#ifndef FF_FSA_H #define FF_FSA_H /* features whose score is just some PFSA over target string. however, PFSA can use edge and smeta info (e.g. spans on edge) - not usually useful. state is some fixed width byte array. could actually be a void *, WordID sequence, whatever. TODO: fsa feature aggregator that presents itself as a single fsa; benefit: when wrapped in ff_from_fsa, only one set of left words is stored. downside: compared to separate ff, the inside portion of lower-order models is incorporated later. however, the full heuristic is already available and exact for those words. so don't sweat it. TODO: state (+ possibly span-specific) custom heuristic, e.g. in "longer than previous word" model, you can expect a higher outside if your state is a word of 2 letters. this is on top of the nice heuristic for the unscored words, of course. in ngrams, the avg prob will be about the same, but if the words possible for a source span are summarized, maybe it's possible to predict. probably not worht the time. */ //SEE ALSO: ff_fsa_dynamic.h, ff_from_fsa.h //TODO: decide whether to use init_features / add_value vs. summing elsewhere + set_value once (or inefficient for from_fsa: sum distinct feature_vectors. but L->R if we only scan 1 word at a time, that's fine #define FSA_DEBUG 0 #if USE_INFO_EDGE #define FSA_DEBUG_CERR 0 #else #define FSA_DEBUG_CERR 1 #endif #define FSA_DEBUG_DEBUG 0 # define FSADBGif(i,e,x) do { if (i) { if (FSA_DEBUG_CERR){std::cerr< # define FSADBG(e,x) FSADBGif(d().debug(),e,x) # define FSADBGnl(e) FSADBGif_nl(d().debug(),e,x) #else # define FSADBG(e,x) # define FSADBGnl(e) #endif #include #include #include //C99 #include #include "ff.h" #include "sparse_vector.h" #include "value_array.h" // used to hold state #include "tdict.h" #include "hg.h" #include "sentences.h" typedef ValueArray Bytes; // it's not necessary to inherit from this, but you probably should to save yourself some boilerplate. defaults to no-state // usage: // struct FsaFeat : public FsaTypedBase // i.e. Impl is a CRTP template struct FsaFeatureFunctionBase { Impl const& d() const { return static_cast(*this); } Impl & d() { return static_cast(*this); } protected: int state_bytes_; // don't forget to set this. default 0 (it may depend on params of course) Bytes start,h_start; // start state and estimated-features (heuristic) start state. set these. default empty. Sentence end_phrase_; // words appended for final traversal (final state cost is assessed using Scan) e.g. "" for lm. void set_state_bytes(int sb=0) { if (start.size()!=sb) start.resize(sb); if (h_start.size()!=sb) h_start.resize(sb); state_bytes_=sb; } int fid_; // you can have more than 1 feature of course. void Init() { // CALL THIS MANUALLY (because feature name(s) may depend on param fid_=FD::Convert(d().name()); } inline void static to_state(void *state,char const* begin,char const* end) { std::memcpy(state,begin,end-begin); } inline void static to_state(void *state,char const* begin,int n) { std::memcpy(state,begin,n); } template inline void static to_state(void *state,T const* begin,int n=1) { to_state(state,(char const*)begin,n*sizeof(T)); } template inline void static to_state(void *state,T const* begin,T const* end) { to_state(state,(char const*)begin,(char const*)end); } inline static char hexdigit(int i) { int j=i-10; return j>=0?'a'+j:'0'+i; } inline static void print_hex_byte(std::ostream &o,unsigned c) { o<>4); o<set_value(fid_,0); //erase(fid_) } // return m: all strings x with the same final m+1 letters must end in this state /* markov chain of order m: P(xn|xn-1...x1)=P(xn|xn-1...xn-m) */ int markov_order() const { return 0; } // override if you use state. order 0 implies state_bytes()==0 as well, as far as scoring/splitting is concerned (you can still track state, though) //TODO: if we wanted, we could mark certain states as maximal-context, but this would lose our fixed amount of left context in ff_from_fsa, and lose also our vector operations (have to scan left words 1 at a time, checking always to see where you change from h to inside - BUT, could detect equivalent LM states, which would be nice). Features features() const { // override this if >1 fid return FeatureFunction::single_feature(fid_); } // override this (static) static std::string usage(bool param,bool verbose) { return FeatureFunction::usage_helper("unnamed_fsa_feature","","",param,verbose); } int state_bytes() const { return state_bytes_; } // or override this void const* start_state() const { return start.begin(); } void const * heuristic_start_state() const { return h_start.begin(); } Sentence const& end_phrase() const { return end_phrase_; } // move from state to next_state after seeing word x, while emitting features->add_value(fid,val) possibly with duplicates. state and next_state will never be the same memory. //TODO: decide if we want to require you to support dest same as src, since that's how we use it most often in ff_from_fsa bottom-up wrapper (in l->r scoring, however, distinct copies will be the rule), and it probably wouldn't be too hard for most people to support. however, it's good to hide the complexity here, once (see overly clever FsaScan loop that swaps src/dest addresses repeatedly to scan a sequence by effectively swapping) // different name because of inheritance method hiding; simple/common case; 1 fid Featval Scan1(WordID w,void const* state,void *next_state) const { return 0; } // NOTE: if you want to e.g. track statistics, cache, whatever, cast const away or use mutable members inline void Scan(SentenceMetadata const& smeta,const Hypergraph::Edge& edge,WordID w,void const* state,void *next_state,FeatureVector *features) const { features->maybe_add(fid_,d().Scan1(w,state,next_state)); } // don't set state-bytes etc. in ctor because it may depend on parsing param string FsaFeatureFunctionBase(int statesz=0,Sentence const& end_sentence_phrase=Sentence()) : state_bytes_(statesz),start(statesz),h_start(statesz),end_phrase_(end_sentence_phrase) {} }; // init state is in cs; overwrite cs, ns repeatedly (alternatively). return resulting state template void *FsaScan(FsaFF const& ff,SentenceMetadata const& smeta,const Hypergraph::Edge& edge,WordID const* i, WordID const* end,FeatureVector *features, void *cs,void *ns) { // extra code - IT'S FOR EFFICIENCY, MAN! IT'S OK! definitely no bugs here. void *os,*es; if ((end-i)&1) { // odd # of words os=cs; es=ns; goto odd; } else { i+=1; es=cs; os=ns; } for (;io odd: ff.Scan(smeta,edge,i[0],os,es,features); // o->e } return es; } // if you have a more efficient implementation for scanning a phrase than one word at a time (e.g. LM context using sliding window buffer rather than rotating through a fixed state size), you can override this template void Scan(FsaFF const& ff,SentenceMetadata const& smeta,const Hypergraph::Edge& edge,WordID const* i,WordID const* e,void const* state,void *next_state,FeatureVector *features) { int ssz=ff.state_bytes(); if (!ssz) { for (;i void AccumFeatures(FF const& ff,SentenceMetadata const& smeta,const Hypergraph::Edge& edge,WordID const* i, WordID const* end,FeatureVector *h_features,void const* start_state) { int ssz=ff.state_bytes(); if (ssz) { Bytes state(ssz),state2(ssz); void *cs=state.begin(),*ns=state2.begin(); memcpy(cs,start_state,ff.state_bytes()); FsaScan(ff,smeta,edge,i,end,h_features,cs,ns); } else for (;i // i.e. Impl is a CRTP template struct FsaTypedBase : public FsaFeatureFunctionBase { Impl const& d() const { return static_cast(*this); } Impl & d() { return static_cast(*this); } protected: typedef FsaFeatureFunctionBase Base; typedef St State; static inline State & state(void *state) { return *(State*)state; } static inline State const& state(void const* state) { return *(State const*)state; } void set_starts(State const& s,State const& heuristic_s) { if (0) { // already in ctor Base::start.resize(sizeof(State)); Base::h_start.resize(sizeof(State)); } assert(Base::start.size()==sizeof(State)); assert(Base::h_start.size()==sizeof(State)); state(Base::start.begin())=s; state(Base::h_start.begin())=heuristic_s; } FsaTypedBase(St const& start_st=St() ,St const& h_start_st=St() ,Sentence const& end_sentence_phrase=Sentence()) : Base(sizeof(State),end_sentence_phrase) { set_starts(start_st,h_start_st); } public: void print_state(std::ostream &o,void const*st) const { o<maybe_add(d().fid_,d().ScanT1(w,prev_st,new_st)); } inline void Scan(SentenceMetadata const& smeta,const Hypergraph::Edge& edge,WordID w,void const* st,void *next_state,FeatureVector *features) const { Impl const& im=d(); FSADBG(edge,"Scan "<"<