From 2d3948b98bb9e8c7bad60f1acd99ff0b42b3ae30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Dyer <cdyer@Chriss-MacBook-Air.local>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 00:58:44 -0500
Subject: guard against direct includes of tr1

 decoder/ff_dwarf.h | 100 -----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 100 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 decoder/ff_dwarf.h

(limited to 'decoder/ff_dwarf.h')

diff --git a/decoder/ff_dwarf.h b/decoder/ff_dwarf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6a7da6..00000000
--- a/decoder/ff_dwarf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include "ff.h"
-#include "dwarf.h"
-#include "lattice.h"
-using namespace std;
-class Dwarf : public FeatureFunction {
- public:
-  Dwarf(const std::string& param);
-  /* State-related param
-     STATE_SIZE: the number of ints 
-     MAXIMUM_ALIGNMENTS: the maximum number of alignments in the states, 
-                         each alignment point is encoded in one int 
-                         (the first two bytes for source, and the remaining one for target)
-  */
-  static const int STATE_SIZE=53; 
-  static const int IMPOSSIBLY_LARGE_POS = 9999999;
-  static const int MAXIMUM_ALIGNMENTS=37;
-  /* Read from file the Orientation(Source|Target model parameter. */ 
-  static bool readOrientation(CountTable* table, const std::string& filename, std::map<WordID,int> *fw, bool pos=false);
-  /* Read from file the Dominance(Source|Target) model parameter. */ 
-  static bool readDominance(CountTable* table, const std::string& filename, std::map<WordID,int> *fw, bool pos=false);
-  static bool readList(const std::string& filename, std::map<WordID,int>* fw);     
-  static double IntegerToDouble(int val);
-  static int DoubleToInteger(double val);
-  bool readTags(const std::string& filename, std::map<WordID,WordID>* tags);
-  bool generalizeOrientation(CountTable* table, const std::map<WordID,WordID>& tags, bool pos=false);  
-  bool generalizeDominance(CountTable* table, const std::map<WordID,WordID>& tags, bool pos=false);  
-  static void stripIndex(const string& source, string* pkey, string* pidx) {
-    if (DEBUG) cerr << "    stripIndex(" << source << ")" << endl;
-    int found = source.find_last_of("/");
-    string idx = source.substr(found+1);
-    string key = source.substr(0,found);
-    if (DEBUG) cerr << "      found=" << found << "," << key << "," << idx << endl;
-    pkey = &key;
-    pidx = &idx;
-  }
- protected:
-  /* The high-level workflow is as follow:
-     1. call *als->prepare*, which constructs the full alignment of the edge while taking into account the antecedents
-        also in this call, function words are identified. Most of the work in this call is to make sure the indexes 
-        of the alignments (including the function words) are consistent with the newly created alignment
-     2. call *als->computeOrientationSource*, *als->computeOrientationTarget*, 
-        *als->computeDominanceSource*, or *als->computeDominanceTarget*
-        and pass the resulting score to either *features* or to *estimated_features*
-     3. call *als->BorderingSFWsOnly()* and *als->BorderingTFWsOnly()*, which removes records of all function word
-        alignments except those at the borders. Note that fw alignments kept may be more than two on each side
-        for examples if there are a number of unaligned fw alignments before the leftmost alignment or the rightmost one
-     4. call *als->simplify()*, which assigns the state of this edge (*context*). It simplifies the alignment space to 
-        its most compact representation, enough to compute the unscored models. This is done by observing the surviving
-        function word alignments set by 3.
-  */ 
-  void TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& smeta,
-                                     const HG::Edge& edge,
-                                     const std::vector<const void*>& ant_contexts,
-                                     SparseVector<double>* features,
-                                     SparseVector<double>* estimated_features,
-                                     void* context) const;
- private:
-  Alignment* als;
-  /* Feature IDs set by calling FD::Convert(model's string) */
-  int oris_, oris_bo1_, oris_bo2_, orit_, orit_bo1_, orit_bo2_;
-  int oris_backward_, orit_backward_, porislr_, porisrl_, goris_, pgorislr_, pgorisrl_;
-  int pdomslr_, pdomsrl_, pgdomslr_, pgdomsrl_;
-  int doms_, doms_bo1_, doms_bo2_, domt_, domt_bo1_, domt_bo2_;
-  int tfw_count_;
-  int bdoms_; 
-  int poris_count;
-  int pgoris_count;
-  int poris_nlr, poris_nrl; // maximum depth (1->from the beginning of the sentence, 2-> from the end of the sentence)
-  int pgoris_nlr, pgoris_nrl;
-  int pdoms_nlr, pdoms_nrl;
-  int pgdoms_nlr, pgdoms_nrl;
-  int* _sent_id;
-  int* _fwcount;
-  WordID kSOS;
-  WordID kEOS;
-  string sSOS;
-  string sEOS;
-  WordID kGOAL;
-  /* model's flag, if set true will invoke the model scoring */
-  bool flag_oris, flag_orit, flag_doms, flag_domt, flag_tfw_count, flag_oris_backward, flag_orit_backward, flag_bdoms;
-  bool flag_porislr, flag_porisrl, flag_goris, flag_pgorislr, flag_pgorisrl;
-  bool explicit_soseos;
-  bool flag_pdomslr, flag_pdomsrl, flag_pgdomslr, flag_pgdomsrl, flag_gdoms;
-  /* a collection of Source function words (sfw) and Target function words (tfw) */
-  std::map<WordID,int> sfw;
-  std::map<WordID,int> tfw;
-  std::map<WordID,WordID> tags;
-  /* a collection of model's parameter */
-  CountTable toris, torit, tdoms, tbdoms, tdomt, tporislr, tporisrl, tgoris, tpgorislr, tpgorisrl;
-  CountTable tpdomslr, tpdomsrl, tpgdomslr, tpgdomsrl;
-  void neighboringFWs(const Lattice& l, const int& i, const int& j, const map<WordID,int>& fw_hash, int* lfw, int* rfw);
cgit v1.2.3