return KLanguageModel<lm::ngram::Model>::usage(params, verbose); }