From 5694fc704f0c7b040c28f88a034e67a1ed19d3ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: redpony <redpony@ec762483-ff6d-05da-a07a-a48fb63a330f>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 05:27:13 +0000
Subject: alternative def of neighborhoods

git-svn-id: ec762483-ff6d-05da-a07a-a48fb63a330f
 .../support/         | 432 +++++++++++++++++++++
 word-aligner/support/           | 388 +-----------------
 2 files changed, 439 insertions(+), 381 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 word-aligner/support/

(limited to 'word-aligner/support')

diff --git a/word-aligner/support/ b/word-aligner/support/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b722ee49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/word-aligner/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use utf8;
+use strict;
+my ($effile, $model1, $imodel1, $orthof, $orthoe, $class_e, $class_f, $sparse_m1) = @ARGV;
+die "Usage: $0 corpus.f-e.full-model1 corpus.e-f.full-model1 corpus.orthonorm-dict.f corpus.orthnorm-dict.e class.e class.f corpus.f-e.model1\n" unless $effile && -f $effile && $model1 && -f $model1 && $imodel1 && -f $imodel1 && $orthof && -f $orthof && $orthoe && -f $orthoe && -f $class_e && -f $class_f && $sparse_m1 && -f $sparse_m1;
+my %eclass = ();
+my %fclass = ();
+load_classes($class_e, \%eclass);
+load_classes($class_f, \%fclass);
+our @IDENT_BINS = qw (Ident0 Ident1 Ident2 Ident3 Ident4 Ident5 Ident6 Ident7 Ident8_9 Ident8_9 Ident10_11 Ident10_11 Ident12_14 Ident12_14 Ident12_14);
+die unless scalar @IDENT_BINS == 15;
+our $MAX_IDENT_BIN = 'IdentGT' . scalar @IDENT_BINS;
+my $MIN_MAGNITUDE = 0.001; # minimum value of a feature
+our %cache;
+open EF, "<$effile" or die;
+open M1, "<$model1" or die;
+open IM1, "<$imodel1" or die;
+open SM1, "<$sparse_m1" or die;
+my %model1;
+print STDERR "Reading model1...\n";
+my %sizes = ();
+while(<M1>) {
+  chomp;
+  my ($f, $e, $lp) = split /\s+/;
+  $model1{$f}->{$e} = sprintf("%.5g", 1e-12 + exp($lp));
+  $sizes{$f}++;
+close M1;
+my $inv_add = 0;
+my %invm1;
+print STDERR "Reading inverse model1...\n";
+my %esizes=();
+while(<IM1>) {
+  chomp;
+  my ($e, $f, $lp) = split /\s+/;
+  $invm1{$e}->{$f} = sprintf("%.5g", 1e-12 + exp($lp));
+close IM1;
+open OE, "<$orthoe" or die;
+my %oe_dict;
+while(<OE>) {
+  chomp;
+  my ($a, $b) = split / \|\|\| /, $_;
+  die "BAD: $_" unless defined $a && defined $b;
+  $oe_dict{$a} = $b;
+close OE;
+print STDERR "Reading sparse model 1 from $sparse_m1...\n";
+my %s_m1;
+while(<SM1>) {
+  chomp;
+  my ($f, $e, $lp) = split /\s+/;
+  die unless defined $e && defined $f;
+  $s_m1{$f}->{$e} = 1;
+close SM1;
+open OF, "<$orthof" or die;
+my %of_dict;
+while(<OF>) {
+  chomp;
+  my ($a, $b) = split / \|\|\| /, $_;
+  die "BAD: $_" unless defined $a && defined $b;
+  $of_dict{$a} = $b;
+close OF;
+$of_dict{'<eps>'} = '<eps>';
+$oe_dict{'<eps>'} = '<eps>';
+my $ADD_PREFIX_ID = 1;
+my $ADD_LEN = 1;
+my $ADD_SIM = 1;
+my $ADD_DICE = 1;
+my $ADD_111 = 1;
+my $ADD_SPARSE_M1 = 0; # this is a very bad feature
+my $SPARSE_111 = 1; # if 1-1-1, then don't include Model1 & Dice features
+my $ADD_ID = 1;
+my $ADD_PUNC = 1;
+my $ADD_NULL = 1;
+my $ADD_MODEL1 = 1;
+my $ADD_NOMODEL1 = 1;
+my $BEAM_RATIO = 50;
+my $BIN_ORTHO = 1;
+my $BIN_DLEN = 1;
+my $BIN_IDENT = 1;
+my $BIN_DICE = 1;
+if ($ADD_NULL) { $fclass{'<eps>'}='NUL'; $eclass{'<eps>'} ='NUL'; }
+my %fdict;
+my %fcounts;
+my %ecounts;
+my %sdict;
+while(<EF>) {
+  chomp;
+  my ($f, $e) = split /\s*\|\|\|\s*/;
+  my @es = split /\s+/, $e;
+  my @fs = split /\s+/, $f;
+  for my $ew (@es){
+    die "E: Empty word" if $ew eq '';
+    $ecounts{$ew}++;
+  }
+  push @fs, '<eps>' if $ADD_NULL;
+  my $i = 0;
+  for my $fw (@fs){
+    $i++;
+    die "F: Empty word\nI=$i FS: @fs" if $fw eq '';
+    $fcounts{$fw}++;
+  }
+  for my $fw (@fs){
+    for my $ew (@es){
+      $fdict{$fw}->{$ew}++;
+    }
+  }
+print STDERR "Extracting word pair features...\n";
+my $specials = 0;
+my $fc = 1000000;
+my $sids = 1000000;
+for my $f (sort keys %fdict) {
+  my $re = $fdict{$f};
+  my $max;
+  for my $e (sort {$re->{$b} <=> $re->{$a}} keys %$re) {
+    my $efcount = $re->{$e};
+    unless (defined $max) { $max = $efcount; }
+    my $m1 = $model1{$f}->{$e};
+    my $im1 = $invm1{$e}->{$f};
+    my $is_null = undef;
+    if ($f eq '<eps>') {
+      $is_null = 1;
+      $im1 = 0;  # probability not calcuated
+    }
+    die "No Model1 probability for $e | $f !" unless defined $m1;
+    die "No inverse Model1 probability for $f | $e !" unless defined $im1;
+    my $ident = ($e eq $f);
+    my $total_eandf = $ecounts{$e} + $fcounts{$f};
+    my $dice = 2 * $efcount / $total_eandf;
+    my @feats;
+    my $is_111 = ($efcount == 1 && $ecounts{$e} == 1 && $fcounts{$f} == 1);
+    if ($is_111 && $ADD_111) {
+      push @feats, "OneOneOne=1";
+    }
+    unless ($is_111 && $SPARSE_111) {
+      if ($ADD_SPARSE_M1 && defined $s_m1{$f}->{$e}) {
+        push @feats, "HighM1=1";
+      }
+      if (defined $m1 && $ADD_MODEL1) {
+        if ($m1 > $MIN_MAGNITUDE) {
+          push @feats, "Model1=$m1";
+          my $m1d = sprintf("%.5g", sqrt($m1 * $dice));
+          push @feats, "M1Dice=$m1d" if $m1d > $MIN_MAGNITUDE;
+        } elsif ($ADD_NOMODEL1) {
+          push @feats, 'NoModel1=1';
+        }
+        if ($im1 > $MIN_MAGNITUDE) {
+          push @feats, "InvModel1=$im1" if $im1;
+        } else {
+          push @feats, 'NoInvModel1=1';
+        }
+        my $am1 = sprintf("%.5g", sqrt($m1 * $im1));
+        push @feats, "AgrModel1=$am1" if $am1 > $MIN_MAGNITUDE;
+      }
+      if ($ADD_DICE) {
+        if ($BIN_DICE) {
+          push @feats, dicebin($dice) . '=1';
+        } else {
+          push @feats, "Dice=$dice";
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    my $oe = $oe_dict{$e};
+    die "Can't find orthonorm form for $e" unless defined $oe;
+    my $of = $of_dict{$f};
+    die "Can't find orthonorm form for $f" unless defined $of;
+    my $len_e = length($oe);
+    my $len_f = length($of);
+    if ($ADD_LEN) {
+      if (!$is_null) {
+        my $dlen = abs($len_e - $len_f);
+        if ($BIN_DLEN) {
+          push @feats, dlenbin($dlen) . '=1';
+        } else {
+          push @feats, "DLen=$dlen";
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    my $f_num = ($of =~ /^-?\d[0-9\.\,]+%?$/ && (length($of) > 3));
+    my $e_num = ($oe =~ /^-?\d[0-9\.\,]+%?$/ && (length($oe) > 3));
+    my $both_non_numeric = (!$e_num && !$f_num);
+    unless ($total_eandf > 20) {
+      if ($f_num && $e_num) {
+        my $xf = $of;
+        $xf =~ s/[.,\N{U+0087}]//g;
+        my $xe = $oe;
+        $xe =~ s/[.,\N{U+0087}]//g;
+        if (($of ne $oe) && ($xe eq $xf)) { push @feats, "NumNearIdent=1"; }
+      }
+    }
+    if ($ADD_SIM) {
+      my $ld = 0;
+      my $eff = $len_e;
+      if ($eff < $len_f) { $eff = $len_f; }
+      if (!$is_null) {
+        $ld = ($eff - levenshtein($oe, $of)) / sqrt($eff);
+      }
+      if ($BIN_ORTHO) {
+        push @feats, orthobin($ld) . '=1';
+      } else {
+        push @feats, "OrthoSim=$ld";
+      }
+    }
+    my $f_is_punc = ($f =~ /^[!,\-\/"'`:;&=+?.()\[\]«»]+$/);
+    if ($ident && $ADD_ID) {
+      if ($f_is_punc) { push @feats, "IdentPunc=1"; }
+      else {
+        if ($e =~ /\d/ && $len_e > 2) { push @feats, "IdentNumber=1"; }
+        if ($total_eandf < 8) { push @feats, "IdentRare=1"; }
+        if ($BIN_IDENT) {
+          push @feats, identbin($len_e) . '=1';
+        } else {
+          push @feats, "Identical=$len_e";
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if ($ADD_PREFIX_ID && !$ident) {
+      if ($len_e > 3 && $len_f > 3 && $both_non_numeric) { 
+        my $pe = substr $oe, 0, 3;
+        my $pf = substr $of, 0, 3;
+        if ($pe eq $pf) { push @feats, "PfxIdentical=1"; }
+      }
+    }
+    if ($ADD_PUNC) {
+      if ($f_is_punc && $e =~ /[a-z]+/) {
+        push @feats, "PuncMiss=1";
+      }
+    }
+    print "$f ||| $e ||| @feats\n";
+  }
+sub levenshtein
+    # $s1 and $s2 are the two strings
+    # $len1 and $len2 are their respective lengths
+    #
+    my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
+    my ($len1, $len2) = (length $s1, length $s2);
+    # If one of the strings is empty, the distance is the length
+    # of the other string
+    #
+    return $len2 if ($len1 == 0);
+    return $len1 if ($len2 == 0);
+    my %mat;
+    # Init the distance matrix
+    #
+    # The first row to 0..$len1
+    # The first column to 0..$len2
+    # The rest to 0
+    #
+    # The first row and column are initialized so to denote distance
+    # from the empty string
+    #
+    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $len1; ++$i)
+    {
+        for (my $j = 0; $j <= $len2; ++$j)
+        {
+            $mat{$i}{$j} = 0;
+            $mat{0}{$j} = $j;
+        }
+        $mat{$i}{0} = $i;
+    }
+    # Some char-by-char processing is ahead, so prepare
+    # array of chars from the strings
+    #
+    my @ar1 = split(//, $s1);
+    my @ar2 = split(//, $s2);
+    for (my $i = 1; $i <= $len1; ++$i)
+    {
+        for (my $j = 1; $j <= $len2; ++$j)
+        {
+            # Set the cost to 1 iff the ith char of $s1
+            # equals the jth of $s2
+            # 
+            # Denotes a substitution cost. When the char are equal
+            # there is no need to substitute, so the cost is 0
+            #
+            my $cost = ($ar1[$i-1] eq $ar2[$j-1]) ? 0 : 1;
+            # Cell $mat{$i}{$j} equals the minimum of:
+            #
+            # - The cell immediately above plus 1
+            # - The cell immediately to the left plus 1
+            # - The cell diagonally above and to the left plus the cost
+            #
+            # We can either insert a new char, delete a char or
+            # substitute an existing char (with an associated cost)
+            #
+            $mat{$i}{$j} = min([$mat{$i-1}{$j} + 1,
+                                $mat{$i}{$j-1} + 1,
+                                $mat{$i-1}{$j-1} + $cost]);
+        }
+    }
+    # Finally, the Levenshtein distance equals the rightmost bottom cell
+    # of the matrix
+    #
+    # Note that $mat{$x}{$y} denotes the distance between the substrings
+    # 1..$x and 1..$y
+    #
+    return $mat{$len1}{$len2};
+# minimal element of a list
+sub min
+    my @list = @{$_[0]};
+    my $min = $list[0];
+    foreach my $i (@list)
+    {
+        $min = $i if ($i < $min);
+    }
+    return $min;
+sub load_classes {
+  my ($file, $ref) = @_;
+  print STDERR "Reading classes from $file...\n";
+  open F, "<$file" or die "Can't read $file: $!";
+  binmode(F, ":utf8") or die;
+  while(<F>) {
+    chomp;
+    my ($word, $class) = split /\s+/;
+#    print STDERR "'$word' -> $class\n";
+    $ref->{$word} = $class;
+  }
+  close F;
+sub dicebin {
+  my $x = shift;
+  if ($x < 0.05) { return 'DiceLT005'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.05 && $x < 0.1) { return 'Dice005_01'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.1 && $x < 0.2) { return 'Dice01_02'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.2 && $x < 0.3) { return 'Dice02_03'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.3 && $x < 0.4) { return 'Dice03_04'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.4 && $x < 0.5) { return 'Dice04_05'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.5 && $x < 0.6) { return 'Dice05_06'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.6 && $x < 0.7) { return 'Dice06_07'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.7 && $x < 0.8) { return 'Dice07_08'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.8 && $x < 0.9) { return 'Dice08_09'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.9 && $x < 1.0) { return 'Dice09_10'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.0 && $x < 1.1) { return 'Dice10_11'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.1 && $x < 1.2) { return 'Dice11_12'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.2 && $x < 1.4) { return 'Dice12_14'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.4 && $x < 1.6) { return 'Dice14_16'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.6 && $x < 1.8) { return 'Dice16_18'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.8 && $x < 2.0) { return 'Dice18_20'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 2.0 && $x < 2.3) { return 'Dice20_23'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 2.3) { return 'DiceGT23'; }
+sub orthobin {
+  my $x = shift;
+  if ($x < 0.9) { return 'OrthoLT09'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 0.9 && $x < 1.1) { return 'Ortho09_11'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.1 && $x < 1.3) { return 'Ortho11_13'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.3 && $x < 1.5) { return 'Ortho13_15'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.5 && $x < 1.7) { return 'Ortho15_17'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.7 && $x < 1.9) { return 'Ortho17_19'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 1.9 && $x < 2.1) { return 'Ortho19_21'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 2.1 && $x < 2.3) { return 'Ortho21_23'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 2.3 && $x < 2.5) { return 'Ortho23_25'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 2.5 && $x < 2.7) { return 'Ortho25_27'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 2.7 && $x < 2.9) { return 'Ortho27_29'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 2.9) { return 'OrthoGT29'; }
+sub dlenbin {
+  my $x = shift;
+  if ($x == 0) { return 'DLen0'; }
+  elsif ($x == 1) { return 'DLen1'; }
+  elsif ($x == 2) { return 'DLen2'; }
+  elsif ($x == 3) { return 'DLen3'; }
+  elsif ($x == 4) { return 'DLen4'; }
+  elsif ($x == 5) { return 'DLen5'; }
+  elsif ($x == 6) { return 'DLen6'; }
+  elsif ($x == 7) { return 'DLen7'; }
+  elsif ($x == 8) { return 'DLen8'; }
+  elsif ($x == 9) { return 'DLen9'; }
+  elsif ($x >= 10) { return 'DLenGT10'; }
+sub identbin {
+  my $x = shift;
+  if ($x == 0) { die; }
+  if ($x > scalar @IDENT_BINS) { return $MAX_IDENT_BIN; }
+  return $IDENT_BINS[$x];
diff --git a/word-aligner/support/ b/word-aligner/support/
index c96071bf..47d4d945 100755
--- a/word-aligner/support/
+++ b/word-aligner/support/
@@ -4,27 +4,14 @@ use strict;
 my $LIMIT_SIZE=30;
-my ($effile, $model1, $imodel1, $orthof, $orthoe, $class_e, $class_f, $gizaf2e, $gizae2f) = @ARGV;
-die "Usage: $0 corpus.f-e.model1 corpus.e-f.model1 corpus.orthonorm-dict.f corpus.orthnorm-dict.e class.e class.f\n" unless $effile && -f $effile && $model1 && -f $model1 && $imodel1 && -f $imodel1 && $orthof && -f $orthof && $orthoe && -f $orthoe && -f $class_e && -f $class_f;
+my ($effile, $model1, $imodel1) = @ARGV;
+die "Usage: $0 corpus.f-e.model1 corpus.e-f.model1" unless $effile && -f $effile && $model1 && -f $model1 && $imodel1 && -f $imodel1;
+my $ADD_NULL = 1;
-my %eclass = ();
-my %fclass = ();
-load_classes($class_e, \%eclass);
-load_classes($class_f, \%fclass);
-our @IDENT_BINS = qw (Ident0 Ident1 Ident2 Ident3 Ident4 Ident5 Ident6 Ident7 Ident8_9 Ident8_9 Ident10_11 Ident10_11 Ident12_14 Ident12_14 Ident12_14);
-die unless scalar @IDENT_BINS == 15;
-our $MAX_IDENT_BIN = 'IdentGT' . scalar @IDENT_BINS;
-our %cache;
 open EF, "<$effile" or die;
 open M1, "<$model1" or die;
 open IM1, "<$imodel1" or die;
-#open M4, "<$gizaf2e" or die;
-#open IM4, "<$gizae2f" or die;
@@ -35,7 +22,7 @@ my %sizes = ();
 while(<M1>) {
   my ($f, $e, $lp) = split /\s+/;
-  $model1{$f}->{$e} = sprintf("%.5g", 1e-12 + exp($lp));
+  $model1{$f}->{$e} = 1;
 close M1;
@@ -47,10 +34,10 @@ my %esizes=();
 while(<IM1>) {
   my ($e, $f, $lp) = split /\s+/;
-  $invm1{$e}->{$f} = sprintf("%.5g", 1e-12 + exp($lp));
+  $invm1{$e}->{$f} = 1;
   if (($sizes{$f} or 0) < $LIMIT_SIZE && !(defined $model1{$f}->{$e})) {
-    $model1{$f}->{$e} = 1e-12;
+    $model1{$f}->{$e} = 1;
@@ -58,72 +45,9 @@ while(<IM1>) {
 close IM1;
 print STDERR "Added $inv_add from inverse model1\n";
-open M1, "<$model1" or die;
-my $dir_add = 0;
-print STDERR "Reading model1 (again) for extra inverse translations...\n";
-while(<M1>) {
-  chomp;
-  my ($f, $e, $lp) = split /\s+/;
-  if (($esizes{$e} or 0) < $LIMIT_SIZE && !(defined $invm1{$e}->{$f})) {
-    $invm1{$e}->{$f} = 1e-12;
-    $esizes{$e}++;
-    $dir_add++;
-  }
-close M1;
-print STDERR "Added $dir_add from model 1\n";
 print STDERR "Generating grammars...\n";
-open OE, "<$orthoe" or die;
-my %oe_dict;
-while(<OE>) {
-  chomp;
-  my ($a, $b) = split / \|\|\| /, $_;
-  die "BAD: $_" unless defined $a && defined $b;
-  $oe_dict{$a} = $b;
-close OE;
-open OF, "<$orthof" or die;
-my %of_dict;
-while(<OF>) {
-  chomp;
-  my ($a, $b) = split / \|\|\| /, $_;
-  die "BAD: $_" unless defined $a && defined $b;
-  $of_dict{$a} = $b;
-close OF;
-$of_dict{'<eps>'} = '<eps>';
-$oe_dict{'<eps>'} = '<eps>';
-my $ADD_PREFIX_ID = 1;
-my $ADD_LEN = 1;
-my $ADD_SIM = 1;
-my $ADD_DICE = 1;
-my $ADD_111 = 1;
-my $ADD_ID = 1;
-my $ADD_PUNC = 1;
-my $ADD_NULL = 1;
-my $ADD_MODEL1 = 1;
-my $ADD_STEM_ID = 0;
-my $ADD_SYM = 0;
-my $BEAM_RATIO = 50;
-my $BIN_ORTHO = 1;
-my $BIN_DLEN = 1;
-my $BIN_IDENT = 1;
-my $BIN_DICE = 1;
-my $ADD_FIDENT = 0;
-if ($ADD_NULL) { $fclass{'<eps>'}='NUL'; $eclass{'<eps>'} ='NUL'; }
 my %fdict;
-my %fcounts;
-my %ecounts;
-my %sdict;
 while(<EF>) {
   my ($f, $e) = split /\s*\|\|\|\s*/;
@@ -131,14 +55,12 @@ while(<EF>) {
   my @fs = split /\s+/, $f;
   for my $ew (@es){
     die "E: Empty word" if $ew eq '';
-    $ecounts{$ew}++;
   push @fs, '<eps>' if $ADD_NULL;
   my $i = 0;
   for my $fw (@fs){
     die "F: Empty word\nI=$i FS: @fs" if $fw eq '';
-    $fcounts{$fw}++;
   for my $fw (@fs){
     for my $ew (@es){
@@ -147,7 +69,6 @@ while(<EF>) {
-#print STDERR "Loading Giza output...\n";
 my %model4;
 #while(<M4>) {
 #  my $en = <M4>; chomp $en;
@@ -181,305 +102,10 @@ for my $f (sort keys %fdict) {
     my $m4 = $model4{$f}->{$e};
     my $im1 = $invm1{$e}->{$f};
     my $is_good_pair = (defined $m1 || defined $m4);
-    my $is_inv_good_pair = (defined $im1);
     my $ident = ($e eq $f);
     if ($ident) { $is_good_pair = 1; }
-    my $total_eandf = $ecounts{$e} + $fcounts{$f};
-    my $dice = 2 * $efcount / $total_eandf;
-    my @feats;
-    if ($efcount == 1 && $ecounts{$e} == 1 && $fcounts{$f} == 1) {
-      $is_good_pair = 1;
-      if ($ADD_111) {
-        push @feats, "OneOneOne=1";
-      }
-    }
     next unless $is_good_pair;
-    if (defined $m1 && $ADD_MODEL1) {
-      push @feats, "Model1=$m1";
-      my $m1d = sprintf("%.5g", sqrt($m1 * $dice));
-      push @feats, "Model1Dice=$m1d";
-    }
-    if ($ADD_MODEL1 && !defined $m1) { push @feats, "NoModel1=1"; }
-    if (defined $im1 && $ADD_MODEL1) {
-      push @feats, "InvModel1=$im1";
-    }
-    if (!defined $im1 && $ADD_MODEL1) {
-      push @feats, "NoInvModel1=1";
-    }
-    if ($ADD_FIDENT && $efcount > $MIN_FEATURE_COUNT) {
-      $fc++;
-      push @feats, "F$fc=1";
-    }
-    if ($ADD_SYM && $is_good_pair && $is_inv_good_pair) { push @feats, 'Sym=1'; }
-    my $oe = $oe_dict{$e};
-    die "Can't find orthonorm form for $e" unless defined $oe;
-    my $of = $of_dict{$f};
-    die "Can't find orthonorm form for $f" unless defined $of;
-    my $len_e = length($oe);
-    my $len_f = length($of);
-    if ($ADD_DICE) {
-      if ($BIN_DICE) {
-        push @feats, dicebin($dice) . '=1';
-      } else {
-        push @feats, "Dice=$dice";
-      }
-    }
-    my $is_null = undef;
-    if ($ADD_NULL && $f eq '<eps>') {
-      $is_null = 1;
-    }
-    if ($ADD_LEN) {
-      if (!$is_null) {
-        my $dlen = abs($len_e - $len_f);
-        if ($BIN_DLEN) {
-          push @feats, dlenbin($dlen) . '=1';
-        } else {
-          push @feats, "DLen=$dlen";
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    my $f_num = ($of =~ /^-?\d[0-9\.\,]+%?$/ && (length($of) > 3));
-    my $e_num = ($oe =~ /^-?\d[0-9\.\,]+%?$/ && (length($oe) > 3));
-    my $both_non_numeric = (!$e_num && !$f_num);
-    unless ($total_eandf > 20) {
-      if ($f_num && $e_num) {
-        my $xf = $of;
-        $xf =~ s/[.,]//g;
-        my $xe = $oe;
-        $xe =~ s/[.,]//g;
-        if (($of ne $oe) && ($xe eq $xf)) { push @feats, "NumNearIdent=1"; }
-      }
-    }
-    if ($ADD_STEM_ID) {
-      my $el = 4;
-      my $fl = 4;
-      if ($oe =~ /^al|re|co/) { $el++; }
-      if ($of =~ /^al|re|co/) { $fl++; }
-      if ($oe =~ /^trans|inter/) { $el+=2; }
-      if ($of =~ /^trans|inter/) { $fl+=2; }
-      if ($fl > length($of)) { $fl = length($of); }
-      if ($el > length($oe)) { $el = length($oe); }
-      my $sf = substr $of, 0, $fl;
-      my $se = substr $oe, 0, $el;
-      my $id = $sdict{$sf}->{$se};
-      if (!$id) {
-        $sids++;
-	$sdict{$sf}->{$se} = $sids;
-	$id = $sids;
-      }
-      push @feats, "S$id=1";
-    }
-    if ($ADD_SIM) {
-      my $ld = 0;
-      my $eff = $len_e;
-      if ($eff < $len_f) { $eff = $len_f; }
-      if (!$is_null) {
-        $ld = ($eff - levenshtein($oe, $of)) / sqrt($eff);
-      }
-      #if ($ld > 1.5) { $is_good_pair = 1; }
-      if ($BIN_ORTHO) {
-        push @feats, orthobin($ld) . '=1';
-      } else {
-        push @feats, "OrthoSim=$ld";
-      }
-    }
-    if ($ident && $ADD_ID) {
-      if ($e =~ /\d/ && $len_e > 2) { push @feats, "IdentNumber=1"; }
-      if ($total_eandf < 8) { push @feats, "IdentRare=1"; }
-      if ($BIN_IDENT) {
-        push @feats, identbin($len_e) . '=1';
-      } else {
-        push @feats, "Identical=$len_e";
-      }
-    }
-    if ($ADD_PREFIX_ID && !$ident) {
-      if ($len_e > 3 && $len_f > 3 && $both_non_numeric) { 
-        my $pe = substr $oe, 0, 3;
-        my $pf = substr $of, 0, 3;
-        if ($pe eq $pf) { push @feats, "PfxIdentical=1"; }
-      }
-    }
-    if ($ADD_PUNC) {
-      if ($f =~ /^[!,\-\/"'`:;=+?.()\[\]«»]+$/ && $e =~ /[a-z]+/) {
-        push @feats, "PuncMiss=1";
-      }
-    }
-    my $is_special = ($is_good_pair && !(defined $m1));
-    $specials++ if $is_special;
-    print STDERR "$f -> $e\n" if $is_special;
-    print "$f ||| $e ||| @feats\n" if $is_good_pair;
+    print "$f ||| $e ||| X=0\n" if $is_good_pair;
-print STDERR "Added $specials special rules that were not in the M1 set\n";
-sub levenshtein
-    # $s1 and $s2 are the two strings
-    # $len1 and $len2 are their respective lengths
-    #
-    my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
-    my ($len1, $len2) = (length $s1, length $s2);
-    # If one of the strings is empty, the distance is the length
-    # of the other string
-    #
-    return $len2 if ($len1 == 0);
-    return $len1 if ($len2 == 0);
-    my %mat;
-    # Init the distance matrix
-    #
-    # The first row to 0..$len1
-    # The first column to 0..$len2
-    # The rest to 0
-    #
-    # The first row and column are initialized so to denote distance
-    # from the empty string
-    #
-    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $len1; ++$i)
-    {
-        for (my $j = 0; $j <= $len2; ++$j)
-        {
-            $mat{$i}{$j} = 0;
-            $mat{0}{$j} = $j;
-        }
-        $mat{$i}{0} = $i;
-    }
-    # Some char-by-char processing is ahead, so prepare
-    # array of chars from the strings
-    #
-    my @ar1 = split(//, $s1);
-    my @ar2 = split(//, $s2);
-    for (my $i = 1; $i <= $len1; ++$i)
-    {
-        for (my $j = 1; $j <= $len2; ++$j)
-        {
-            # Set the cost to 1 iff the ith char of $s1
-            # equals the jth of $s2
-            # 
-            # Denotes a substitution cost. When the char are equal
-            # there is no need to substitute, so the cost is 0
-            #
-            my $cost = ($ar1[$i-1] eq $ar2[$j-1]) ? 0 : 1;
-            # Cell $mat{$i}{$j} equals the minimum of:
-            #
-            # - The cell immediately above plus 1
-            # - The cell immediately to the left plus 1
-            # - The cell diagonally above and to the left plus the cost
-            #
-            # We can either insert a new char, delete a char or
-            # substitute an existing char (with an associated cost)
-            #
-            $mat{$i}{$j} = min([$mat{$i-1}{$j} + 1,
-                                $mat{$i}{$j-1} + 1,
-                                $mat{$i-1}{$j-1} + $cost]);
-        }
-    }
-    # Finally, the Levenshtein distance equals the rightmost bottom cell
-    # of the matrix
-    #
-    # Note that $mat{$x}{$y} denotes the distance between the substrings
-    # 1..$x and 1..$y
-    #
-    return $mat{$len1}{$len2};
-# minimal element of a list
-sub min
-    my @list = @{$_[0]};
-    my $min = $list[0];
-    foreach my $i (@list)
-    {
-        $min = $i if ($i < $min);
-    }
-    return $min;
-sub load_classes {
-  my ($file, $ref) = @_;
-  print STDERR "Reading classes from $file...\n";
-  open F, "<$file" or die "Can't read $file: $!";
-  binmode(F, ":utf8") or die;
-  while(<F>) {
-    chomp;
-    my ($word, $class) = split /\s+/;
-#    print STDERR "'$word' -> $class\n";
-    $ref->{$word} = $class;
-  }
-  close F;
-sub dicebin {
-  my $x = shift;
-  if ($x < 0.05) { return 'DiceLT005'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.05 && $x < 0.1) { return 'Dice005_01'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.1 && $x < 0.2) { return 'Dice01_02'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.2 && $x < 0.3) { return 'Dice02_03'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.3 && $x < 0.4) { return 'Dice03_04'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.4 && $x < 0.5) { return 'Dice04_05'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.5 && $x < 0.6) { return 'Dice05_06'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.6 && $x < 0.7) { return 'Dice06_07'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.7 && $x < 0.8) { return 'Dice07_08'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.8 && $x < 0.9) { return 'Dice08_09'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.9 && $x < 1.0) { return 'Dice09_10'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.0 && $x < 1.1) { return 'Dice10_11'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.1 && $x < 1.2) { return 'Dice11_12'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.2 && $x < 1.4) { return 'Dice12_14'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.4 && $x < 1.6) { return 'Dice14_16'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.6 && $x < 1.8) { return 'Dice16_18'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.8 && $x < 2.0) { return 'Dice18_20'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 2.0 && $x < 2.3) { return 'Dice20_23'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 2.3) { return 'DiceGT23'; }
-sub orthobin {
-  my $x = shift;
-  if ($x < 0.9) { return 'OrthoLT09'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 0.9 && $x < 1.1) { return 'Ortho09_11'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.1 && $x < 1.3) { return 'Ortho11_13'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.3 && $x < 1.5) { return 'Ortho13_15'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.5 && $x < 1.7) { return 'Ortho15_17'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.7 && $x < 1.9) { return 'Ortho17_19'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 1.9 && $x < 2.1) { return 'Ortho19_21'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 2.1 && $x < 2.3) { return 'Ortho21_23'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 2.3 && $x < 2.5) { return 'Ortho23_25'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 2.5 && $x < 2.7) { return 'Ortho25_27'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 2.7 && $x < 2.9) { return 'Ortho27_29'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 2.9) { return 'OrthoGT29'; }
-sub dlenbin {
-  my $x = shift;
-  if ($x == 0) { return 'DLen0'; }
-  elsif ($x == 1) { return 'DLen1'; }
-  elsif ($x == 2) { return 'DLen2'; }
-  elsif ($x == 3) { return 'DLen3'; }
-  elsif ($x == 4) { return 'DLen4'; }
-  elsif ($x == 5) { return 'DLen5'; }
-  elsif ($x == 6) { return 'DLen6'; }
-  elsif ($x == 7) { return 'DLen7'; }
-  elsif ($x == 8) { return 'DLen8'; }
-  elsif ($x == 9) { return 'DLen9'; }
-  elsif ($x >= 10) { return 'DLenGT10'; }
-sub identbin {
-  my $x = shift;
-  if ($x == 0) { die; }
-  if ($x > scalar @IDENT_BINS) { return $MAX_IDENT_BIN; }
-  return $IDENT_BINS[$x];
cgit v1.2.3