OpenCV - Qt Integration ======================= This code sample shows the basics to display OpenCV's matrix (`cv::Mat`) within a Qt GUI. The code simply load the `flughahn.jpg` image from the `assets/` directory and display it using the `QLabel` widget. ![Screenshot]( Within the `python/` directory, you will see the same code written in Python. Compiling --------- Open `` and modify the variables to match with your system. For example, you might need to modify the paths for the includes and libraries especially if you're on Windows. INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_imgcodecs Change your working directory and compile the code by typing: qmake make If everything is ok, it will produce an executable: `ImageViewer` (Linux), `ImageViewer.exe` (Windows), or `` (Mac). Run the executable and you will see the GUI like the screenshot above. Known Issues ------------ The code using relative path to locate the input image: img = cv::imread("../assets/flughahn.jpg"); If the program cannot display the image and shows the "Cannot load the input image!" warning, try to use absolute path instead. For example: img = cv::imread("/full/path/to/flughahn.jpg");