From e26434979adc33bd949566ba7bf02dff64e80a3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Dyer <>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 00:19:43 -0400
Subject: cdec cleanup, remove bayesian stuff, parsing stuff

 jam-files/engine/execnt.c | 1296 ---------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1296 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 jam-files/engine/execnt.c

(limited to 'jam-files/engine/execnt.c')

diff --git a/jam-files/engine/execnt.c b/jam-files/engine/execnt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 76420451..00000000
--- a/jam-files/engine/execnt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1296 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 1993, 1995 Christopher Seiwald.
- *
- * This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information.
- */
-/*  This file is ALSO:
- *  Copyright 2001-2004 David Abrahams.
- *  Copyright 2007 Rene Rivera.
- *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
- *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
- */
-#include "jam.h"
-#include "lists.h"
-#include "execcmd.h"
-#include "pathsys.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "output.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#ifdef USE_EXECNT
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <process.h>
-#include <tlhelp32.h>
- * execnt.c - execute a shell command on Windows NT
- *
- * If $(JAMSHELL) is defined, uses that to formulate execvp()/spawnvp().
- * The default is:
- *
- *  /bin/sh -c %        [ on UNIX/AmigaOS ]
- *  cmd.exe /c %        [ on Windows NT ]
- *
- * Each word must be an individual element in a jam variable value.
- *
- * In $(JAMSHELL), % expands to the command string and ! expands to
- * the slot number (starting at 1) for multiprocess (-j) invocations.
- * If $(JAMSHELL) doesn't include a %, it is tacked on as the last
- * argument.
- *
- * Don't just set JAMSHELL to /bin/sh or cmd.exe - it won't work!
- *
- * External routines:
- *  exec_cmd() - launch an async command execution.
- *  exec_wait() - wait and drive at most one execution completion.
- *
- * Internal routines:
- *  onintr() - bump intr to note command interruption.
- *
- * 04/08/94 (seiwald) - Coherent/386 support added.
- * 05/04/94 (seiwald) - async multiprocess interface
- * 01/22/95 (seiwald) - $(JAMSHELL) support
- * 06/02/97 (gsar)    - full async multiprocess support for Win32
- */
-/* get the maximum command line length according to the OS */
-int maxline();
-/* delete and argv list */
-static void free_argv(char**);
-/* Convert a command string into arguments for spawnvp. */
-static char** string_to_args(const char*);
-/* bump intr to note command interruption */
-static void onintr(int);
-/* If the command is suitable for execution via spawnvp */
-long can_spawn(char*);
-/* Add two 64-bit unsigned numbers, h1l1 and h2l2 */
-static FILETIME add_64(
-    unsigned long h1, unsigned long l1,
-    unsigned long h2, unsigned long l2);
-/* Convert a FILETIME to a number of seconds */
-static double filetime_seconds(FILETIME t);
-/* record the timing info for the process */
-static void record_times(HANDLE, timing_info*);
-/* calc the current running time of an *active* process */
-static double running_time(HANDLE);
-/* */
-DWORD get_process_id(HANDLE);
-/* terminate the given process, after terminating all its children */
-static void kill_process_tree(DWORD, HANDLE);
-/* waits for a command to complete or for the given timeout, whichever is first */
-static int try_wait(int timeoutMillis);
-/* reads any pending output for running commands */
-static void read_output();
-/* checks if a command ran out of time, and kills it */
-static int try_kill_one();
-/* */
-static double creation_time(HANDLE);
-/* Recursive check if first process is parent (directly or indirectly) of
-the second one. */
-static int is_parent_child(DWORD, DWORD);
-/* */
-static void close_alert(HANDLE);
-/* close any alerts hanging around */
-static void close_alerts();
-/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
-static int intr = 0;
-static int cmdsrunning = 0;
-static void (* istat)( int );
-/* The list of commands we run. */
-static struct
-    string action;   /* buffer to hold action */
-    string target;   /* buffer to hold target */
-    string command;  /* buffer to hold command being invoked */
-    /* Temporary batch file used to execute the action when needed. */
-    char * tempfile_bat;
-    /* Pipes for communicating with the child process. Parent reads from (0),
-     * child writes to (1).
-     */
-    HANDLE pipe_out[ 2 ];
-    HANDLE pipe_err[ 2 ];
-    string              buffer_out;   /* buffer to hold stdout, if any */
-    string              buffer_err;   /* buffer to hold stderr, if any */
-    PROCESS_INFORMATION pi;           /* running process information */
-    DWORD               exit_code;    /* executed command's exit code */
-    int                 exit_reason;  /* reason why a command completed */
-    /* Function called when the command completes. */
-    void (* func)( void * closure, int status, timing_info *, char *, char * );
-    /* Opaque data passed back to the 'func' callback called when the command
-     * completes.
-     */
-    void * closure;
-cmdtab[ MAXJOBS ] = { { 0 } };
- * Execution unit tests.
- */
-void execnt_unit_test()
-#if !defined( NDEBUG )
-    /* vc6 preprocessor is broken, so assert with these strings gets confused.
-     * Use a table instead.
-     */
-    typedef struct test { char * command; int result; } test;
-    test tests[] = {
-        { "x", 0 },
-        { "x\n ", 0 },
-        { "x\ny", 1 },
-        { "x\n\n y", 1 },
-        { "echo x >", 1 },
-        { "echo x <", 1 },
-        { "echo x \">\"", 0 },
-        { "echo x \"<\"", 0 },
-        { "echo x \\\">\\\"", 1 },
-        { "echo x \\\"<\\\"", 1 } };
-    int i;
-    for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( tests ) / sizeof( *tests ); ++i )
-        assert( !can_spawn( tests[ i ].command ) == tests[ i ].result );
-    {
-        char * long_command = BJAM_MALLOC_ATOMIC( MAXLINE + 10 );
-        assert( long_command != 0 );
-        memset( long_command, 'x', MAXLINE + 9 );
-        long_command[ MAXLINE + 9 ] = 0;
-        assert( can_spawn( long_command ) == MAXLINE + 9 );
-        BJAM_FREE( long_command );
-    }
-    {
-        /* Work around vc6 bug; it doesn't like escaped string
-         * literals inside assert
-         */
-        char * * argv = string_to_args(" \"g++\" -c -I\"Foobar\"" );
-        char const expected[] = "-c -I\"Foobar\"";
-        assert( !strcmp( argv[ 0 ], "g++" ) );
-        assert( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], expected ) );
-        free_argv( argv );
-    }
- * exec_cmd() - launch an async command execution.
- */
-void exec_cmd
-    char * command,
-    void (* func)( void * closure, int status, timing_info *, char * invoked_command, char * command_output ),
-    void * closure,
-    LIST * shell,
-    char * action,
-    char * target
-    int      slot;
-    int      raw_cmd = 0 ;
-    char   * argv_static[ MAXARGC + 1 ];  /* +1 for NULL */
-    char * * argv = argv_static;
-    char   * p;
-    char   * command_orig = command;
-    /* Check to see if we need to hack around the line-length limitation. Look
-     * for a JAMSHELL setting of "%", indicating that the command should be
-     * invoked directly.
-     */
-    if ( shell && !strcmp( shell->string, "%" ) && !list_next( shell ) )
-    {
-        raw_cmd = 1;
-        shell = 0;
-    }
-    /* Find a slot in the running commands table for this one. */
-    for ( slot = 0; slot < MAXJOBS; ++slot )
-        if ( !cmdtab[ slot ].pi.hProcess )
-            break;
-    if ( slot == MAXJOBS )
-    {
-        printf( "no slots for child!\n" );
-        exit( EXITBAD );
-    }
-    /* Compute the name of a temp batch file, for possible use. */
-    if ( !cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile_bat )
-    {
-        char const * tempdir = path_tmpdir();
-        DWORD procID = GetCurrentProcessId();
-        /* SVA - allocate 64 bytes extra just to be safe. */
-        cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile_bat = BJAM_MALLOC_ATOMIC( strlen( tempdir ) + 64 );
-        sprintf( cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile_bat, "%s\\jam%d-%02d.bat",
-            tempdir, procID, slot );
-    }
-    /* Trim leading, -ending- white space */
-    while ( *( command + 1 ) && isspace( *command ) )
-        ++command;
-    /* Write to .BAT file unless the line would be too long and it meets the
-     * other spawnability criteria.
-     */
-    if ( raw_cmd && ( can_spawn( command ) >= MAXLINE ) )
-    {
-        if ( DEBUG_EXECCMD )
-            printf("Executing raw command directly\n");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        FILE * f = 0;
-        int tries = 0;
-        raw_cmd = 0;
-        /* Write command to bat file. For some reason this open can fail
-         * intermitently. But doing some retries works. Most likely this is due
-         * to a previously existing file of the same name that happens to be
-         * opened by an active virus scanner. Pointed out and fixed by Bronek
-         * Kozicki.
-         */
-        for ( ; !f && ( tries < 4 ); ++tries )
-        {
-            f = fopen( cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile_bat, "w" );
-            if ( !f && ( tries < 4 ) ) Sleep( 250 );
-        }
-        if ( !f )
-        {
-            printf( "failed to write command file!\n" );
-            exit( EXITBAD );
-        }
-        fputs( command, f );
-        fclose( f );
-        command = cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile_bat;
-        if ( DEBUG_EXECCMD )
-        {
-            if ( shell )
-                printf( "using user-specified shell: %s", shell->string );
-            else
-                printf( "Executing through .bat file\n" );
-        }
-    }
-    /* Formulate argv; If shell was defined, be prepared for % and ! subs.
-     * Otherwise, use stock cmd.exe.
-     */
-    if ( shell )
-    {
-        int i;
-        char jobno[ 4 ];
-        int gotpercent = 0;
-        sprintf( jobno, "%d", slot + 1 );
-        for ( i = 0; shell && ( i < MAXARGC ); ++i, shell = list_next( shell ) )
-        {
-            switch ( shell->string[ 0 ] )
-            {
-                case '%': argv[ i ] = command; ++gotpercent; break;
-                case '!': argv[ i ] = jobno; break;
-                default : argv[ i ] = shell->string;
-            }
-            if ( DEBUG_EXECCMD )
-                printf( "argv[%d] = '%s'\n", i, argv[ i ] );
-        }
-        if ( !gotpercent )
-            argv[ i++ ] = command;
-        argv[ i ] = 0;
-    }
-    else if ( raw_cmd )
-    {
-        argv = string_to_args( command );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        argv[ 0 ] = "cmd.exe";
-        argv[ 1 ] = "/Q/C";  /* anything more is non-portable */
-        argv[ 2 ] = command;
-        argv[ 3 ] = 0;
-    }
-    /* Catch interrupts whenever commands are running. */
-    if ( !cmdsrunning++ )
-        istat = signal( SIGINT, onintr );
-    /* Start the command. */
-    {
-            = { sizeof( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ), 0, 0 };
-        STARTUPINFO si
-            = { sizeof( STARTUPINFO ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-        string cmd;
-        /* Init the security data. */
-        InitializeSecurityDescriptor( &sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION );
-        SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( &sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE );
-        sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd;
-        sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
-        /* Create the stdout, which is also the merged out + err, pipe. */
-        if ( !CreatePipe( &cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_out[ 0 ],
-            &cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_out[ 1 ], &sa, 0 ) )
-        {
-            perror( "CreatePipe" );
-            exit( EXITBAD );
-        }
-        /* Create the stdout, which is also the merged out+err, pipe. */
-        if ( globs.pipe_action == 2 )
-        {
-            if ( !CreatePipe( &cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_err[ 0 ],
-                &cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_err[ 1 ], &sa, 0 ) )
-            {
-                perror( "CreatePipe" );
-                exit( EXITBAD );
-            }
-        }
-        /* Set handle inheritance off for the pipe ends the parent reads from. */
-        SetHandleInformation( cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_out[ 0 ], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );
-        if ( globs.pipe_action == 2 )
-            SetHandleInformation( cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_err[ 0 ], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );
-        /* Hide the child window, if any. */
-        si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
-        si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
-        /* Set the child outputs to the pipes. */
-        si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
-        si.hStdOutput = cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_out[ 1 ];
-        if ( globs.pipe_action == 2 )
-        {
-            /* Pipe stderr to the action error output. */
-            si.hStdError = cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_err[ 1 ];
-        }
-        else if ( globs.pipe_action == 1 )
-        {
-            /* Pipe stderr to the console error output. */
-            si.hStdError = GetStdHandle( STD_ERROR_HANDLE );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Pipe stderr to the action merged output. */
-            si.hStdError = cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_out[ 1 ];
-        }
-        /* Let the child inherit stdin, as some commands assume it's available. */
-        si.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
-        /* Save the operation for exec_wait() to find. */
-        cmdtab[ slot ].func = func;
-        cmdtab[ slot ].closure = closure;
-        if ( action && target )
-        {
-            string_copy( &cmdtab[ slot ].action, action );
-            string_copy( &cmdtab[ slot ].target, target );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            string_free( &cmdtab[ slot ].action );
-            string_new ( &cmdtab[ slot ].action );
-            string_free( &cmdtab[ slot ].target );
-            string_new ( &cmdtab[ slot ].target );
-        }
-        string_copy( &cmdtab[ slot ].command, command_orig );
-        /* Put together the command we run. */
-        {
-            char * * argp = argv;
-            string_new( &cmd );
-            string_copy( &cmd, *(argp++) );
-            while ( *argp )
-            {
-                string_push_back( &cmd, ' ' );
-                string_append( &cmd, *(argp++) );
-            }
-        }
-        /* Create output buffers. */
-        string_new( &cmdtab[ slot ].buffer_out );
-        string_new( &cmdtab[ slot ].buffer_err );
-        /* Run the command by creating a sub-process for it. */
-        if (
-            ! CreateProcess(
-                NULL                    ,  /* application name               */
-                cmd.value               ,  /* command line                   */
-                NULL                    ,  /* process attributes             */
-                NULL                    ,  /* thread attributes              */
-                TRUE                    ,  /* inherit handles                */
-                CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP,  /* create flags                   */
-                NULL                    ,  /* env vars, null inherits env    */
-                NULL                    ,  /* current dir, null is our       */
-                                           /* current dir                    */
-                &si                     ,  /* startup info                   */
-                &cmdtab[ slot ].pi         /* child process info, if created */
-                )
-            )
-        {
-            perror( "CreateProcess" );
-            exit( EXITBAD );
-        }
-        /* Clean up temporary stuff. */
-        string_free( &cmd );
-    }
-    /* Wait until we are under the limit of concurrent commands. Do not trust
-     * alone.
-     */
-    while ( ( cmdsrunning >= MAXJOBS ) || ( cmdsrunning >= ) )
-        if ( !exec_wait() )
-            break;
-    if ( argv != argv_static )
-        free_argv( argv );
- * exec_wait()
- *  * wait and drive at most one execution completion.
- *  * waits for one command to complete, while processing the i/o for all
- *    ongoing commands.
- *
- *   Returns 0 if called when there were no more commands being executed or 1
- * otherwise.
- */
-int exec_wait()
-    int i = -1;
-    /* Handle naive make1() which does not know if cmds are running. */
-    if ( !cmdsrunning )
-        return 0;
-    /* Wait for a command to complete, while snarfing up any output. */
-    do
-    {
-        /* Check for a complete command, briefly. */
-        i = try_wait(500);
-        /* Read in the output of all running commands. */
-        read_output();
-        /* Close out pending debug style dialogs. */
-        close_alerts();
-        /* Check if a command ran out of time. */
-        if ( i < 0 ) i = try_kill_one();
-    }
-    while ( i < 0 );
-    /* We have a command... process it. */
-    --cmdsrunning;
-    {
-        timing_info time;
-        int rstat;
-        /* The time data for the command. */
-        record_times( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess, &time );
-        /* Clear the temp file. */
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].tempfile_bat )
-        {
-            unlink( cmdtab[ i ].tempfile_bat );
-            BJAM_FREE( cmdtab[ i ].tempfile_bat );
-            cmdtab[ i ].tempfile_bat = NULL;
-        }
-        /* Find out the process exit code. */
-        GetExitCodeProcess( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess, &cmdtab[ i ].exit_code );
-        /* The dispossition of the command. */
-        if ( intr )
-            rstat = EXEC_CMD_INTR;
-        else if ( cmdtab[ i ].exit_code != 0 )
-            rstat = EXEC_CMD_FAIL;
-        else
-            rstat = EXEC_CMD_OK;
-        /* Output the action block. */
-        out_action(
-            cmdtab[ i ].action.size     > 0 ? cmdtab[ i ].action.value     : 0,
-            cmdtab[ i ].target.size     > 0 ? cmdtab[ i ].target.value     : 0,
-            cmdtab[ i ].command.size    > 0 ? cmdtab[ i ].command.value    : 0,
-            cmdtab[ i ].buffer_out.size > 0 ? cmdtab[ i ].buffer_out.value : 0,
-            cmdtab[ i ].buffer_err.size > 0 ? cmdtab[ i ].buffer_err.value : 0,
-            cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason );
-        /* Call the callback, may call back to jam rule land. Assume -p0 in
-         * effect so only pass buffer containing merged output.
-         */
-        (*cmdtab[ i ].func)(
-            cmdtab[ i ].closure,
-            rstat,
-            &time,
-            cmdtab[ i ].command.value,
-            cmdtab[ i ].buffer_out.value );
-        /* Clean up the command data, process, etc. */
-        string_free( &cmdtab[ i ].action  ); string_new( &cmdtab[ i ].action  );
-        string_free( &cmdtab[ i ].target  ); string_new( &cmdtab[ i ].target  );
-        string_free( &cmdtab[ i ].command ); string_new( &cmdtab[ i ].command );
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess   ) { CloseHandle( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess   ); cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess   = 0; }
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hThread    ) { CloseHandle( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hThread    ); cmdtab[ i ].pi.hThread    = 0; }
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_out[ 0 ] ) { CloseHandle( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_out[ 0 ] ); cmdtab[ i ].pipe_out[ 0 ] = 0; }
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_out[ 1 ] ) { CloseHandle( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_out[ 1 ] ); cmdtab[ i ].pipe_out[ 1 ] = 0; }
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_err[ 0 ] ) { CloseHandle( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_err[ 0 ] ); cmdtab[ i ].pipe_err[ 0 ] = 0; }
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_err[ 1 ] ) { CloseHandle( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_err[ 1 ] ); cmdtab[ i ].pipe_err[ 1 ] = 0; }
-        string_free( &cmdtab[ i ].buffer_out ); string_new( &cmdtab[ i ].buffer_out );
-        string_free( &cmdtab[ i ].buffer_err ); string_new( &cmdtab[ i ].buffer_err );
-        cmdtab[ i ].exit_code = 0;
-        cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason = EXIT_OK;
-    }
-    return 1;
-/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
-static void free_argv( char * * args )
-    BJAM_FREE( args[ 0 ] );
-    BJAM_FREE( args );
- * For more details on Windows cmd.exe shell command-line length limitations see
- * the following MSDN article:
- *;en-us;830473
- */
-int maxline()
-    OSVERSIONINFO os_info;
-    os_info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( os_info );
-    GetVersionEx( &os_info );
-    if ( os_info.dwMajorVersion >= 5 ) return 8191; /* XP >     */
-    if ( os_info.dwMajorVersion == 4 ) return 2047; /* NT 4.x   */
-    return 996;                                     /* NT 3.5.1 */
- * Convert a command string into arguments for spawnvp(). The original code,
- * inherited from ftjam, tried to break up every argument on the command-line,
- * dealing with quotes, but that is really a waste of time on Win32, at least.
- * It turns out that all you need to do is get the raw path to the executable in
- * the first argument to spawnvp(), and you can pass all the rest of the
- * command-line arguments to spawnvp() in one, un-processed string.
- *
- * New strategy: break the string in at most one place.
- */
-static char * * string_to_args( char const * string )
-    int            src_len;
-    int            in_quote;
-    char         * line;
-    char   const * src;
-    char         * dst;
-    char *       * argv;
-    /* Drop leading and trailing whitespace if any. */
-    while ( isspace( *string ) )
-        ++string;
-    src_len = strlen( string );
-    while ( ( src_len > 0 ) && isspace( string[ src_len - 1 ] ) )
-        --src_len;
-    /* Copy the input string into a buffer we can modify. */
-    line = (char *)BJAM_MALLOC_ATOMIC( src_len + 1 );
-    if ( !line )
-        return 0;
-    /* Allocate the argv array.
-     *   element 0: stores the path to the executable
-     *   element 1: stores the command-line arguments to the executable
-     *   element 2: NULL terminator
-     */
-    argv = (char * *)BJAM_MALLOC( 3 * sizeof( char * ) );
-    if ( !argv )
-    {
-        BJAM_FREE( line );
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* Strip quotes from the first command-line argument and find where it ends.
-     * Quotes are illegal in Win32 pathnames, so we do not need to worry about
-     * preserving escaped quotes here. Spaces can not be escaped in Win32, only
-     * enclosed in quotes, so removing backslash escapes is also a non-issue.
-     */
-    in_quote = 0;
-    for ( src = string, dst = line ; *src; ++src )
-    {
-        if ( *src == '"' )
-            in_quote = !in_quote;
-        else if ( !in_quote && isspace( *src ) )
-            break;
-        else
-            *dst++ = *src;
-    }
-    *dst++ = 0;
-    argv[ 0 ] = line;
-    /* Skip whitespace in src. */
-    while ( isspace( *src ) )
-        ++src;
-    argv[ 1 ] = dst;
-    /* Copy the rest of the arguments verbatim. */
-    src_len -= src - string;
-    /* Use strncat() because it appends a trailing nul. */
-    *dst = 0;
-    strncat( dst, src, src_len );
-    argv[ 2 ] = 0;
-    return argv;
-static void onintr( int disp )
-    ++intr;
-    printf( "...interrupted\n" );
- * can_spawn() - If the command is suitable for execution via spawnvp(), return
- * a number >= the number of characters it would occupy on the command-line.
- * Otherwise, return zero.
- */
-long can_spawn( char * command )
-    char * p;
-    char inquote = 0;
-    /* Move to the first non-whitespace. */
-    command += strspn( command, " \t" );
-    p = command;
-    /* Look for newlines and unquoted i/o redirection. */
-    do
-    {
-        p += strcspn( p, "'\n\"<>|" );
-        switch ( *p )
-        {
-        case '\n':
-            /* Skip over any following spaces. */
-            while ( isspace( *p ) )
-                ++p;
-            /* Must use a .bat file if there is anything significant following
-             * the newline.
-             */
-            if ( *p )
-                return 0;
-            break;
-        case '"':
-        case '\'':
-            if ( ( p > command ) && ( p[ -1 ] != '\\' ) )
-            {
-                if ( inquote == *p )
-                    inquote = 0;
-                else if ( inquote == 0 )
-                    inquote = *p;
-            }
-            ++p;
-            break;
-        case '<':
-        case '>':
-        case '|':
-            if ( !inquote )
-                return 0;
-            ++p;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    while ( *p );
-    /* Return the number of characters the command will occupy. */
-    return p - command;
-/* 64-bit arithmetic helpers. */
-/* Compute the carry bit from the addition of two 32-bit unsigned numbers. */
-#define add_carry_bit( a, b ) ( (((a) | (b)) >> 31) & (~((a) + (b)) >> 31) & 0x1 )
-/* Compute the high 32 bits of the addition of two 64-bit unsigned numbers, h1l1 and h2l2. */
-#define add_64_hi( h1, l1, h2, l2 ) ((h1) + (h2) + add_carry_bit(l1, l2))
- * Add two 64-bit unsigned numbers, h1l1 and h2l2.
- */
-static FILETIME add_64
-    unsigned long h1, unsigned long l1,
-    unsigned long h2, unsigned long l2
-    FILETIME result;
-    result.dwLowDateTime = l1 + l2;
-    result.dwHighDateTime = add_64_hi( h1, l1, h2, l2 );
-    return result;
-    return add_64( t1.dwHighDateTime, t1.dwLowDateTime, t2.dwHighDateTime,
-        t2.dwLowDateTime );
-    /* 2s complement negation */
-    return add_64( ~t.dwHighDateTime, ~t.dwLowDateTime, 0, 1 );
- * Convert a FILETIME to a number of seconds.
- */
-static double filetime_seconds( FILETIME t )
-    return t.dwHighDateTime * ( (double)( 1UL << 31 ) * 2.0 * 1.0e-7 ) + t.dwLowDateTime * 1.0e-7;
- * What should be a simple conversion, turns out to be horribly complicated by
- * the defficiencies of MSVC and the Win32 API.
- */
-static time_t filetime_dt( FILETIME t_utc )
-    static int calc_time_diff = 1;
-    static double time_diff;
-    if ( calc_time_diff )
-    {
-        struct tm t0_;
-        FILETIME f0_local;
-        FILETIME f0_;
-        SYSTEMTIME s0_;
-        GetSystemTime( &s0_ );
-        t0_.tm_year = s0_.wYear-1900;
-        t0_.tm_mon = s0_.wMonth-1;
-        t0_.tm_wday = s0_.wDayOfWeek;
-        t0_.tm_mday = s0_.wDay;
-        t0_.tm_hour = s0_.wHour;
-        t0_.tm_min = s0_.wMinute;
-        t0_.tm_sec = s0_.wSecond;
-        t0_.tm_isdst = 0;
-        SystemTimeToFileTime( &s0_, &f0_local );
-        LocalFileTimeToFileTime( &f0_local, &f0_ );
-        time_diff = filetime_seconds( f0_ ) - (double)mktime( &t0_ );
-        calc_time_diff = 0;
-    }
-    return ceil( filetime_seconds( t_utc ) - time_diff );
-static void record_times( HANDLE process, timing_info * time )
-    FILETIME creation;
-    FILETIME exit;
-    FILETIME kernel;
-    FILETIME user;
-    if ( GetProcessTimes( process, &creation, &exit, &kernel, &user ) )
-    {
-        time->system = filetime_seconds( kernel   );
-        time->user   = filetime_seconds( user     );
-        time->start  = filetime_dt     ( creation );
-        time->end    = filetime_dt     ( exit     );
-    }
-#define IO_BUFFER_SIZE ( 16 * 1024 )
-static char ioBuffer[ IO_BUFFER_SIZE + 1 ];
-static void read_pipe
-    HANDLE   in,  /* the pipe to read from */
-    string * out
-    DWORD bytesInBuffer = 0;
-    DWORD bytesAvailable = 0;
-    do
-    {
-        /* check if we have any data to read */
-        if ( !PeekNamedPipe( in, ioBuffer, IO_BUFFER_SIZE, &bytesInBuffer, &bytesAvailable, NULL ) )
-            bytesAvailable = 0;
-        /* read in the available data */
-        if ( bytesAvailable > 0 )
-        {
-            /* we only read in the available bytes, to avoid blocking */
-            if ( ReadFile( in, ioBuffer,
-                bytesAvailable <= IO_BUFFER_SIZE ? bytesAvailable : IO_BUFFER_SIZE,
-                &bytesInBuffer, NULL ) )
-            {
-                if ( bytesInBuffer > 0 )
-                {
-                    /* Clean up some illegal chars. */
-                    int i;
-                    for ( i = 0; i < bytesInBuffer; ++i )
-                    {
-                        if ( ( (unsigned char)ioBuffer[ i ] < 1 ) )
-                            ioBuffer[ i ] = '?';
-                    }
-                    /* Null, terminate. */
-                    ioBuffer[ bytesInBuffer ] = '\0';
-                    /* Append to the output. */
-                    string_append( out, ioBuffer );
-                    /* Subtract what we read in. */
-                    bytesAvailable -= bytesInBuffer;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    /* Likely read a error, bail out. */
-                    bytesAvailable = 0;
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* Definitely read a error, bail out. */
-                bytesAvailable = 0;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    while ( bytesAvailable > 0 );
-static void read_output()
-    int i;
-    for ( i = 0; i < && i < MAXJOBS; ++i )
-    {
-        /* Read stdout data. */
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_out[ 0 ] )
-            read_pipe( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_out[ 0 ], & cmdtab[ i ].buffer_out );
-        /* Read stderr data. */
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_err[ 0 ] )
-            read_pipe( cmdtab[ i ].pipe_err[ 0 ], & cmdtab[ i ].buffer_err );
-    }
- * Waits for a single child process command to complete, or the timeout,
- * whichever comes first. Returns the index of the completed command in the
- * cmdtab array, or -1.
- */
-static int try_wait( int timeoutMillis )
-    int i;
-    int num_active;
-    int wait_api_result;
-    HANDLE active_handles[ MAXJOBS ];
-    int active_procs[ MAXJOBS ];
-    /* Prepare a list of all active processes to wait for. */
-    for ( num_active = 0, i = 0; i <; ++i )
-    {
-        if ( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess )
-        {
-            active_handles[ num_active ] = cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess;
-            active_procs[ num_active ] = i;
-            ++num_active;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Wait for a child to complete, or for our timeout window to expire. */
-    wait_api_result = WaitForMultipleObjects( num_active, active_handles,
-        FALSE, timeoutMillis );
-    if ( ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 <= wait_api_result ) &&
-        ( wait_api_result < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + num_active ) )
-    {
-        /* Rerminated process detected - return its index. */
-        return active_procs[ wait_api_result - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ];
-    }
-    /* Timeout. */
-    return -1;
-static int try_kill_one()
-    /* Only need to check if a timeout was specified with the -l option. */
-    if ( globs.timeout > 0 )
-    {
-        int i;
-        for ( i = 0; i <; ++i )
-        {
-            double t = running_time( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess );
-            if ( t > (double)globs.timeout )
-            {
-                /* The job may have left an alert dialog around, try and get rid
-                 * of it before killing
-                 */
-                close_alert( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess );
-                /* We have a "runaway" job, kill it. */
-                kill_process_tree( 0, cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess );
-                /* And return it marked as a timeout. */
-                cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason = EXIT_TIMEOUT;
-                return i;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return -1;
-static void close_alerts()
-    /* We only attempt this every 5 seconds, or so, because it is not a cheap
-     * operation, and we will catch the alerts eventually. This check uses
-     * floats as some compilers define CLOCKS_PER_SEC as a float or double.
-     */
-    if ( ( (float)clock() / (float)( CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 5 ) ) < ( 1.0 / 5.0 ) )
-    {
-        int i;
-        for ( i = 0; i <; ++i )
-            close_alert( cmdtab[ i ].pi.hProcess );
-    }
- * Calc the current running time of an *active* process.
- */
-static double running_time( HANDLE process )
-    FILETIME creation;
-    FILETIME exit;
-    FILETIME kernel;
-    FILETIME user;
-    FILETIME current;
-    if ( GetProcessTimes( process, &creation, &exit, &kernel, &user ) )
-    {
-        /* Compute the elapsed time. */
-        GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &current );
-        return filetime_seconds( add_FILETIME( current,
-            negate_FILETIME( creation ) ) );
-    }
-    return 0.0;
-/* It is just stupidly silly that one has to do this. */
-    LONG  ExitStatus;
-    PVOID PebBaseAddress;
-    ULONG AffinityMask;
-    LONG  BasePriority;
-    ULONG UniqueProcessId;
-    ULONG InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;
-typedef LONG (__stdcall * NtQueryInformationProcess__)(
-    HANDLE ProcessHandle,
-    LONG ProcessInformationClass,
-    PVOID ProcessInformation,
-    ULONG ProcessInformationLength,
-    PULONG ReturnLength);
-static NtQueryInformationProcess__ NtQueryInformationProcess_ = NULL;
-DWORD get_process_id( HANDLE process )
-    if ( !NtQueryInformationProcess_ )
-    {
-        if ( ! NTDLL_ )
-            NTDLL_ = GetModuleHandleA( "ntdll" );
-        if ( NTDLL_ )
-            NtQueryInformationProcess_
-                = (NtQueryInformationProcess__)GetProcAddress( NTDLL_, "NtQueryInformationProcess" );
-    }
-    if ( NtQueryInformationProcess_ )
-    {
-        LONG r = (*NtQueryInformationProcess_)( process,
-            /* ProcessBasicInformation == */ 0, &pinfo,
-            sizeof( PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION_ ), NULL );
-        return pinfo.UniqueProcessId;
-    }
-    return 0;
- * Not really optimal, or efficient, but it is easier this way, and it is not
- * like we are going to be killing thousands, or even tens of processes.
- */
-static void kill_process_tree( DWORD pid, HANDLE process )
-    HANDLE process_snapshot_h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
-    if ( !pid )
-        pid = get_process_id( process );
-    process_snapshot_h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
-    if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != process_snapshot_h )
-    {
-        BOOL ok = TRUE;
-        PROCESSENTRY32 pinfo;
-        pinfo.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );
-        for (
-            ok = Process32First( process_snapshot_h, &pinfo );
-            ok == TRUE;
-            ok = Process32Next( process_snapshot_h, &pinfo ) )
-        {
-            if ( pinfo.th32ParentProcessID == pid )
-            {
-                /* Found a child, recurse to kill it and anything else below it.
-                 */
-                HANDLE ph = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE,
-                    pinfo.th32ProcessID );
-                if ( NULL != ph )
-                {
-                    kill_process_tree( pinfo.th32ProcessID, ph );
-                    CloseHandle( ph );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        CloseHandle( process_snapshot_h );
-    }
-    /* Now that the children are all dead, kill the root. */
-    TerminateProcess( process, -2 );
-static double creation_time( HANDLE process )
-    FILETIME creation;
-    FILETIME exit;
-    FILETIME kernel;
-    FILETIME user;
-    FILETIME current;
-    return GetProcessTimes( process, &creation, &exit, &kernel, &user )
-        ? filetime_seconds( creation )
-        : 0.0;
- * Recursive check if first process is parent (directly or indirectly) of the
- * second one. Both processes are passed as process ids, not handles. Special
- * return value 2 means that the second process is smss.exe and its parent
- * process is System (first argument is ignored).
- */
-static int is_parent_child( DWORD parent, DWORD child )
-    HANDLE process_snapshot_h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
-    if ( !child )
-        return 0;
-    if ( parent == child )
-        return 1;
-    process_snapshot_h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
-    if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != process_snapshot_h )
-    {
-        BOOL ok = TRUE;
-        PROCESSENTRY32 pinfo;
-        pinfo.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );
-        for (
-            ok = Process32First( process_snapshot_h, &pinfo );
-            ok == TRUE;
-            ok = Process32Next( process_snapshot_h, &pinfo ) )
-        {
-            if ( pinfo.th32ProcessID == child )
-            {
-                /* Unfortunately, process ids are not really unique. There might
-                 * be spurious "parent and child" relationship match between two
-                 * non-related processes if real parent process of a given
-                 * process has exited (while child process kept running as an
-                 * "orphan") and the process id of such parent process has been
-                 * reused by internals of the operating system when creating
-                 * another process.
-                 *
-                 * Thus additional check is needed - process creation time. This
-                 * check may fail (i.e. return 0) for system processes due to
-                 * insufficient privileges, and that is OK.
-                 */
-                double tchild = 0.0;
-                double tparent = 0.0;
-                HANDLE hchild = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pinfo.th32ProcessID );
-                CloseHandle( process_snapshot_h );
-                /* csrss.exe may display message box like following:
-                 *   xyz.exe - Unable To Locate Component
-                 *   This application has failed to start because
-                 *   boost_foo-bar.dll was not found. Re-installing the
-                 *   application may fix the problem
-                 * This actually happens when starting test process that depends
-                 * on a dynamic library which failed to build. We want to
-                 * automatically close these message boxes even though csrss.exe
-                 * is not our child process. We may depend on the fact that (in
-                 * all current versions of Windows) csrss.exe is directly child
-                 * of the smss.exe process, which in turn is directly child of
-                 * the System process, which always has process id == 4. This
-                 * check must be performed before comparison of process creation
-                 * times.
-                 */
-                if ( !stricmp( pinfo.szExeFile, "csrss.exe" ) &&
-                    ( is_parent_child( parent, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID ) == 2 ) )
-                    return 1;
-                if ( !stricmp( pinfo.szExeFile, "smss.exe" ) &&
-                    ( pinfo.th32ParentProcessID == 4 ) )
-                    return 2;
-                if ( hchild )
-                {
-                    HANDLE hparent = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
-                        FALSE, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID );
-                    if ( hparent )
-                    {
-                        tchild = creation_time( hchild );
-                        tparent = creation_time( hparent );
-                        CloseHandle( hparent );
-                    }
-                    CloseHandle( hchild );
-                }
-                /* Return 0 if one of the following is true:
-                 *  1. we failed to read process creation time
-                 *  2. child was created before alleged parent
-                 */
-                if ( ( tchild == 0.0 ) || ( tparent == 0.0 ) ||
-                    ( tchild < tparent ) )
-                    return 0;
-                return is_parent_child( parent, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID ) & 1;
-            }
-        }
-        CloseHandle( process_snapshot_h );
-    }
-    return 0;
- * This function is called by the operating system for each topmost window.
- */
-BOOL CALLBACK close_alert_window_enum( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam )
-    char buf[ 7 ] = { 0 };
-    DWORD pid = 0;
-    DWORD tid = 0;
-    /* We want to find and close any window that:
-     *  1. is visible and
-     *  2. is a dialog and
-     *  3. is displayed by any of our child processes
-     */
-    if ( !IsWindowVisible( hwnd ) )
-        return TRUE;
-    if ( !GetClassNameA( hwnd, buf, sizeof( buf ) ) )
-        return TRUE;  /* Failed to read class name; presume it is not a dialog. */
-    if ( strcmp( buf, "#32770" ) )
-        return TRUE;  /* Not a dialog */
-    /* GetWindowThreadProcessId() returns 0 on error, otherwise thread id of
-     * window message pump thread.
-     */
-    tid = GetWindowThreadProcessId( hwnd, &pid );
-    if ( tid && is_parent_child(, pid ) )
-    {
-        /* Ask really nice. */
-        PostMessageA( hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );
-        /* Now wait and see if it worked. If not, insist. */
-        if ( WaitForSingleObject( p.h, 200 ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
-        {
-            PostThreadMessageA( tid, WM_QUIT, 0, 0 );
-            WaitForSingleObject( p.h, 300 );
-        }
-        /* Done, we do not want to check any other window now. */
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-static void close_alert( HANDLE process )
-    DWORD pid = get_process_id( process );
-    /* If process already exited or we just can not get its process id, do not
-     * go any further.
-     */
-    if ( pid )
-    {
-        p.h = process;
- = pid;
-        EnumWindows( &close_alert_window_enum, (LPARAM)&p );
-    }
-#endif /* USE_EXECNT */
cgit v1.2.3