#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include "cfg.h" #include "hg_test.h" #include "cfg_options.h" #include "show.h" /* TODO: easiest way to get meaningful confirmations that things work: implement conversion back to hg, and compare viterbi/inside etc. stats for equality to original hg. or you can define CSHOW_V and see lots of output */ using namespace boost; #define CSHOW_V 0 #if CSHOW_V # define CSHOWDO(x) x; #else # define CSHOWDO(x) #endif #define CSHOW(x) CSHOWDO(cerr<<#x<<'='<<x<<endl;) typedef std::pair<string,string> HgW; // hg file,weights struct CFGTest : public TestWithParam<HgW> { string hgfile; Hypergraph hg; CFG cfg; CFGFormat form; FeatureVector weights; static void JsonFN(Hypergraph &hg,CFG &cfg,FeatureVector &featw,std::string file ,std::string const& wts="Model_0 1 EgivenF 1 f1 1") { istringstream ws(wts); EXPECT_TRUE(ws>>featw); CSHOW(featw) std::string path(boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argc == 2 ? boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv[1] : "test_data"); HGSetup::JsonTestFile(&hg,path,file); hg.Reweight(featw); cfg.Init(hg,true,true,false); } static void SetUpTestCase() { } static void TearDownTestCase() { } CFGTest() { hgfile=GetParam().first; JsonFN(hg,cfg,weights,hgfile,GetParam().second); CSHOWDO(cerr<<"\nCFG Test: ") CSHOW(hgfile); form.nt_span=true; form.comma_nt=false; } ~CFGTest() { } }; TEST_P(CFGTest,Binarize) { CFGBinarize b; b.bin_name_nts=1; CFG cfgu=cfg; EXPECT_EQ(cfgu,cfg); int nrules=cfg.rules.size(); CSHOWDO(cerr<<"\nUniqing: "<<nrules<<"\n"); int nrem=cfgu.UniqRules(); cerr<<"\nCFG "<<hgfile<<" Uniqed - remaining: "<<nrem<<" of "<<nrules<<"\n"; if (nrem==nrules) { EXPECT_EQ(cfgu,cfg); //TODO - check that 1best is still the same (that we removed only worse edges) } for (int i=-1;i<8;++i) { bool uniq; if (i>=0) { int f=i<<1; b.bin_l2r=1; b.bin_unary=(f>>=1)&1; b.bin_topo=(f>>=1)&1; uniq=(f>>=1)&1; } else b.bin_l2r=0; CFG cc=uniq?cfgu:cfg; CSHOW("\nBinarizing "<<(uniq?"uniqued ":"")<<": "<<i<<" "<<b); cc.Binarize(b); cerr<<"Binarized "<<b<<" rules size "<<cfg.rules_size()<<" => "<<cc.rules_size()<<"\n"; CSHOWDO(cc.Print(cerr,form);cerr<<"\n\n";); } } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(HypergraphsWeights,CFGTest, Values( HgW(perro_json,perro_wts) , HgW(small_json,small_wts) ,HgW(urdu_json,urdu_wts) )); int main(int argc, char **argv) { testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }