## Clamz configuration file ## Default format for output filenames. This may contain any of ## the following variables: ## ## ${title} ${creator} ${album} ${tracknum} ${album_artist} ## ${genre} ${discnum} ${suffix} ${asin} ${album_asin} ## ## The name format may also contain slashes, if you'd like to ## categorize your files in subdirectories. NameFormat "${tracknum} - ${title}.${suffix}" ## The base directory in which to store downloaded music. ## If unset, it defaults to the current directory. # OutputDir "/home/me/Music" ## Set to True to allow uppercase in filenames. ## False to convert to lowercase. AllowUppercase True ## Set to True to output UTF-8 filenames, False to output ASCII only, ## UseLocale to check the system locale setting. AllowUTF8 UseLocale ## The set of ASCII characters which are disallowed. (Control ## characters and slashes are always disallowed.) ForbidChars "!\"$*:;<>?\\`|~"