#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'sqlite3' def main db = SQLite3::Database.new ARGV[0] devices = db.execute "select distinct device_location_primary, device_location_secondary FROM power" puts devices.to_s exit devices.reject! { |i| not ["office", "living_room", "guest_restroom", "kitchen", "bedroom_2"].include? i[0] } start_date = Date.new(2021,01,01).to_time.to_i end_date = Date.new(2021,01,30).to_time.to_i totals = {} totals.default = 0.0 devices.sort_by{|i| i[0] }.each { |device| puts "select TOTAL, TIMESTAMP from power WHERE TIMESTAMP >= #{start_date} and TIMESTAMP <= #{end_date} AND DEVICE_LOCATION_PRIMARY = '#{device[0]}' AND DEVICE_LOCATION_SECONDARY = '#{device[1]}' ORDER BY TIMESTAMP ASC LIMIT 1" exit first = db.execute "select TOTAL, TIMESTAMP from power WHERE TIMESTAMP >= #{start_date} and TIMESTAMP <= #{end_date} AND DEVICE_LOCATION_PRIMARY = '#{device[0]}' AND DEVICE_LOCATION_SECONDARY = '#{device[1]}' ORDER BY TIMESTAMP ASC LIMIT 1" last = db.execute "select TOTAL, TIMESTAMP from power WHERE TIMESTAMP >= #{start_date} and TIMESTAMP <= #{end_date} AND DEVICE_LOCATION_PRIMARY = '#{device[0]}' AND DEVICE_LOCATION_SECONDARY = '#{device[1]}' ORDER BY TIMESTAMP DESC LIMIT 1" if first.size > 0 and last.size > 0 #puts "#{Time.at(first[0][1])} --- #{Time.at(last[0][1])}" #puts "#{first[0][0]} ::: #{last[0][0]}" kwh = last[0][0] - first[0][0] #puts "#{device.join '/'}: #{kwh.round 0} kW/h" #puts totals[device[0]] += kwh end } puts "TOTAL for #{start_date} - #{end_date}: #{totals.values.inject(:+).round 0} kW/h" puts "\nBy Room" puts "-------" totals.each_key { |k| puts " #{k}: #{totals[k].round 0} kW/h" } db.close end main