#include "ff_const_reorder.h" #include "filelib.h" #include "stringlib.h" #include "hg.h" #include "sentence_metadata.h" #include "hash.h" #include "ff_const_reorder_common.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace const_reorder; typedef HASH_MAP > MapClassifier; struct SBitArray { SBitArray(int size) : size_(size) { int bit_size = size / 8; if (size % 8 > 0) bit_size++; char_ = new unsigned char[bit_size]; memset(char_, 0, bit_size); } ~SBitArray() { delete[] char_; } int Get(int index) const { int i; i = index; if (i < 0) i = size_ + i; assert(i > -1 && i < size_); int byte_index, bit_index; byte_index = i / 8; bit_index = i % 8; unsigned char res; if (bit_index == 0) res = char_[byte_index] & 0x01; else if (bit_index == 1) res = char_[byte_index] & 0x02; else if (bit_index == 2) res = char_[byte_index] & 0x04; else if (bit_index == 3) res = char_[byte_index] & 0x08; else if (bit_index == 4) res = char_[byte_index] & 0x10; else if (bit_index == 5) res = char_[byte_index] & 0x20; else if (bit_index == 6) res = char_[byte_index] & 0x40; else if (bit_index == 7) res = char_[byte_index] & 0x80; else assert(false); if (res != 0) return 1; else return 0; } void Set(int index, int val) { assert(val == 0 || val == 1); int i; i = index; if (i < 0) i = size_ + i; assert(i > -1 && i < size_); int byte_index, bit_index; byte_index = i / 8; bit_index = i % 8; unsigned char res; if (bit_index == 0) { if (val == 0) res = char_[byte_index] & 0xFE; else res = char_[byte_index] | 0x01; } else if (bit_index == 1) { if (val == 0) res = char_[byte_index] & 0xFD; else res = char_[byte_index] | 0x02; } else if (bit_index == 2) { if (val == 0) res = char_[byte_index] & 0xFB; else res = char_[byte_index] | 0x04; } else if (bit_index == 3) { if (val == 0) res = char_[byte_index] & 0xF7; else res = char_[byte_index] | 0x08; } else if (bit_index == 4) { if (val == 0) res = char_[byte_index] & 0xEF; else res = char_[byte_index] | 0x10; } else if (bit_index == 5) { if (val == 0) res = char_[byte_index] & 0xDF; else res = char_[byte_index] | 0x20; } else if (bit_index == 6) { if (val == 0) res = char_[byte_index] & 0xBF; else res = char_[byte_index] | 0x40; } else if (bit_index == 7) { if (val == 0) res = char_[byte_index] & 0x7F; else res = char_[byte_index] | 0x80; } else assert(false); char_[byte_index] = res; } private: const int size_; unsigned char* char_; }; inline bool is_inside(int i, int left, int right) { if (i < left || i > right) return false; return true; } /* * assume i <= j * [i, j] is inside [left, right] or [i, j] equates to [left, right] */ inline bool is_inside(int i, int j, int left, int right) { if (i >= left && j <= right) return true; return false; } /* * assume i <= j * [i, j] is inside [left, right], but [i, j] not equal to [left, right] */ inline bool is_proper_inside(int i, int j, int left, int right) { if (i >= left && j <= right && right - left > j - i) return true; return false; } /* * assume i <= j * [i, j] is proper proper inside [left, right] */ inline bool is_proper_proper_inside(int i, int j, int left, int right) { if (i > left && j < right) return true; return false; } inline bool is_overlap(int left1, int right1, int left2, int right2) { if (is_inside(left1, left2, right2) || is_inside(left2, left1, right1)) return true; return false; } inline void NewAndCopyCharArray(char** p, const char* q) { if (q != NULL) { (*p) = new char[strlen(q) + 1]; strcpy((*p), q); } else (*p) = NULL; } // TODO:to make the alignment more efficient struct TargetTranslation { typedef vector SingleWordAlign; TargetTranslation(int begin_pos, int end_pos, int input_begin_pos, int input_end_pos, int e_num_word) : begin_pos_(begin_pos), end_pos_(end_pos), input_begin_pos_(input_begin_pos), input_end_pos_(input_end_pos), e_num_words_(e_num_word), vec_left_most_(end_pos - begin_pos + 1, e_num_word), vec_right_most_(end_pos - begin_pos + 1, -1), vec_f_align_bit_array_(end_pos - begin_pos + 1, NULL), vec_e_align_bit_array_(e_num_word, NULL) { int len = end_pos - begin_pos + 1; align_.reserve(1.5 * len); } ~TargetTranslation() { for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_f_align_bit_array_.size(); i++) if (vec_f_align_bit_array_[i] != NULL) delete vec_f_align_bit_array_[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_e_align_bit_array_.size(); i++) if (vec_e_align_bit_array_[i] != NULL) delete vec_e_align_bit_array_[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < align_.size(); i++) delete align_[i]; } void InsertAlignmentPoint(int s, int t) { int i = s - begin_pos_; SBitArray*& b = vec_f_align_bit_array_[i]; if (b == NULL) b = new SBitArray(e_num_words_); b->Set(t, 1); SBitArray*& a = vec_e_align_bit_array_[t]; if (a == NULL) a = new SBitArray(end_pos_ - begin_pos_ + 1); a->Set(i, 1); align_.push_back(new AlignmentPoint(s, t)); if (t > vec_right_most_[i]) vec_right_most_[i] = t; if (t < vec_left_most_[i]) vec_left_most_[i] = t; } /* * given a source span [begin, end], whether its target side is continuous, * return "0": the source span is translated silently * return "1": there is at least on word inside its target span, this word * doesn't align to any word inside [begin, end], but outside [begin, end] * return "2": otherwise */ string IsTargetConstinousSpan(int begin, int end) const { int target_begin, target_end; FindLeftRightMostTargetSpan(begin, end, target_begin, target_end); if (target_begin == -1) return "0"; for (int i = target_begin; i <= target_end; i++) { if (vec_e_align_bit_array_[i] == NULL) continue; int j = begin; for (; j <= end; j++) { if (vec_e_align_bit_array_[i]->Get(j - begin_pos_)) break; } if (j == end + 1) // e[i] is aligned, but e[i] doesn't align to any // source word in [begin_pos, end_pos] return "1"; } return "2"; } string IsTargetConstinousSpan2(int begin, int end) const { int target_begin, target_end; FindLeftRightMostTargetSpan(begin, end, target_begin, target_end); if (target_begin == -1) return "Unaligned"; for (int i = target_begin; i <= target_end; i++) { if (vec_e_align_bit_array_[i] == NULL) continue; int j = begin; for (; j <= end; j++) { if (vec_e_align_bit_array_[i]->Get(j - begin_pos_)) break; } if (j == end + 1) // e[i] is aligned, but e[i] doesn't align to any // source word in [begin_pos, end_pos] return "Discon't"; } return "Con't"; } void FindLeftRightMostTargetSpan(int begin, int end, int& target_begin, int& target_end) const { int b = begin - begin_pos_; int e = end - begin_pos_ + 1; target_begin = vec_left_most_[b]; target_end = vec_right_most_[b]; for (int i = b + 1; i < e; i++) { if (target_begin > vec_left_most_[i]) target_begin = vec_left_most_[i]; if (target_end < vec_right_most_[i]) target_end = vec_right_most_[i]; } if (target_end == -1) target_begin = -1; return; target_begin = e_num_words_; target_end = -1; for (int i = begin - begin_pos_; i < end - begin_pos_ + 1; i++) { if (vec_f_align_bit_array_[i] == NULL) continue; for (int j = 0; j < target_begin; j++) if (vec_f_align_bit_array_[i]->Get(j)) { target_begin = j; break; } } for (int i = end - begin_pos_; i > begin - begin_pos_ - 1; i--) { if (vec_f_align_bit_array_[i] == NULL) continue; for (int j = e_num_words_ - 1; j > target_end; j--) if (vec_f_align_bit_array_[i]->Get(j)) { target_end = j; break; } } if (target_end == -1) target_begin = -1; } const uint16_t begin_pos_, end_pos_; // the position in parse const uint16_t input_begin_pos_, input_end_pos_; // the position in input const uint16_t e_num_words_; vector align_; private: vector vec_left_most_; vector vec_right_most_; vector vec_f_align_bit_array_; vector vec_e_align_bit_array_; }; struct FocusedConstituent { FocusedConstituent(const SParsedTree* pTree) { if (pTree == NULL) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < pTree->m_vecTerminals.size(); i++) { STreeItem* pParent = pTree->m_vecTerminals[i]->m_ptParent; while (pParent != NULL) { // if (pParent->m_vecChildren.size() > 1 && pParent->m_iEnd - // pParent->m_iBegin > 5) { // if (pParent->m_vecChildren.size() > 1) { if (true) { // do constituent reordering for all children of pParent if (strcmp(pParent->m_pszTerm, "ROOT")) focus_parents_.push_back(pParent); } if (pParent->m_iBrotherIndex != 0) break; pParent = pParent->m_ptParent; } } } ~FocusedConstituent() { // TODO focus_parents_.clear(); } vector focus_parents_; }; typedef SPredicateItem FocusedPredicate; struct FocusedSRL { FocusedSRL(const SSrlSentence* srl) { if (srl == NULL) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < srl->m_vecPred.size(); i++) { if (strcmp(srl->m_pTree->m_vecTerminals[srl->m_vecPred[i]->m_iPosition] ->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm, "VA") == 0) continue; focus_predicates_.push_back( new FocusedPredicate(srl->m_pTree, srl->m_vecPred[i])); } } ~FocusedSRL() { focus_predicates_.clear(); } vector focus_predicates_; }; /* * Note: * In BOLT experiments, we need to merged some sequence words into one term *(like from "1999 nian 1 yue 10 ri" to "1999_nian_1_yue_10_ri") due to some *reasons; * but in the parse file, we still use the parse tree before merging any *words; * therefore, the words in source sentence and parse tree diverse and we *need to map a word in merged sentence into its original index; * a word in source sentence maps 1 or more words in parse tree * the index map info is stored at variable index_map_; * if the index_map_ is NULL, indicating the word index in source sentence *and parse tree is always same. * * In ConstReorderFeatureImpl, as to store alignment info, we use the word *index of the parse tree */ struct SIndexMap { SIndexMap(const string& index_map_file) { if (index_map_file == "") { index_map_input_2_parse = NULL; index_map_parse_2_input = NULL; return; } vector terms; { ReadFile file(index_map_file); string line; assert(getline(*file.stream(), line)); SplitOnWhitespace(line, &terms); } index_map_input_2_parse = new short int[terms.size() + 1]; int ix = 0; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { index_map_input_2_parse[i] = ix; ix += atoi(terms[i].c_str()); } index_map_input_2_parse[i] = ix; // assert(ix == parsed_tree_->m_vecTerminals.size()); index_map_parse_2_input = new short int[ix + 1]; int jx = 0; for (i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { int num_word = atoi(terms[i].c_str()); for (int j = 0; j < num_word; j++) index_map_parse_2_input[jx++] = i; } index_map_parse_2_input[jx] = i; assert(jx == ix); } ~SIndexMap() { if (index_map_input_2_parse != NULL) delete index_map_input_2_parse; if (index_map_parse_2_input != NULL) delete index_map_parse_2_input; } /* * an input word maps to 1 or more words in parse */ void MapIndex_Input_2_Parse(short int ix, short int& mapped_begin, short int& mapped_end) { MapIndex_Input_2_Parse(ix, ix, mapped_begin, mapped_end); } /* * given the indices in input, * return the indices in parse tree */ void MapIndex_Input_2_Parse(short int begin, short int end, short int& mapped_begin, short int& mapped_end) { if (index_map_input_2_parse == NULL) { mapped_begin = begin; mapped_end = end; return; } mapped_begin = index_map_input_2_parse[begin]; mapped_end = index_map_input_2_parse[end + 1] - 1; } /* * given the indices in input, * return the indices in parse tree */ void MapIndex_Parse_2_Input(short int mapped_begin, short int mapped_end, short int& begin, short int& end) { if (index_map_parse_2_input == NULL) { begin = mapped_begin; end = mapped_end; return; } begin = index_map_parse_2_input[mapped_begin]; end = index_map_parse_2_input[mapped_end]; assert(mapped_begin == 0 || index_map_parse_2_input[mapped_begin - 1] != index_map_parse_2_input[mapped_begin]); assert(index_map_parse_2_input[mapped_end + 1] != index_map_parse_2_input[mapped_end]); } /* * given a index in input * return the number of its corresponding words in parse tree */ int MapIndexWordCount(int ix) { if (index_map_input_2_parse == NULL) return 1; return index_map_input_2_parse[ix + 1] - index_map_input_2_parse[ix]; } private: short int* index_map_input_2_parse; short int* index_map_parse_2_input; }; struct ConstReorderFeatureImpl { ConstReorderFeatureImpl(const std::string& param) { b_block_feature_ = false; b_order_feature_ = false; b_srl_block_feature_ = false; b_srl_order_feature_ = false; vector terms; SplitOnWhitespace(param, &terms); if (terms.size() == 1) { b_block_feature_ = true; b_order_feature_ = true; } else if (terms.size() >= 3) { if (terms[1].compare("1") == 0) b_block_feature_ = true; if (terms[2].compare("1") == 0) b_order_feature_ = true; if (terms.size() == 6) { if (terms[4].compare("1") == 0) b_srl_block_feature_ = true; if (terms[5].compare("1") == 0) b_srl_order_feature_ = true; assert(b_srl_block_feature_ || b_srl_order_feature_); } } else { assert("ERROR"); } const_reorder_classifier_left_ = NULL; const_reorder_classifier_right_ = NULL; srl_reorder_classifier_left_ = NULL; srl_reorder_classifier_right_ = NULL; if (b_order_feature_) { InitializeClassifier((terms[0] + string(".left")).c_str(), &const_reorder_classifier_left_); InitializeClassifier((terms[0] + string(".right")).c_str(), &const_reorder_classifier_right_); } if (b_srl_order_feature_) { InitializeClassifier((terms[3] + string(".left")).c_str(), &srl_reorder_classifier_left_); InitializeClassifier((terms[3] + string(".right")).c_str(), &srl_reorder_classifier_right_); } parsed_tree_ = NULL; focused_consts_ = NULL; index_map_ = NULL; srl_sentence_ = NULL; focused_srl_ = NULL; map_left_ = NULL; map_right_ = NULL; map_srl_left_ = NULL; map_srl_right_ = NULL; dict_block_status_ = new Dict(); dict_block_status_->Convert("Unaligned", false); dict_block_status_->Convert("Discon't", false); dict_block_status_->Convert("Con't", false); } ~ConstReorderFeatureImpl() { if (const_reorder_classifier_left_) delete const_reorder_classifier_left_; if (const_reorder_classifier_right_) delete const_reorder_classifier_right_; if (srl_reorder_classifier_left_) delete srl_reorder_classifier_left_; if (srl_reorder_classifier_right_) delete srl_reorder_classifier_right_; FreeSentenceVariables(); delete dict_block_status_; } static int ReserveStateSize() { return 1 * sizeof(TargetTranslation*); } void InitializeInputSentence(const std::string& parse_file, const std::string& srl_file, const std::string& index_map_file) { FreeSentenceVariables(); if (b_srl_block_feature_ || b_srl_order_feature_) { assert(srl_file != ""); srl_sentence_ = ReadSRLSentence(srl_file); parsed_tree_ = srl_sentence_->m_pTree; } else { assert(parse_file != ""); srl_sentence_ = NULL; parsed_tree_ = ReadParseTree(parse_file); } if (b_block_feature_ || b_order_feature_) { focused_consts_ = new FocusedConstituent(parsed_tree_); if (b_order_feature_) { // we can do the classifier "off-line" map_left_ = new MapClassifier(); map_right_ = new MapClassifier(); InitializeConstReorderClassifierOutput(); } } if (b_srl_block_feature_ || b_srl_order_feature_) { focused_srl_ = new FocusedSRL(srl_sentence_); if (b_srl_order_feature_) { map_srl_left_ = new MapClassifier(); map_srl_right_ = new MapClassifier(); InitializeSRLReorderClassifierOutput(); } } index_map_ = new SIndexMap(index_map_file); if (parsed_tree_ != NULL) { size_t i = parsed_tree_->m_vecTerminals.size(); vec_target_tran_.reserve(20 * i * i * i); } else vec_target_tran_.reserve(1000000); } void SetConstReorderFeature(const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, SparseVector* features, const vector& ant_states, void* state) { if (parsed_tree_ == NULL) return; short int mapped_begin, mapped_end; index_map_->MapIndex_Input_2_Parse(edge.i_, edge.j_ - 1, mapped_begin, mapped_end); typedef TargetTranslation* PtrTargetTranslation; PtrTargetTranslation* remnant = reinterpret_cast(state); vector vec_node; vec_node.reserve(edge.tail_nodes_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < edge.tail_nodes_.size(); i++) { const PtrTargetTranslation* astate = reinterpret_cast(ant_states[i]); vec_node.push_back(astate[0]); } int e_num_word = edge.rule_->e_.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_node.size(); i++) { e_num_word += vec_node[i]->e_num_words_; e_num_word--; } remnant[0] = new TargetTranslation(mapped_begin, mapped_end, edge.i_, edge.j_ - 1, e_num_word); vec_target_tran_.push_back(remnant[0]); // reset the alignment // for the source side, we know its position in source sentence // for the target side, we always assume its starting position is 0 unsigned vc = 0; const TRulePtr rule = edge.rule_; std::vector f_index(rule->f_.size()); int index = edge.i_; for (unsigned i = 0; i < rule->f_.size(); i++) { f_index[i] = index; const WordID& c = rule->f_[i]; if (c < 1) index = vec_node[vc++]->input_end_pos_ + 1; else index++; } assert(vc == vec_node.size()); assert(index == edge.j_); std::vector e_index(rule->e_.size()); index = 0; vc = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < rule->e_.size(); i++) { e_index[i] = index; const WordID& c = rule->e_[i]; if (c < 1) { index += vec_node[-c]->e_num_words_; vc++; } else index++; } assert(vc == vec_node.size()); size_t nt_pos = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < edge.rule_->f_.size(); i++) { if (edge.rule_->f_[i] > 0) continue; // it's an NT size_t j; for (j = 0; j < edge.rule_->e_.size(); j++) if (edge.rule_->e_[j] * -1 == nt_pos) break; assert(j != edge.rule_->e_.size()); nt_pos++; // i aligns j int eindex = e_index[j]; const vector& align = vec_node[-1 * edge.rule_->e_[j]]->align_; for (size_t k = 0; k < align.size(); k++) { remnant[0]->InsertAlignmentPoint(align[k]->s_, eindex + align[k]->t_); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < edge.rule_->a_.size(); i++) { short int parse_index_begin, parse_index_end; index_map_->MapIndex_Input_2_Parse(f_index[edge.rule_->a_[i].s_], parse_index_begin, parse_index_end); int findex = parse_index_begin; int eindex = e_index[edge.rule_->a_[i].t_]; int word_count = index_map_->MapIndexWordCount(f_index[edge.rule_->a_[i].s_]); assert(word_count == parse_index_end - parse_index_begin + 1); for (int i = 0; i < word_count; i++) remnant[0]->InsertAlignmentPoint(findex + i, eindex); } // till now, we finished setting state values // next, use the state values to calculate constituent reorder feature SetConstReorderFeature(mapped_begin, mapped_end, features, remnant[0], vec_node, f_index); } void SetConstReorderFeature(short int mapped_begin, short int mapped_end, SparseVector* features, const TargetTranslation* target_translation, const vector& vec_node, std::vector& /*findex*/) { if (b_srl_block_feature_ || b_srl_order_feature_) { double logprob_srl_reorder_left = 0.0, logprob_srl_reorder_right = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < focused_srl_->focus_predicates_.size(); i++) { const FocusedPredicate* pred = focused_srl_->focus_predicates_[i]; if (!is_overlap(mapped_begin, mapped_end, pred->begin_, pred->end_)) continue; // have no overlap between this predicate (with its // argument) and the current edge size_t j; for (j = 0; j < vec_node.size(); j++) { if (is_inside(pred->begin_, pred->end_, vec_node[j]->begin_pos_, vec_node[j]->end_pos_)) break; } if (j < vec_node.size()) continue; vector vecBlockStatus; vecBlockStatus.reserve(pred->vec_items_.size()); for (j = 0; j < pred->vec_items_.size(); j++) { const STreeItem* con1 = pred->vec_items_[j]->tree_item_; if (con1->m_iBegin < mapped_begin || con1->m_iEnd > mapped_end) { vecBlockStatus.push_back(0); continue; } // the node is partially outside the current edge string type = target_translation->IsTargetConstinousSpan2( con1->m_iBegin, con1->m_iEnd); vecBlockStatus.push_back(dict_block_status_->Convert(type, false)); if (!b_srl_block_feature_) continue; // see if the node is covered by an NT size_t k; for (k = 0; k < vec_node.size(); k++) { if (is_inside(con1->m_iBegin, con1->m_iEnd, vec_node[k]->begin_pos_, vec_node[k]->end_pos_)) break; } if (k < vec_node.size()) continue; int f_id = FD::Convert(string(pred->vec_items_[j]->role_) + type); if (f_id) features->add_value(f_id, 1); } if (!b_srl_order_feature_) continue; vector vecPosition, vecRelativePosition; vector vecRightPosition, vecRelativeRightPosition; vecPosition.reserve(pred->vec_items_.size()); vecRelativePosition.reserve(pred->vec_items_.size()); vecRightPosition.reserve(pred->vec_items_.size()); vecRelativeRightPosition.reserve(pred->vec_items_.size()); for (j = 0; j < pred->vec_items_.size(); j++) { const STreeItem* con1 = pred->vec_items_[j]->tree_item_; if (con1->m_iBegin < mapped_begin || con1->m_iEnd > mapped_end) { vecPosition.push_back(-1); vecRightPosition.push_back(-1); continue; } // the node is partially outside the current edge int left1 = -1, right1 = -1; target_translation->FindLeftRightMostTargetSpan( con1->m_iBegin, con1->m_iEnd, left1, right1); vecPosition.push_back(left1); vecRightPosition.push_back(right1); } fnGetRelativePosition(vecPosition, vecRelativePosition); fnGetRelativePosition(vecRightPosition, vecRelativeRightPosition); for (j = 1; j < pred->vec_items_.size(); j++) { const STreeItem* con1 = pred->vec_items_[j - 1]->tree_item_; const STreeItem* con2 = pred->vec_items_[j]->tree_item_; if (con1->m_iBegin < mapped_begin || con2->m_iEnd > mapped_end) continue; // one of the two nodes is partially outside the current // edge // both con1 and con2 are covered, need to check if they are covered // by the same NT size_t k; for (k = 0; k < vec_node.size(); k++) { if (is_inside(con1->m_iBegin, con2->m_iEnd, vec_node[k]->begin_pos_, vec_node[k]->end_pos_)) break; } if (k < vec_node.size()) continue; // they are not covered bye the same NT string outcome; string key; GenerateKey(pred->vec_items_[j - 1]->tree_item_, pred->vec_items_[j]->tree_item_, vecBlockStatus[j - 1], vecBlockStatus[j], key); fnGetOutcome(vecRelativePosition[j - 1], vecRelativePosition[j], outcome); double prob = CalculateConstReorderProb(srl_reorder_classifier_left_, map_srl_left_, key, outcome); // printf("%s %s %f\n", ostr.str().c_str(), outcome.c_str(), prob); logprob_srl_reorder_left += log10(prob); fnGetOutcome(vecRelativeRightPosition[j - 1], vecRelativeRightPosition[j], outcome); prob = CalculateConstReorderProb(srl_reorder_classifier_right_, map_srl_right_, key, outcome); logprob_srl_reorder_right += log10(prob); } } if (b_srl_order_feature_) { int f_id = FD::Convert("SRLReorderFeatureLeft"); if (f_id && logprob_srl_reorder_left != 0.0) features->set_value(f_id, logprob_srl_reorder_left); f_id = FD::Convert("SRLReorderFeatureRight"); if (f_id && logprob_srl_reorder_right != 0.0) features->set_value(f_id, logprob_srl_reorder_right); } } if (b_block_feature_ || b_order_feature_) { double logprob_const_reorder_left = 0.0, logprob_const_reorder_right = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < focused_consts_->focus_parents_.size(); i++) { STreeItem* parent = focused_consts_->focus_parents_[i]; if (!is_overlap(mapped_begin, mapped_end, parent->m_iBegin, parent->m_iEnd)) continue; // have no overlap between this parent node and the current // edge size_t j; for (j = 0; j < vec_node.size(); j++) { if (is_inside(parent->m_iBegin, parent->m_iEnd, vec_node[j]->begin_pos_, vec_node[j]->end_pos_)) break; } if (j < vec_node.size()) continue; if (b_block_feature_) { if (parent->m_iBegin >= mapped_begin && parent->m_iEnd <= mapped_end) { string type = target_translation->IsTargetConstinousSpan2( parent->m_iBegin, parent->m_iEnd); int f_id = FD::Convert(string(parent->m_pszTerm) + type); if (f_id) features->add_value(f_id, 1); } } if (parent->m_vecChildren.size() == 1 || !b_order_feature_) continue; vector vecChunkBlock; vecChunkBlock.reserve(parent->m_vecChildren.size()); for (j = 0; j < parent->m_vecChildren.size(); j++) { STreeItem* con1 = parent->m_vecChildren[j]; if (con1->m_iBegin < mapped_begin || con1->m_iEnd > mapped_end) { vecChunkBlock.push_back(0); continue; } // the node is partially outside the current edge string type = target_translation->IsTargetConstinousSpan2( con1->m_iBegin, con1->m_iEnd); vecChunkBlock.push_back(dict_block_status_->Convert(type, false)); /*if (!b_block_feature_) continue; //see if the node is covered by an NT size_t k; for (k = 0; k < vec_node.size(); k++) { if (is_inside(con1->m_iBegin, con1->m_iEnd, vec_node[k]->begin_pos_, vec_node[k]->end_pos_)) break; } if (k < vec_node.size()) continue; int f_id = FD::Convert(string(con1->m_pszTerm) + type); if (f_id) features->add_value(f_id, 1);*/ } if (!b_order_feature_) continue; vector vecPosition, vecRelativePosition; vector vecRightPosition, vecRelativeRightPosition; vecPosition.reserve(parent->m_vecChildren.size()); vecRelativePosition.reserve(parent->m_vecChildren.size()); vecRightPosition.reserve(parent->m_vecChildren.size()); vecRelativeRightPosition.reserve(parent->m_vecChildren.size()); for (j = 0; j < parent->m_vecChildren.size(); j++) { STreeItem* con1 = parent->m_vecChildren[j]; if (con1->m_iBegin < mapped_begin || con1->m_iEnd > mapped_end) { vecPosition.push_back(-1); vecRightPosition.push_back(-1); continue; } // the node is partially outside the current edge int left1 = -1, right1 = -1; target_translation->FindLeftRightMostTargetSpan( con1->m_iBegin, con1->m_iEnd, left1, right1); vecPosition.push_back(left1); vecRightPosition.push_back(right1); } fnGetRelativePosition(vecPosition, vecRelativePosition); fnGetRelativePosition(vecRightPosition, vecRelativeRightPosition); for (j = 1; j < parent->m_vecChildren.size(); j++) { STreeItem* con1 = parent->m_vecChildren[j - 1]; STreeItem* con2 = parent->m_vecChildren[j]; if (con1->m_iBegin < mapped_begin || con2->m_iEnd > mapped_end) continue; // one of the two nodes is partially outside the current // edge // both con1 and con2 are covered, need to check if they are covered // by the same NT size_t k; for (k = 0; k < vec_node.size(); k++) { if (is_inside(con1->m_iBegin, con2->m_iEnd, vec_node[k]->begin_pos_, vec_node[k]->end_pos_)) break; } if (k < vec_node.size()) continue; // they are not covered bye the same NT string outcome; string key; GenerateKey(parent->m_vecChildren[j - 1], parent->m_vecChildren[j], vecChunkBlock[j - 1], vecChunkBlock[j], key); fnGetOutcome(vecRelativePosition[j - 1], vecRelativePosition[j], outcome); double prob = CalculateConstReorderProb( const_reorder_classifier_left_, map_left_, key, outcome); // printf("%s %s %f\n", ostr.str().c_str(), outcome.c_str(), prob); logprob_const_reorder_left += log10(prob); fnGetOutcome(vecRelativeRightPosition[j - 1], vecRelativeRightPosition[j], outcome); prob = CalculateConstReorderProb(const_reorder_classifier_right_, map_right_, key, outcome); logprob_const_reorder_right += log10(prob); } } if (b_order_feature_) { int f_id = FD::Convert("ConstReorderFeatureLeft"); if (f_id && logprob_const_reorder_left != 0.0) features->set_value(f_id, logprob_const_reorder_left); f_id = FD::Convert("ConstReorderFeatureRight"); if (f_id && logprob_const_reorder_right != 0.0) features->set_value(f_id, logprob_const_reorder_right); } } } private: void Byte_to_Char(unsigned char* str, int n) { str[0] = (n & 255); str[1] = n / 256; } void GenerateKey(const STreeItem* pCon1, const STreeItem* pCon2, int iBlockStatus1, int iBlockStatus2, string& key) { assert(iBlockStatus1 != 0); assert(iBlockStatus2 != 0); unsigned char szTerm[1001]; Byte_to_Char(szTerm, pCon1->m_iBegin); Byte_to_Char(szTerm + 2, pCon2->m_iEnd); szTerm[4] = (char)iBlockStatus1; szTerm[5] = (char)iBlockStatus2; szTerm[6] = '\0'; // sprintf(szTerm, "%d|%d|%d|%d|%s|%s", pCon1->m_iBegin, pCon1->m_iEnd, // pCon2->m_iBegin, pCon2->m_iEnd, strBlockStatus1.c_str(), // strBlockStatus2.c_str()); key = string(szTerm, szTerm + 6); } void InitializeConstReorderClassifierOutput() { if (!b_order_feature_) return; int size_block_status = dict_block_status_->max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < focused_consts_->focus_parents_.size(); i++) { STreeItem* parent = focused_consts_->focus_parents_[i]; for (size_t j = 1; j < parent->m_vecChildren.size(); j++) { for (size_t k = 1; k <= size_block_status; k++) { for (size_t l = 1; l <= size_block_status; l++) { ostringstream ostr; GenerateFeature(parsed_tree_, parent, j, dict_block_status_->Convert(k), dict_block_status_->Convert(l), ostr); string strKey; GenerateKey(parent->m_vecChildren[j - 1], parent->m_vecChildren[j], k, l, strKey); vector vecOutput; const_reorder_classifier_left_->fnEval(ostr.str().c_str(), vecOutput); (*map_left_)[strKey] = vecOutput; const_reorder_classifier_right_->fnEval(ostr.str().c_str(), vecOutput); (*map_right_)[strKey] = vecOutput; } } } } } void InitializeSRLReorderClassifierOutput() { if (!b_srl_order_feature_) return; int size_block_status = dict_block_status_->max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < focused_srl_->focus_predicates_.size(); i++) { const FocusedPredicate* pred = focused_srl_->focus_predicates_[i]; for (size_t j = 1; j < pred->vec_items_.size(); j++) { for (size_t k = 1; k <= size_block_status; k++) { for (size_t l = 1; l <= size_block_status; l++) { ostringstream ostr; SArgumentReorderModel::fnGenerateFeature( parsed_tree_, pred->pred_, pred, j, dict_block_status_->Convert(k), dict_block_status_->Convert(l), ostr); string strKey; GenerateKey(pred->vec_items_[j - 1]->tree_item_, pred->vec_items_[j]->tree_item_, k, l, strKey); vector vecOutput; srl_reorder_classifier_left_->fnEval(ostr.str().c_str(), vecOutput); (*map_srl_left_)[strKey] = vecOutput; srl_reorder_classifier_right_->fnEval(ostr.str().c_str(), vecOutput); (*map_srl_right_)[strKey] = vecOutput; } } } } } double CalculateConstReorderProb( const Tsuruoka_Maxent* const_reorder_classifier, const MapClassifier* map, const string& key, const string& outcome) { MapClassifier::const_iterator iter = (*map).find(key); assert(iter != map->end()); int id = const_reorder_classifier->fnGetClassId(outcome); return iter->second[id]; } void FreeSentenceVariables() { if (srl_sentence_ != NULL) { delete srl_sentence_; srl_sentence_ = NULL; } else { if (parsed_tree_ != NULL) delete parsed_tree_; parsed_tree_ = NULL; } if (focused_consts_ != NULL) delete focused_consts_; focused_consts_ = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_target_tran_.size(); i++) delete vec_target_tran_[i]; vec_target_tran_.clear(); if (index_map_ != NULL) delete index_map_; index_map_ = NULL; if (map_left_ != NULL) delete map_left_; map_left_ = NULL; if (map_right_ != NULL) delete map_right_; map_right_ = NULL; if (map_srl_left_ != NULL) delete map_srl_left_; map_srl_left_ = NULL; if (map_srl_right_ != NULL) delete map_srl_right_; map_srl_right_ = NULL; } void InitializeClassifier(const char* pszFname, Tsuruoka_Maxent** ppClassifier) { (*ppClassifier) = new Tsuruoka_Maxent(pszFname); } void GenerateOutcome(const vector& vecPos, vector& vecOutcome) { vecOutcome.clear(); for (size_t i = 1; i < vecPos.size(); i++) { if (vecPos[i] == -1 || vecPos[i] == vecPos[i - 1]) { vecOutcome.push_back("M"); // monotone continue; } if (vecPos[i - 1] == -1) { // vecPos[i] is not -1 size_t j = i - 2; while (j > -1 && vecPos[j] == -1) j--; size_t k; for (k = 0; k < j; k++) { if (vecPos[k] > vecPos[j] || vecPos[k] <= vecPos[i]) break; } if (k < j) { vecOutcome.push_back("DM"); continue; } for (k = i + 1; k < vecPos.size(); k++) if (vecPos[k] < vecPos[i] && (j == -1 && vecPos[k] >= vecPos[j])) break; if (k < vecPos.size()) { vecOutcome.push_back("DM"); continue; } vecOutcome.push_back("M"); } else { // neither of vecPos[i-1] and vecPos[i] is -1 if (vecPos[i - 1] < vecPos[i]) { // monotone or discon't monotone size_t j; for (j = 0; j < i - 1; j++) if (vecPos[j] > vecPos[i - 1] && vecPos[j] <= vecPos[i]) break; if (j < i - 1) { vecOutcome.push_back("DM"); continue; } for (j = i + 1; j < vecPos.size(); j++) if (vecPos[j] >= vecPos[i - 1] && vecPos[j] < vecPos[i]) break; if (j < vecPos.size()) { vecOutcome.push_back("DM"); continue; } vecOutcome.push_back("M"); } else { // swap or discon't swap size_t j; for (j = 0; j < i - 1; j++) if (vecPos[j] > vecPos[i] && vecPos[j] <= vecPos[i - 1]) break; if (j < i - 1) { vecOutcome.push_back("DS"); continue; } for (j = i + 1; j < vecPos.size(); j++) if (vecPos[j] >= vecPos[i] && vecPos[j] < vecPos[i - 1]) break; if (j < vecPos.size()) { vecOutcome.push_back("DS"); continue; } vecOutcome.push_back("S"); } } } assert(vecOutcome.size() == vecPos.size() - 1); } void fnGetRelativePosition(const vector& vecLeft, vector& vecPosition) { vecPosition.clear(); vector vec; vec.reserve(vecLeft.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vecLeft.size(); i++) { if (vecLeft[i] == -1) { if (i == 0) vec.push_back(-1); else vec.push_back(vecLeft[i - 1] + 0.1); } else vec.push_back(vecLeft[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < vecLeft.size(); i++) { int count = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < vecLeft.size(); j++) { if (j == i) continue; if (vec[j] < vec[i]) { count++; } else if (vec[j] == vec[i] && j < i) { count++; } } vecPosition.push_back(count); } for (size_t i = 1; i < vecPosition.size(); i++) { if (vecPosition[i - 1] == vecPosition[i]) { for (size_t j = 0; j < vecLeft.size(); j++) cout << vecLeft[j] << " "; cout << "\n"; assert(false); } } } inline void fnGetOutcome(int i1, int i2, string& strOutcome) { assert(i1 != i2); if (i1 < i2) { if (i2 > i1 + 1) strOutcome = string("DM"); else strOutcome = string("M"); } else { if (i1 > i2 + 1) strOutcome = string("DS"); else strOutcome = string("S"); } } // features in constituent_reorder_model.cc void GenerateFeature(const SParsedTree* pTree, const STreeItem* pParent, int iPos, const string& strBlockStatus1, const string& strBlockStatus2, ostringstream& ostr) { STreeItem* pCon1, *pCon2; pCon1 = pParent->m_vecChildren[iPos - 1]; pCon2 = pParent->m_vecChildren[iPos]; string left_label = string(pCon1->m_pszTerm); string right_label = string(pCon2->m_pszTerm); string parent_label = string(pParent->m_pszTerm); vector vec_other_right_sibling; for (int i = iPos + 1; i < pParent->m_vecChildren.size(); i++) vec_other_right_sibling.push_back( string(pParent->m_vecChildren[i]->m_pszTerm)); if (vec_other_right_sibling.size() == 0) vec_other_right_sibling.push_back(string("NULL")); vector vec_other_left_sibling; for (int i = 0; i < iPos - 1; i++) vec_other_left_sibling.push_back( string(pParent->m_vecChildren[i]->m_pszTerm)); if (vec_other_left_sibling.size() == 0) vec_other_left_sibling.push_back(string("NULL")); // generate features // f1 ostr << "f1=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << parent_label; // f2 for (int i = 0; i < vec_other_right_sibling.size(); i++) ostr << " f2=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << parent_label << "_" << vec_other_right_sibling[i]; // f3 for (int i = 0; i < vec_other_left_sibling.size(); i++) ostr << " f3=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << parent_label << "_" << vec_other_left_sibling[i]; // f4 ostr << " f4=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon1->m_iHeadWord]->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm; // f5 ostr << " f5=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon1->m_iHeadWord]->m_pszTerm; // f6 ostr << " f6=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon2->m_iHeadWord]->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm; // f7 ostr << " f7=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon2->m_iHeadWord]->m_pszTerm; // f8 ostr << " f8=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << strBlockStatus1; // f9 ostr << " f9=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << strBlockStatus2; // f10 ostr << " f10=" << left_label << "_" << parent_label; // f11 ostr << " f11=" << right_label << "_" << parent_label; } SParsedTree* ReadParseTree(const std::string& parse_file) { SParseReader* reader = new SParseReader(parse_file.c_str(), false); SParsedTree* tree = reader->fnReadNextParseTree(); // assert(tree != NULL); delete reader; return tree; } SSrlSentence* ReadSRLSentence(const std::string& srl_file) { SSrlSentenceReader* reader = new SSrlSentenceReader(srl_file.c_str()); SSrlSentence* srl = reader->fnReadNextSrlSentence(); // assert(srl != NULL); delete reader; return srl; } private: Tsuruoka_Maxent* const_reorder_classifier_left_; Tsuruoka_Maxent* const_reorder_classifier_right_; Tsuruoka_Maxent* srl_reorder_classifier_left_; Tsuruoka_Maxent* srl_reorder_classifier_right_; MapClassifier* map_left_; MapClassifier* map_right_; MapClassifier* map_srl_left_; MapClassifier* map_srl_right_; SParsedTree* parsed_tree_; FocusedConstituent* focused_consts_; vector vec_target_tran_; bool b_order_feature_; bool b_block_feature_; bool b_srl_block_feature_; bool b_srl_order_feature_; SSrlSentence* srl_sentence_; FocusedSRL* focused_srl_; SIndexMap* index_map_; Dict* dict_block_status_; }; ConstReorderFeature::ConstReorderFeature(const std::string& param) { pimpl_ = new ConstReorderFeatureImpl(param); SetStateSize(ConstReorderFeatureImpl::ReserveStateSize()); SetIgnoredStateSize(ConstReorderFeatureImpl::ReserveStateSize()); name_ = "ConstReorderFeature"; } ConstReorderFeature::~ConstReorderFeature() { // TODO delete pimpl_; } void ConstReorderFeature::PrepareForInput(const SentenceMetadata& smeta) { string parse_file = smeta.GetSGMLValue("parse"); string srl_file = smeta.GetSGMLValue("srl"); assert(!(parse_file == "" && srl_file == "")); string indexmap_file = smeta.GetSGMLValue("index-map"); pimpl_->InitializeInputSentence(parse_file, srl_file, indexmap_file); } void ConstReorderFeature::TraversalFeaturesImpl( const SentenceMetadata& /* smeta */, const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const vector& ant_states, SparseVector* features, SparseVector* /*estimated_features*/, void* state) const { pimpl_->SetConstReorderFeature(edge, features, ant_states, state); } string ConstReorderFeature::usage(bool show_params, bool show_details) { ostringstream out; out << "ConstReorderFeature"; if (show_params) { out << " model_file_prefix [const_block=1 const_order=1] [srl_block=0 " "srl_order=0]" << "\nParameters:\n" << " const_{block,order}: enable/disable constituency constraints.\n" << " src_{block,order}: enable/disable semantic role labeling " "constraints.\n"; } if (show_details) { out << "\n" << "Soft reordering constraint features from " "http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P14-1106. To train the classifers, " "use utils/const_reorder_model_trainer for constituency reordering " "constraints and utils/argument_reorder_model_trainer for semantic " "role labeling reordering constraints.\n" << "Input segments should provide path to parse tree (resp. SRL parse) " "as \"parse\" (resp. \"srl\") properties.\n"; } return out.str(); } boost::shared_ptr CreateConstReorderModel( const std::string& param) { ConstReorderFeature* ret = new ConstReorderFeature(param); return boost::shared_ptr(ret); }