#include "ff_factory.h" #include "ff.h" #include "stringlib.h" #include <stdexcept> using boost::shared_ptr; using namespace std; // global ff registry FFRegistry ff_registry; UntypedFactory::~UntypedFactory() { } void UntypedFactoryRegistry::clear() { reg_.clear(); } bool UntypedFactoryRegistry::have(std::string const& ffname) { return reg_.find(ffname)!=reg_.end(); } void UntypedFactoryRegistry::DisplayList() const { for (Factmap::const_iterator it = reg_.begin(); it != reg_.end(); ++it) { cerr << " " << it->first << endl; } } string UntypedFactoryRegistry::usage(string const& ffname,bool params,bool verbose) const { Factmap::const_iterator it = reg_.find(ffname); return it == reg_.end() ? "Unknown feature " + ffname : it->second->usage(params,verbose); } void UntypedFactoryRegistry::Register(const string& ffname, UntypedFactory* factory) { if (reg_.find(ffname) != reg_.end()) { cerr << "Duplicate registration of FeatureFunction with name " << ffname << "!\n"; abort(); } reg_[ffname].reset(factory); } void UntypedFactoryRegistry::Register(UntypedFactory* factory) { Register(factory->usage(false,false),factory); } void ff_usage(std::string const& n,std::ostream &out) { bool have=ff_registry.have(n); if (have) out << "FF " << ff_registry.usage(n,true,true) << endl; else { cerr << "Unknown feature: " << n << endl; abort(); } }