#include #include "apply_fsa_models.h" #include "hg.h" #include "ff_fsa_dynamic.h" #include "ff_from_fsa.h" #include "feature_vector.h" #include "stringlib.h" #include "apply_models.h" #include #include #include "cfg.h" #include "hg_cfg.h" #include "utoa.h" #include "hash.h" #include "value_array.h" #include "d_ary_heap.h" #include "agenda.h" #include "show.h" #include #define DFSA(x) x //fsa earley chart #define DPFSA(x) x //prefix trie #define DBUILDTRIE(x) x #define PRINT_PREFIX 1 #if PRINT_PREFIX # define IF_PRINT_PREFIX(x) x #else # define IF_PRINT_PREFIX(x) #endif // keep backpointers in prefix trie so you can print a meaningful node id static const unsigned FSA_AGENDA_RESERVE=10; // TODO: increase to 1<<24 (16M) using namespace std; //impl details (not exported). flat namespace for my ease. typedef CFG::RHS RHS; typedef CFG::BinRhs BinRhs; typedef CFG::NTs NTs; typedef CFG::NT NT; typedef CFG::NTHandle NTHandle; typedef CFG::Rules Rules; typedef CFG::Rule Rule; typedef CFG::RuleHandle RuleHandle; namespace { /* 1) A -> x . * (trie) this is somewhat nice. cost pushed for best first, of course. similar benefit as left-branching binarization without the explicit predict/complete steps? vs. just 2) * -> x . y here you have to potentially list out all A -> . x y as items * -> . x y immediately, and shared rhs seqs won't be shared except at the usual single-NT predict/complete. of course, the prediction of items -> . x y can occur lazy best-first. vs. 3) * -> x . * with 3, we predict all sorts of useless items - that won't give us our goal A and may not partcipate in any parse. this is not a good option at all. I'm using option 1. */ // if we don't greedy-binarize, we want to encode recognized prefixes p (X -> p . rest) efficiently. if we're doing this, we may as well also push costs so we can best-first select rules in a lazy fashion. this is effectively left-branching binarization, of course. template struct fsa_map_type { typedef std::map type; }; //template typedef #define FSA_MAP(k,v) fsa_map_type >::type typedef WordID LHS; // so this will be -NTHandle. struct get_second { template typename P::second_type const& operator()(P const& p) const { return p.second; } }; struct PrefixTrieNode; typedef PrefixTrieNode *NodeP; typedef PrefixTrieNode const *NodePc; // for debugging prints only struct TrieBackP { WordID w; NodePc from; TrieBackP(WordID w=0,NodePc from=0) : w(w),from(from) { } }; FsaFeatureFunction const* print_fsa=0; CFG const* print_cfg=0; inline void print_cfg_rhs(std::ostream &o,WordID w) { if (print_cfg) print_cfg->print_rhs_name(o,w); else CFG::static_print_rhs_name(o,w); } struct PrefixTrieEdge { // PrefixTrieEdge() { } // explicit PrefixTrieEdge(best_t p) : p(p),dest(0) { } best_t p;// viterbi additional prob, i.e. product over path incl. p_final = total rule prob //DPFSA() // we can probably just store deltas, but for debugging remember the full p // best_t delta; // NodeP dest; bool is_final() const { return dest==0; } WordID w; // for lhs, this will be nonneg NTHandle instead. // not set if is_final() // actually, set to lhs nt index // for sorting most probable first in adj; actually >(p) inline bool operator <(PrefixTrieEdge const& o) const { return o.p"< BPs; void back_vec(BPs &ns) const { IF_PRINT_PREFIX(if(backp.from) { ns.push_back(backp); backp.from->back_vec(ns); }) } BPs back_vec() const { BPs ret; back_vec(ret); return ret; } unsigned size() const { unsigned a=adj.size(); unsigned e=edge_for.size(); return a>e?a:e; } void print_back_str(std::ostream &o) const { BPs back=back_vec(); unsigned i=back.size(); if (!i) { o<<"PrefixTrieNode@"<<(uintptr_t)this; return; } bool first=true; while (i--<=0) { if (!first) o<<','; first=false; WordID w=back[i].w; print_cfg_rhs(o,w); } } std::string back_str() const { std::ostringstream o; print_back_str(o); return o.str(); } // best_t p_final; // additional prob beyond what we already paid. while building, this is the total prob // instead of storing final, we'll say that an edge with a NULL dest is a final edge. this way it gets sorted into the list of adj. // instead of completed map, we have trie start w/ lhs. NTHandle lhs; // nonneg. - instead of storing this in Item. IF_PRINT_PREFIX(BP backp;) enum { ROOT=-1 }; explicit PrefixTrieNode(NTHandle lhs=ROOT,best_t p=1) : p(p),lhs(lhs),IF_PRINT_PREFIX(backp()) { //final=false; } bool is_root() const { return lhs==ROOT; } // means adj are the nonneg lhs indices, and we have the index edge_for still available // outgoing edges will be ordered highest p to worst p typedef FSA_MAP(WordID,PrefixTrieEdge) PrefixTrieEdgeFor; public: PrefixTrieEdgeFor edge_for; //TODO: move builder elsewhere? then need 2nd hash or edge include pointer to builder. just clear this later bool have_adj() const { return adj.size()>=edge_for.size(); } bool no_adj() const { return adj.empty(); } void index_adj() { index_adj(edge_for); } template void index_adj(M &m) { assert(have_adj()); m.clear(); for (int i=0;i void index_lhs(PV &v) { for (int i=0,e=adj.size();i!=e;++i) { PrefixTrieEdge const& edge=adj[i]; // assert(edge.p.is_1()); // actually, after done_building, e will have telescoped dest->p/p. NTHandle n=edge.w; assert(n>=0); SHOWM3(DPFSA,"index_lhs",i,edge,n); v[n]=edge.dest; } } template void done_root(PV &v) { assert(is_root()); done_building_r(); //sets adj // index_adj(); // we want an index for the root node?. don't think so - index_lhs handles it. also we stopped clearing edge_for. index_lhs(v); // uses adj } // call only once. void done_building_r() { done_building(); for (int i=0;idone_building_r(); } // for done_building; compute incremental (telescoped) edge p PrefixTrieEdge /*const&*/ operator()(PrefixTrieEdgeFor::value_type & pair) const { PrefixTrieEdge &e=pair.second;//const_cast(pair.second); e.p=(e.dest->p)/p; return e; } // call only once. void done_building() { SHOWM3(DBUILDTRIE,"done_building",edge_for.size(),adj.size(),1); #if 1 adj.reinit_map(edge_for,*this); #else adj.reinit(edge_for.size()); SHOWM3(DBUILDTRIE,"done_building_reinit",edge_for.size(),adj.size(),2); Adj::iterator o=adj.begin(); for (PrefixTrieEdgeFor::iterator i=edge_for.begin(),e=edge_for.end();i!=e;++i) { SHOWM3(DBUILDTRIE,"edge_for",o-adj.begin(),i->first,i->second); PrefixTrieEdge &edge=i->second; edge.p=(edge.dest->p)/p; *o++=edge; // (*this)(*i); } #endif assert(adj.size()==edge_for.size()); // if (final) p_final/=p; std::sort(adj.begin(),adj.end()); //TODO: store adjacent differences on edges (compared to } typedef ValueArray Adj; // typedef vector Adj; Adj adj; typedef WordID W; // let's compute p_min so that every rule reachable from the created node has p at least this low. NodeP improve_edge(PrefixTrieEdge const& e,best_t rulep) { NodeP d=e.dest; maybe_improve(d->p,rulep); return d; } inline NodeP build(W w,best_t rulep) { return build(lhs,w,rulep); } inline NodeP build_lhs(NTHandle w,best_t rulep) { return build(w,w,rulep); } NodeP build(NTHandle lhs_,W w,best_t rulep) { PrefixTrieEdgeFor::iterator i=edge_for.find(w); if (i!=edge_for.end()) return improve_edge(i->second,rulep); PrefixTrieEdge &e=i->second; NodeP r=new PrefixTrieNode(lhs_,rulep); IF_PRINT_PREFIX(r->backp=BP(w,this)); e.dest=r; return r; } void set_final(NTHandle lhs_,best_t pf) { assert(no_adj()); final=true; PrefixTrieEdge &e=edge_for[-1]; e.p=pf; e.dest=0; e.w=lhs_; maybe_improve(p,pf); } private: void destroy_children() { assert(adj.size()>=edge_for.size()); for (int i=0,e=adj.size();i" << p; o << ',' << size() << ','; print_back_str(o); } PRINT_SELF(PrefixTrieNode) }; //Trie starts with lhs (nonneg index), then continues w/ rhs (mixed >0 word, else NT) // trie ends with final edge, which points to a per-lhs prefix node struct PrefixTrie { void print(std::ostream &o) const { o << cfgp << ' ' << root; } PRINT_SELF(PrefixTrie); CFG *cfgp; Rules const* rulesp; Rules const& rules() const { return *rulesp; } CFG const& cfg() const { return *cfgp; } PrefixTrieNode root; typedef std::vector LhsToTrie; // will have to check lhs2[lhs].p for best cost of some rule with that lhs, then use edge deltas after? they're just caching a very cheap computation, really LhsToTrie lhs2; // no reason to use a map or hash table; every NT in the CFG will have some rule rhses. lhs_to_trie[i]=root.edge_for[i], i.e. we still have a root trie node conceptually, we just access through this since it's faster. typedef LhsToTrie LhsToComplete; LhsToComplete lhs2complete; // the sentinel "we're completing" node (dot at end) for that lhs. special case of suffix-set=same trie minimization (aka right branching binarization) // these will be used to track kbest completions, along with a l state (r state will be in the list) PrefixTrie(CFG &cfg) : cfgp(&cfg),rulesp(&cfg.rules),lhs2(cfg.nts.size(),0),lhs2complete(cfg.nts.size()) { // cfg.SortLocalBestFirst(); // instead we'll sort in done_building_r print_cfg=cfgp; SHOWM2(DBUILDTRIE,"PrefixTrie()",rulesp->size(),lhs2.size()); cfg.VisitRuleIds(*this); root.done_root(lhs2); SHOWM4(DBUILDTRIE,"done w/ PrefixTrie: ",root,root.adj.size(),lhs2.size(),lhs2[0]); } void operator()(int ri) { Rule const& r=rules()[ri]; NTHandle lhs=r.lhs; best_t p=r.p; // NodeP n=const_cast(root).build_lhs(lhs,p); NodeP n=root.build_lhs(lhs,p); SHOWM4(DBUILDTRIE,"Prefixtrie rule id, root",ri,root,p,*n); for (RHS::const_iterator i=r.rhs.begin(),e=r.rhs.end();;++i) { SHOWM2(DBUILDTRIE,"PrefixTrie build or final",i-r.rhs.begin(),*n); if (i==e) { n->set_final(lhs,p); break; } n=n->build(*i,p); SHOWM2(DBUILDTRIE,"PrefixTrie built",*i,*n); } // root.build(lhs,r.p)->build(r.rhs,r.p); } inline NodeP lhs2_ex(NTHandle n) const { NodeP r=lhs2[n]; if (!r) throw std::runtime_error("PrefixTrie: no CFG rule w/ lhs "+cfgp->nt_name(n)); return r; } private: PrefixTrie(PrefixTrie const& o); }; // these should go in a global best-first queue struct ItemPrio { // NOTE: sum = viterbi (max) ItemPrio() : priority(init_0()),inner(init_0()) { } best_t priority; // includes inner prob. (forward) /* The forward probability alpha_i(X[k]->x.y) is the sum of the probabilities of all constrained paths of length i that end in state X[k]->x.y*/ best_t inner; /* The inner probability beta_i(X[k]->x.y) is the sum of the probabilities of all paths of length i-k that start in state X[k,k]->.xy and end in X[k,i]->x.y, and generate the input symbols x[k,...,i-1] */ template void print(O &o) const { o< dot y. for a lhs A -> . *, this will point to lh2[A] Bytes q,r; // (q->r are the fsa states; if r is empty it means bool operator==(ItemKey const& o) const { return dot==o.dot && q==o.q && r==o.r; } inline ItemHash hash() const { ItemHash h=GOLDEN_MEAN_FRACTION*(ItemHash)(dot-NULL); // i.e. lower order bits of ptr are nonrandom using namespace boost; hash_combine(h,q); hash_combine(h,r); return h; } template void print(O &o) const { o<<"lhs="<print_back_str(o); if (print_fsa) { o<<'/'; print_fsa->print_state(o,&q[0]); o<<"->"; print_fsa->print_state(o,&r[0]); } } NTHandle lhs() const { return dot->lhs; } PRINT_SELF(ItemKey) }; inline ItemHash hash_value(ItemKey const& x) { return x.hash(); } ItemKey null_item((PrefixTrieNode*)0); struct Item; typedef Item *ItemP; /* we use a single type of item so it can live in a single best-first queue. we hold them by pointer so they can have mutable state, e.g. priority/location, but also lists of predictions and kbest completions (i.e. completions[L,r] = L -> * (r,s), by 1best for each possible s. we may discover more s later. we could use different subtypes since we hold by pointer, but for now everything will be packed as variants of Item */ struct Item : ItemPrio,ItemKey { explicit Item(NodeP dot,int next=0) : ItemKey(dot),next(next),from(0) { } explicit Item(NodeP dot,FFState const& state,int next=0) : ItemKey(dot,state),next(next),from(0) { } unsigned location; typedef std::queue Predicted; Predicted predicted; // this is empty, unless this is a predicted L -> .asdf item, or a to-complete L -> asdf . int next; // index of dot->adj to complete (if dest==0), or predict (if NT), or scan (if word). note: we could store pointer inside adj since it and trie are @ fixed addrs. less pointer arith, more space. ItemP from; //backpointer - 0 for L -> . asdf for the rest; L -> a .sdf, it's the L -> .asdf item. ItemP predicted_from() const { ItemP p=(ItemP)this; while(p->from) p=p->from; return p; } template void print(O &o) const { o<< '['; ItemKey::print(o); o<<' '; ItemPrio::print(o); o<<" next="< T const& operator()(T const& t) const { return t; } }; /* here's what i imagine (best first): all of these are looked up in a chart which includes the fsa states as part of the identity perhaps some items are ephemeral and never reused (e.g. edge items of a cube, where we delay traversing trie based on probabilities), but in all ohter cases we make entirely new objects derived from the original one (memoizing). let's ignore lazier edge items for now and always push all successors onto heap. initial item (predicted): GOAL_NT -> . * (trie root for that lhs), start, start (fsa start states). has a list of completing item ( L -> * . needs to queue all the completions immediately. when predicting before a completion happens, add to prediction list. after it happens, immediately use the completed bests. this is confusing to me: the completions for an original NT w/ a given r state may end up in several different ones. we don't only care about the 1 best cost r item but all the different r. the prediction's left/right uses the predictor's right */ template struct Chart { //typedef HASH_MAP > Items; //typedef Items::iterator FindItem; //typedef std::pair InsertItem; // Items items; CFG &cfg; // TODO: remove this from Chart SentenceMetadata const& smeta; FsaFF const& fsa; NTHandle goal_nt; PrefixTrie trie; typedef Agenda A; A a; void best_first(unsigned kbest=1) { BetterP better; assert(kbest==1); //TODO: k-best via best-first requires revisiting best things again and adjusting desc. tricky. while(!a.empty()) { ItemP top=a.pop(); best_t b=a.best(); // remember; best_t apriority; best_t trie_stop_p=topb/b; NodeP d=top->dot; PrefixTrieNode::Adj const& adj=d->adj; int n=top->next; for (int m=adj.size();n struct ApplyFsa { ApplyFsa(HgCFG &i, const SentenceMetadata& smeta, const FsaFeatureFunction& fsa, DenseWeightVector const& weights, ApplyFsaBy const& by, Hypergraph* oh ) :hgcfg(i),smeta(smeta),fsa(fsa),weights(weights),by(by),oh(oh) { stateless=!fsa.state_bytes(); } void Compute() { if (by.IsBottomUp() || stateless) ApplyBottomUp(); else ApplyEarley(); } void ApplyBottomUp(); void ApplyEarley(); CFG const& GetCFG(); private: CFG cfg; HgCFG &hgcfg; SentenceMetadata const& smeta; FsaFF const& fsa; // WeightVector weight_vector; DenseWeightVector weights; ApplyFsaBy by; Hypergraph* oh; std::string cfg_out; bool stateless; }; template void ApplyFsa::ApplyBottomUp() { assert(by.IsBottomUp()); FeatureFunctionFromFsa buff(&fsa); buff.Init(); // mandatory to call this (normally factory would do it) vector ffs(1,&buff); ModelSet models(weights, ffs); IntersectionConfiguration i(stateless ? BU_FULL : by.BottomUpAlgorithm(),by.pop_limit); ApplyModelSet(hgcfg.ih,smeta,models,i,oh); } template void ApplyFsa::ApplyEarley() { hgcfg.GiveCFG(cfg); print_cfg=&cfg; print_fsa=&fsa; Chart chart(cfg,smeta,fsa); // don't need to uniq - option to do that already exists in cfg_options //TODO: } void ApplyFsaModels(HgCFG &i, const SentenceMetadata& smeta, const FsaFeatureFunction& fsa, DenseWeightVector const& weight_vector, ApplyFsaBy const& by, Hypergraph* oh) { ApplyFsa a(i,smeta,fsa,weight_vector,by,oh); a.Compute(); } /* namespace { char const* anames[]={ "BU_CUBE", "BU_FULL", "EARLEY", 0 }; } */ //TODO: named enum type in boost? std::string ApplyFsaBy::name() const { // return anames[algorithm]; return GetName(algorithm); } std::string ApplyFsaBy::all_names() { return FsaByNames(" "); /* std::ostringstream o; for (int i=0;i=N_ALGORITHMS) throw std::runtime_error("Unknown ApplyFsaBy type id: "+itos(i)+" - legal types: "+all_names()); */ GetName(i); // checks validity algorithm=i; } int ApplyFsaBy::BottomUpAlgorithm() const { assert(IsBottomUp()); return algorithm==BU_CUBE ? IntersectionConfiguration::CUBE :IntersectionConfiguration::FULL; } void ApplyFsaModels(Hypergraph const& ih, const SentenceMetadata& smeta, const FsaFeatureFunction& fsa, DenseWeightVector const& weights, // pre: in is weighted by these (except with fsa featval=0 before this) ApplyFsaBy const& cfg, Hypergraph* out) { HgCFG i(ih); ApplyFsaModels(i,smeta,fsa,weights,cfg,out); }